Baccharis tricuneata - Unknown
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Details Top

Internal ID UUID643fccb72a589796647452
Scientific name Baccharis tricuneata
Authority Pers.
First published in Syn. Pl. 2(2): 424 (1807)

Description Top

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Erigeron tricuneatus L.f. Suppl. Pl. : 368 (1782)
Baccharis tolimensis Hieron. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21(3): 343 (1895)
Baccharis cuneifolia Wendl. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. 1: 177, 179. 1840
Baccharis microphylla Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. 4(14): 43 (ed. fol.) (1818)
Baccharis tridentata Gaudich. Fl. Mal. 15.
Baccharis variifolia Hieron. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28(5): 591 (1901)
Conyza tricuneata Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4 , 3: 1946 (1803)
Brickellia microphylla Hieron. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28(5): 583 (1901)
Baccharis microphylla var. pulverulenta Rusby Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3(3): 56 (1893)
Baccharis mucuchiesensis Hieron. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21(3): 342 (1895)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
Spanish papataya
Danish magellankorsrod
Quechua china t'ula

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Baccharis tricuneata var. callaensis Cuatrec. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 77: 140 (1964)
Baccharis tricuneata var. lineata (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 13(50): 214 (1969)
Baccharis tricuneata var. paramorum Cuatrec. Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 13(49): 37 (1967)
Baccharis tricuneata var. robusta Cuatrec. Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 13(50): 215 (1969)
Baccharis tricuneata var. ruiziana Cuatrec. Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 13(50): 214 (1969)

Subvarieties (abbr. subvar.) Top

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Forms (abbr. f.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Baccharis tricuneata f. angusta Cuatrec. Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 13(50): 215 (1969)
Baccharis tricuneata f. callaensis Cuatrec. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 77: 140 (1964)

Germination/Propagation Top

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No germination or propagation data was added yet.

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Southern America
    • Northern South America
      • Venezuela
    • Western South America
      • Colombia
      • Ecuador
      • Peru

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000065501
Tropicos 2733106
The Plant List gcc-22413
Open Tree Of Life 5739044
NCBI Taxonomy 1715999
IPNI 183814-1
iNaturalist 545873
GBIF 3129202

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Traditional medicine in Incahuasi: An ethnobotanical study Morales Ramos JG, León-Figueroa DA, Picón Pérez MS, Arbulú Ballesteros MA, Llontop Ynga EG, Coaguila Cusicanqui LA, Morales Ramírez SM, Chirinos Ríos CA F1000Res 31-Aug-2023
Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Chinese endemic species of Aster batangensis (Asteraceae: Astereae) and its phylogenetic implications Xie J, Yong Y, Li T, Lv Y, Zou L, Li T, Li Z, Fu Z Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 15-Oct-2021
Ecosystem services show variable responses to future climate conditions in the Colombian páramos Diazgranados M, Tovar C, Etherington TR, Rodríguez-Zorro PA, Castellanos-Castro C, Galvis Rueda M, Flantua SG PeerJ 03-May-2021
The complete chloroplast genome of Aster hypoleucus (Asteraceae: Astereae): an endemic species from China Wang Q, Wang XH, Yang XC, Fu LF, Gong QJ, Fu ZX Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 19-Jul-2019
Species Identification of Conyza bonariensis Assisted by Chloroplast Genome Sequencing Wang A, Wu H, Zhu X, Lin J Front Genet 11-Sep-2018
Astonishing diversity—the medicinal plant markets of Bogotá, Colombia Bussmann RW, Paniagua Zambrana NY, Romero C, Hart RE J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 20-Jun-2018
Subject Index N/A 01-Jan-2005
Cytotoxic activity of five compounds isolated from Colombian plants. Cordero CP, Gómez-González S, León-Acosta CJ, Morantes-Medina SJ, Aristizabal FA Fitoterapia 01-Mar-2004
Bacchotricuneatin A und B, zwei neue diterpenlactone aus baccharis tricuneata var. tric. Hildebert Wagner, Renate Seitz, Vedantha Mohan Chari, Hermann Lotter, Werner Herz Elsevier BV 25-Jul-2002
Ent-Labdanes from Baccharis Sternbergiana Ferdinand Bohlmann, Cornelius Scheidges, Christa Zdero, Robert M. King, Harold Robinson Elsevier BV 25-Jul-2002
Cytotoxic constituents of Baccharis gaudichaudiana. Fullas F, Hussain RA, Chai HB, Pezzuto JM, Soejarto DD, Kinghorn AD J Nat Prod 01-Jun-1994

