Sorghum halepense - Unknown
Part: Unknown
Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

Sorghum halepense - Unknown
Part: Unknown
Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

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Details Top

Internal ID UUID644032b07e556003977196
Scientific name Sorghum halepense
Authority Pers.
First published in Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1: 101. 1805 [1 Apr-15 Jun 1805]

Description Top

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Johnson grass, also known as Johnsongrass, is a plant in the grass family that is native to Asia and northern Africa. It has been introduced to many parts of the world and is known for its ability to reproduce through rhizomes and seeds. While it has been used for forage and erosion control, it is often considered a weed due to its ability to thrive in various environments, including crop fields, pastures, and forest edges. In some places, it has even developed resistance to common herbicides. The plant is named after an Alabama plantation owner who introduced it to the United States in the mid-1800s. Despite its usefulness as a forage crop, many farmers still view it as undesirable due to its tendency to become "sod bound" and require frequent plowing. A genetic study has shown that the weed was introduced to the US from Alabama and North Carolina, with an additional introduction from Arizona. The plant is also found in Australia, where it is known as a strong and productive grass for cattle.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Andropogon avenaceus Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 1: 189. 1816
Andropogon decolorans Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 190 (1816)
Andropogon dubitatus Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(4-5): 394. 1854 [1855 publ. 20-21 Jul 1854]
Andropogon dubius K.Koch ex B.D.Jacks. Index Kew. 1: 125. 1893 (1893)
Andropogon halepensis (L.) Brot. Fl. Lusit. 1: 89 (1804)
Andropogon halepensis subsp. anatherus Piper Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 28: 28 (1915)
Andropogon halepensis var. anatherus Piper Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 28: 28 1915
Andropogon halepensis var. effusus Stapf Fl. Brit. India 7: 183. 1896
Andropogon halepensis var. genuinus Stapf Fl. Brit. India 7: 183. 1896
Andropogon halepensis var. muticus (Hack. ex DC.) Asch. & Graebn. Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 2(1): 47 (1898)
Andropogon sorghum subsp. halepensis (L.) Hack. Monogr. Phan. 6: 501 (1889)
Andropogon sorghum var. exiguum (Forssk.) Piper Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 28: 32 1915
Andropogon sorghum var. halepensis (L.) Hack. Monogr. Phan. 6: 502 (1889)
Andropogon sorghum var. perennis Bertoni Revista Agron. Ci. Aplicadas 41: 7 (1909)
Blumenbachia halepensis (L.) Koeler Descr. Gram. [Koeler] 29. 1802
Holcus decolorans Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4(2): 931. 1806 [Apr 1806]
Holcus exiguus Forssk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. : 174 (1775)
Holcus halepensis L. Sp. Pl. : 1047 (1753)
Milium halepense Cav. Descr. Pl. : 306 (1802)
Rhaphis halepensis (L.) Roberty Fl. Ouest-Afr. : 403 (1954)
Sorghum crupina Link Hort. Berol. 1: 246 (1827)
Sorghum decolor P.Beauv. Ess. Agrostogr. : 131 (1812)
Sorghum decolorans Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 2: 838 (1817)
Sorghum dubium K.Koch Linnaea 21: 443 (1848)
Sorghum halepense f. muticum (Hack. ex D.C.) C.E.Hubb. Hooker's Icon. Pl. 34: t. 3364 (1938)
Sorghum halepense var. latifolium Willk. Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1: 48 (1861)
Sorghum halepense var. muticum (Hack.) Grossh. Fl. Kavkaza 1: 56 1928
Sorghum saccharatum var. halepense (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 368 (1898)
Sorghum schreberi Ten. Fl. Neap. Syll. App. IV. p. iv.
Trachypogon avenaceus Nees Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 354. 1829 [Mar-Jun 1829] ; alt. title: Agrost. Bras.
Andropogon sorghum subsp. exiguus (Forssk.) Piper Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 28: 32 (1915)
Sorghum halepense var. muticum (Hack. ex D.C.) Parodi Revista Argent. Agron. 13: 10. 1946
Andropogon halepensis subsp. muticus (Hack.) Piper Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 28: 29. 1915 [12 Mar 1915]
Holcus sorghum subsp. exiguus (Forssk.) Hitchc. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 29: 128 1916
Andropogon sorghum subvar. leiocladus Hack. Monogr. Phan. 6: 514 (1889)
Andropogon sorghum subvar. trachycladus Hack. Monogr. Phan. 6: 514 (1889)
Sorghum halepense var. genuinum Hack. Fl. Bras. 2(4): 272 (1883)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English great millet
English johnson grass
English johnsongrass
Spanish andropogon miliaceus
Spanish andropogon controversus
Spanish andropogon miliformis
Spanish sorgo de alepo
Arabic سفرندة
Arabic حشيش الفرس
Arabic الجراد
Arabic جرو
Arabic سورغم حلبي
azb قانقورودان
Belarusian сорга алепскае
Belarusian джонсанава трава
Belarusian Гумай
Bulgarian балур
Catalan sorgo d'alep
Czech čirok halabský
Welsh sorgwm porthiant
German aleppo-mohrenhirse
German wilde mohrenhirse
Greek Βέλιουρας
Persian چائیر
Finnish jonsonindurra
French sorgho d'alep
Croatian piramidalni sirak
Hungarian fenyércirok
Armenian մոլասորգո
Japanese セイバンモロコシ
Kazakh Құмай(өсімдік)
Kannada ಗಲಗು
Dutch wilde sorgo
nv akál
Punjabi ਬਰੂ
Russian гумай
Russian джонсонова трава
Russian Сорго алеппское
Swedish ogräsdurra
Tamil கருப்பன் புல்
Ukrainian Гумай
Ukrainian Сорго алепське
xmf წალამია
xmf ჯონსონიშ ოდიარე
xmf გუმაი
Chinese 约翰逊草
Chinese 假高粱
Chinese 石茅
Chinese 詹森草
Chinese 亚刺伯高粱
Chinese 琼生草

