Clinopodium menthifolium subsp. menthifolium

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Internal ID UUID6440322ba3e67028165191
Scientific name Clinopodium menthifolium subsp. menthifolium
First published in Unknown

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000892413
Canadensys 6366
Tropicos 100169677
Flora of Italy 4593
iNaturalist 558273
GBIF 7096204

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Sedating and antipyretic activity of the essential oil of Calamintha sylvatica subsp. ascendens. Ortiz de Urbina AV, Martín ML, Montero MJ, Morán A, San Román L J Ethnopharmacol 01-Apr-1989
Pharmacologic screening and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Calamintha sylvatica subsp. ascendens. Ortiz de Urbina AV, Martín ML, Montero MJ, Carrón R, San Román L J Ethnopharmacol 01-Jul-1988

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Acyclic monoterpenoids
Myrcene 31253 Click to see CC(=CCCC(=C)C=C)C 136.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Aromatic monoterpenoids
(+)-Menthofuran 442478 Click to see CC1CCC2=C(C1)OC=C2C 150.22 unknown
Menthofuran 329983 Click to see CC1CCC2=C(C1)OC=C2C 150.22 unknown
p-CYMENE 7463 Click to see CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)C 134.22 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Bicyclic monoterpenoids
alpha-PINENE 6654 Click to see CC1=CCC2CC1C2(C)C 136.23 unknown
beta-Pinene 14896 Click to see CC1(C2CCC(=C)C1C2)C 136.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Menthane monoterpenoids
(+)-Menthone 443159 Click to see CC1CCC(C(=O)C1)C(C)C 154.25 unknown
Isomenthol 6432468 Click to see CC1CCC(C(C1)O)C(C)C 156.26 unknown
Isomenthone, (+/-)- 6432469 Click to see CC1CCC(C(=O)C1)C(C)C 154.25 unknown
Menthol 1254 Click to see CC1CCC(C(C1)O)C(C)C 156.26 unknown
p-Menthan-3-one 6986 Click to see CC1CCC(C(=O)C1)C(C)C 154.25 unknown
Pulegone 442495 Click to see CC1CCC(=C(C)C)C(=O)C1 152.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids
Caryophyllene 5281515 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=C)C2CC(C2CC1)(C)C 204.35 unknown
Caryophyllene,alpha + beta mixt. 5354499 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=C)C2CC(C2CC1)(C)C 204.35 unknown

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