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Benzenoids / Benzene and substituted derivatives / Acetophenones
Acetic acid 2-((R)-5-acetyl-2,3-dihydro-benzofuran-2-yl)-allyl ester 489943 Click to see CC(=O)C1=CC2=C(C=C1)OC(C2)C(=C)COC(=O)C 260.28 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids
1,4,8-Cycloundecatriene, 2,6,6,9-tetramethyl-, (1E,4E,8E)- 23204 Click to see CC1=CCC(C=CCC(=CCC1)C)(C)C 204.35 unknown
Humulene 5281520 Click to see CC1=CCC(C=CCC(=CCC1)C)(C)C 204.35 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids / Bicyclogermacrane and isolepidozane sesquiterpenoids
(1S,2E,10R)-3,7,11,11-tetramethylbicyclo[8.1.0]undeca-2,6-diene 44583886 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=CC2C(C2(C)C)CC1)C 204.35 unknown
Bicyclogermacrene 13894537 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=CC2C(C2(C)C)CC1)C 204.35 unknown
Bicyclogermacrene 5315347 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=CC2C(C2(C)C)CC1)C 204.35 unknown
CID 522276 522276 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=CC2C(C2(C)C)CC1)C 204.35 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids / Germacrane sesquiterpenoids
Germacrene D 5317570 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=C)C=CC(CC1)C(C)C 204.35 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Terpene lactones / Diterpene lactones
(5'R,6aS,7R,8R,10aS)-5'-(furan-3-yl)-8-methylspiro[5,6,6a,8,9,10-hexahydro-1H-benzo[d][2]benzofuran-7,3'-oxolane]-2',3-dione 162957467 Click to see CC1CCC23COC(=O)C2=CCCC3C14CC(OC4=O)C5=COC=C5 342.40 unknown
Bacchotricuneatin B 326833 Click to see CC1CCC23COC(=O)C2=CCCC3C14CC(OC4=O)C5=COC=C5 342.40 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Triterpenoids
Epifriedelanol 119242 Click to see CC1C(CCC2C1(CCC3C2(CCC4(C3(CCC5(C4CC(CC5)(C)C)C)C)C)C)C)O 428.70 unknown
Friedelin 91472 Click to see CC1C(=O)CCC2C1(CCC3C2(CCC4(C3(CCC5(C4CC(CC5)(C)C)C)C)C)C)C 426.70 unknown
Friedelinol 101341 Click to see CC1C(CCC2C1(CCC3C2(CCC4(C3(CCC5(C4CC(CC5)(C)C)C)C)C)C)C)O 428.70 unknown
Ursolic Acid 64945 Click to see CC1CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CCC(C5(C)C)O)C)C)C2C1C)C)C(=O)O 456.70 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Steroids and steroid derivatives / Stigmastanes and derivatives
17-(5-ethyl-6-methylheptan-2-yl)-10,13-dimethyl-2,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-dodecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-ol 86821 Click to see CCC(CCC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2CC=C4C3(CCC(C4)O)C)C)C(C)C 414.70 unknown
> Organoheterocyclic compounds / Naphthopyrans
(1R,4S,7S,9S,10S)-7-(furan-3-yl)-9-methyl-6,16-dioxatetracyclo[,14.04,9]heptadec-13-ene-5,15-dione 162973467 Click to see CC12CC(OC(=O)C1CCC34C2CCC=C3C(=O)OC4)C5=COC=C5 342.40 unknown
7-(Furan-3-yl)-9-methyl-6,16-dioxatetracyclo[,14.04,9]heptadec-13-ene-5,15-dione 326832 Click to see CC12CC(OC(=O)C1CCC34C2CCC=C3C(=O)OC4)C5=COC=C5 342.40 unknown
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Coumarins and derivatives / Coumarin glycosides
Scopolin 439514 Click to see COC1=C(C=C2C(=C1)C=CC(=O)O2)OC3C(C(C(C(O3)CO)O)O)O 354.31 unknown
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / O-methylated flavonoids / 7-O-methylated flavonoids
Sakuranetin 73571 Click to see COC1=CC(=C2C(=O)CC(OC2=C1)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O)O 286.28 unknown

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