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Forms (abbr. f.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Requires Light or Surface Sowing: These seeds need light to germinate and should not be covered with soil or only very lightly. They are often very small and sown directly on the surface of the growing medium.
germinates best at 30°C

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

No distribution data was extracted from POWO/KEW yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000900376
Florida Plant Atlas 1889
Flora of Alabama 5042
Canadensys 7959
Tropicos 25509981
INPN 124378
Flora of Italy 7819
The Plant List kew-443460
Open Tree Of Life 31907
NCBI Taxonomy 4560
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000014976
Nature Serve 2.138624
IPNI 422140-1
iNaturalist 58387
GBIF 2705185
Freebase /m/0g7rz5
WisFlora 5113
FEIS plants/graminoid/sorhal
EOL 1115168
Calflora (Californian flora) 7691
Wikipedia Johnson_grass
Plantarium 36361

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
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Plant cultural indicators of forest resources from the Himalayan high mountains: implications for improving agricultural resilience, subsistence, and forest restoration Haq SM, Khoja AA, Waheed M, Pieroni A, Siddiqui MH, Bussmann RW J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 24-Apr-2024
MORITS: An improved method to predict peptides from heterologous proteins that are recognized by the same T-cell receptor Bruhn M, Spatz M, Kalinke U Sci Rep 08-Apr-2024
Incidence of grass and weed sensitization in Bangkok, Thailand: a clinical study Aud-in S, Juprasong Y, Pinkaew B, Talek K, Tantilipikorn P, Songnuan W Front Public Health 28-Mar-2024
Identification of a sugarcane bacilliform virus promoter that is activated by drought stress in plants Sun SR, Wu XB, Chen JS, Huang MT, Fu HY, Wang QN, Rott P, Gao SJ Commun Biol 26-Mar-2024
Target‐site mutations Ile1781Leu and Ile2041Asn in the ACCase2 gene confer resistance to fluazifop‐p‐butyl and pinoxaden herbicides in a johnsongrass accession from Arkansas, USA González‐Torralva F, Norsworthy JK Plant Direct 21-Mar-2024
Nitrogen Fertilization and Cultivar Interactions Determine Maize Yield and Grain Mineral Composition in Calcareous Soil under Semiarid Conditions Djalovic I, Prasad PV, Akhtar K, Paunović A, Riaz M, Dugalic M, Katanski S, Zaheer S Plants (Basel) 14-Mar-2024
Virome release of an invasive exotic plant species in southern France Moubset O, Filloux D, Fontes H, Julian C, Fernandez E, Galzi S, Blondin L, Chehida SB, Lett JM, Mesléard F, Kraberger S, Custer JM, Salywon A, Makings E, Marais A, Chiroleu F, Lefeuvre P, Martin DP, Candresse T, Varsani A, Ravigné V, Roumagnac P Virus Evol 09-Mar-2024
Synthesis and biological profile of 2,3-dihydro[1,3]thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridines, a novel class of acyl-ACP thioesterase inhibitors Frackenpohl J, Barber DM, Bojack G, Bollenbach-Wahl B, Braun R, Getachew R, Hohmann S, Ko KY, Kurowski K, Laber B, Mattison RL, Müller T, Reingruber AM, Schmutzler D, Svejda A Beilstein J Org Chem 01-Mar-2024
