Genus Stachys in Family Lamiaceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Pick a Species to see its components:
Stachys × ambigua
Stachys × burrii
Stachys × cryptadenia
Stachys acerosa
Stachys aculeolata
2 -
Stachys adulterina
Stachys aegyptiaca
Stachys aethiopica
Stachys affinis
Stachys agraria
Stachys ajugoides
2 -
Stachys albanica
Stachys albens
Stachys albicaulis
Stachys albiflora
Stachys albotomentosa
1 -
Stachys aleurites
Stachys alopecuros
1 -
Stachys alpigena
2 -
Stachys alpina
1 -
Stachys amanica
Stachys anamurensis
Stachys andongensis
Stachys angustifolia
Stachys anisochila
Stachys annua
4 -
Stachys antalyensis
Stachys aperta
Stachys appalachiana
Stachys arabica
Stachys arachnoidea
Stachys araucana
Stachys arenaria
1 -
Stachys arenariiformis
Stachys argillicola
2 -
Stachys aristata
Stachys arrecta
Stachys arriagana
Stachys arvensis
Stachys aspera
Stachys asperata
Stachys atherocalyx
Stachys aucheri
Stachys aurea
Stachys babunensis
Stachys bakeri
Stachys balansae
Stachys balensis
Stachys ballotiformis
Stachys bayburtensis
Stachys baytopiorum
Stachys beckeana
Stachys benthamiana
Stachys bergii
Stachys betoniciflora
Stachys biflora
Stachys bigelovii
Stachys bithynica
Stachys bizensis
Stachys bodeana
Stachys bogotensis
Stachys bolusii
Stachys bombycina
Stachys boraginoides
Stachys brachiata
Stachys brachyclada
Stachys bridgesii
Stachys bullata
Stachys burchelliana
Stachys burgsdorffioides
1 -
Stachys buttleri
Stachys byzantina
Stachys caffra
Stachys calcicola
Stachys candida
Stachys canescens
Stachys carduchorum
Stachys caroliniana
Stachys cataonica
Stachys chamissonis
2 -
Stachys chasmosericea
Stachys chinensis
Stachys choruhensis
Stachys chrysantha
Stachys circinata
Stachys citrina
2 -
Stachys clingmanii
Stachys coccinea
Stachys collina
Stachys comosa
Stachys cordata
Stachys cordifolia
Stachys corsica
Stachys costaricensis
Stachys cretica
7 -
Stachys cuneata
Stachys cydni
Stachys cymbalaria
Stachys darcyana
Stachys debilis
Stachys didymantha
Stachys digenea
Stachys dinteri
Stachys discolor
Stachys distans
2 -
Stachys diversifolia
Stachys dregeana
Stachys drummondii
Stachys durandiana
Stachys duriaei
Stachys ehrenbergii
Stachys elliptica
Stachys eplingii
Stachys erectiuscula
Stachys eremicola
Stachys eriantha
Stachys euadenia
Stachys euboica
Stachys fendleri
Stachys filifolia
Stachys flavescens
Stachys flexuosa
Stachys floccosa
Stachys floridana
Stachys fominii
Stachys fontqueri
Stachys forsythii
Stachys fragillima
Stachys fruticulosa
1 -
Stachys geobombycis
Stachys germanica
5 -
Stachys gilliesii
Stachys glandulibracteata
Stachys glandulifera
Stachys glandulosa
Stachys glandulosissima
Stachys globosa
Stachys glutinosa
Stachys gossweileri
Stachys goulimyi
Stachys graciliflora
Stachys graeca
Stachys grandidentata
Stachys grandifolia
Stachys graveolens
Stachys guyoniana
Stachys hakkariensis
Stachys hamata
Stachys harleyana
Stachys hebens
Stachys heraclea
Stachys herrerae
Stachys herrerana
Stachys hians
Stachys hildebrandtii
Stachys hintoniorum
Stachys hispida
Stachys hissarica
Stachys huber-morathii
Stachys huetii
Stachys huillensis
Stachys humbertii
Stachys humifusa
Stachys hydrophila
Stachys hyssopifolia
Stachys hyssopoides
Stachys iberica
3 -
Stachys iltisii
Stachys inanis
Stachys inclusa
Stachys inflata
1 -
Stachys intermedia
Stachys ionica
Stachys iraqensis
Stachys iva
Stachys jaimehintonii
Stachys jijigaensis
Stachys keerlii
Stachys kermanshahensis
Stachys ketenoglui
Stachys komarovii
Stachys kotschyi
Stachys kouyangensis
Stachys kulalensis
Stachys kuntzei
Stachys kurdica
3 -
Stachys lamarckii
Stachys lamioides
