Privacy Policy
Welcome to PlantaeDB!
Your privacy is important to us and we do our best to ensure it.
Most parts of the PlantaeDB platform are freely accessible without the need for registration but in
order to provide you with the best experience we need you to register (adding new info and so on).
For the registration form we require only a valid e-mail address, an username and a password, the rest
of the details are optional.
E-mail address
We collect your e-mail address when you register, subscribe on our newsletter, leave a comment or use
the contact form.
We don't share with anyone (excepting MailChimp which handles our newsletter service) your e-mail
address. This is a fact, we hate spam as much as you!
Your Internet browser has the in-built facility for storing small files called "cookies" that hold
information which allows a website to recognise your account.
Our website takes advantage of this facility to enhance your experience. You have the ability to prevent
your computer from accepting cookies but, if you do, certain functionality on the website may be
impaired and some features will be impossible to use.
Third Party Advertisers
Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site.
Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites
and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and
content network privacy policy.
Changes to this Policy
Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be placed here and will supersede this version of our Policy.
We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any changes in our Policy. However, to be on the
safe side, we suggest that you read this document each time you use the website to ensure that it still
meets with your approval.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you want to know what information we have
collected about you, please email us using the contact form
You can also correct any factual errors in that information or require us to remove your details form
any list under our control.