Stachys langmaniae
Stachys lanigera
Stachys latidens
Stachys lavandulifolia
Stachys laxa
Stachys leucoglossa
1 -
Stachys leucomalla
Stachys libanotica
Stachys lindenii
Stachys linearis
Stachys longespicata
Stachys longiflora
Stachys lyallii
Stachys macraei
Stachys macrantha
Stachys macrostachya
Stachys macrotricha
Stachys manantlanensis
Stachys mandoniana
Stachys marashica
Stachys mardinensis
Stachys maritima
Stachys marrubiifolia
Stachys matthewsii
Stachys mayorii
Stachys megalodonta
2 -
Stachys melampyroides
Stachys melissifolia
Stachys menthifolia
Stachys menthoides
Stachys mexicana
Stachys mialhesii
Stachys milani
Stachys minor
Stachys mirabilis
Stachys mohinora
Stachys mollissima
Stachys moorei
Stachys mouretii
Stachys mucronata
Stachys multicaulis
Stachys munzurdagensis
Stachys musilii
Stachys namazdaghensis
Stachys natalensis
2 -
Stachys nelsonii
Stachys nemorivaga
Stachys nepetifolia
Stachys nepetifolia
Stachys nephrophylla
Stachys neurocalycina
Stachys nigricans
Stachys nivea
Stachys nubilorum
Stachys obliqua
Stachys oblongifolia
2 -
Stachys obscura
Stachys obtusicrena
Stachys obtusifolia
Stachys ochroleuca
Stachys ocymastrum
1 -
Stachys officinalis
3 -
Stachys oligantha
Stachys oreophila
Stachys pacifica
Stachys palaestina
Stachys palustris
Stachys paneiana
Stachys pannosa
Stachys parolinii
Stachys pauli
Stachys penanevada
Stachys persica
Stachys peruviana
Stachys petrokosmos
Stachys philippiana
Stachys pilifera
1 -
Stachys pilosa
2 -
Stachys pilosissima
Stachys pinardi
Stachys pinetorum
Stachys pittieri
Stachys plumosa
2 -
Stachys pradica
Stachys pringlei
Stachys pseudobombycina
Stachys pseudohumifusa
3 -
Stachys pseudonigricans
Stachys pseudophlomis
Stachys pseudopinardii
Stachys pubescens
Stachys pumila
Stachys pusilla
Stachys pycnantha
Stachys pyramidalis
Stachys radicans
Stachys ramosissima
Stachys recta
7 -
Stachys rehmannii
Stachys reptans
Stachys reticulata
Stachys riederi
3 -
Stachys rigida
2 -
Stachys riparia
Stachys rivularis
Stachys rizeensis
Stachys rosea
Stachys rothrockii
Stachys rotundifolia
Stachys rubella
Stachys rudatisii
Stachys rugosa
Stachys rupestris
Stachys salisii
Stachys sanchezii
Stachys sandersii
Stachys saturejoides
Stachys saxicola
3 -
Stachys scaberula
Stachys scabrida
Stachys scardica
Stachys schimperi
Stachys schtschegleevii
Stachys serbica
Stachys sericantha
Stachys sericea
Stachys sericophylla
Stachys sessilifolia
Stachys sessilis
Stachys setifera
2 -
Stachys simplex
Stachys sintenisii
Stachys sivasica
Stachys sparsipilosa
Stachys spathulata
Stachys spectabilis
1 -
Stachys speluncarum
Stachys sphaerodonta
Stachys spinosa
Stachys spinulosa
Stachys spreitzenhoferi
1 -
Stachys sprucei
Stachys spruneri
Stachys stebbinsii
Stachys stricta
Stachys strictiflora
1 -
Stachys subaphylla
Stachys sublobata
Stachys subnuda
Stachys swainsonii
3 -
Stachys sylvatica
Stachys taliensis
Stachys talyschensis
Stachys tamaulipana
Stachys tenerrima
Stachys tenuifolia
Stachys tetragona
Stachys thirkei
Stachys thracica
Stachys thunbergii
Stachys tmolea
Stachys torresii
Stachys tournefortii
Stachys trichophylla
Stachys trinervis
Stachys truncata
Stachys tubulosa
Stachys tundjeliensis
Stachys turcomanica
Stachys turkestanica
Stachys turkestanica
Stachys turneri
Stachys tymphaea
Stachys tysonii
Stachys uniflora
Stachys urticoides
Stachys venezuelana
Stachys venulosa
Stachys veroniciformis
Stachys virgata
Stachys viscosa
Stachys viticina
Stachys vulnerabilis
Stachys vuralii
Stachys willemsei
Stachys woronowii
Stachys xanthantha
Stachys yemenensis
Stachys yildirimlii
Stachys zepcensis
Stachys zeyheri
Stachys zoharyana