Overview of Cyanide Poisoning in Cattle from Sorghum halepense and S. bicolor Cultivars in Northwest Italy Giantin S, Franzin A, Brusa F, Montemurro V, Bozzetta E, Caprai E, Fedrizzi G, Girolami F, Nebbia C Animals (Basel) 27-Feb-2024
Enhancing cotton sustainability: Multi-factorial intercropping, irrigation, and weed effects on productivity, quality and physiology Abdulkareem BM, Mokhtassi-Bidgoli A, Ayyari M, Keshtkar E, Eyni-Nargeseh H Heliyon 27-Feb-2024
Olive mill wastes: from wastes to resources Enaime G, Dababat S, Wichern M, Lübken M Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 26-Feb-2024
New Alien Plant Taxa for Italy and Europe: An Update Musarella CM, Laface VL, Angiolini C, Bacchetta G, Bajona E, Banfi E, Barone G, Biscotti N, Bonsanto D, Calvia G, Cambria S, Capuano A, Caruso G, Crisafulli A, Del Guacchio E, Di Gristina E, Domina G, Fanfarillo E, Fascetti S, Fiaschi T, Galasso G, Mascia F, Mazzacuva G, Mei G, Minissale P, Motti R, Perrino EV, Picone RM, Pinzani L, Podda L, Potenza G, Rosati L, Stinca A, Tavilla G, Villano C, Wagensommer RP, Spampinato G Plants (Basel) 24-Feb-2024
The P2 nucleic acid binding protein of Sugarcane bacilliform virus is a viral pathogenic factor Xu X, Lou Y, Liang K, Liu J, Wang Z, Chen B, Li W PeerJ 20-Feb-2024
Achieving agricultural sustainability through soybean production in Iran: Potential and challenges Majidian P, Ghorbani HR, Farajpour M Heliyon 16-Feb-2024

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Benzenoids / Benzene and substituted derivatives / Benzoic acids and derivatives / Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 135 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C(=O)O)O 138.12 unknown
> Benzenoids / Benzene and substituted derivatives / Benzyl alcohols
4-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 125 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1CO)O 124.14 unknown
> Benzenoids / Phenols / Benzenetriols and derivatives / Phloroglucinols and derivatives
Phloroglucinol 359 Click to see C1=C(C=C(C=C1O)O)O 126.11 unknown
> Organic oxygen compounds / Organooxygen compounds / Carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates / Glycosyl compounds / Cyanogenic glycosides
Dhurrin 161355 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C(C#N)OC2C(C(C(C(O2)CO)O)O)O)O 311.29 unknown
Taxiphyllin 107721 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C(C#N)OC2C(C(C(C(O2)CO)O)O)O)O 311.29 unknown
> Organic oxygen compounds / Organooxygen compounds / Carbonyl compounds / Benzaldehydes / Hydroxybenzaldehydes
4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 126 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C=O)O 122.12 unknown
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Cinnamic acids and derivatives / Hydroxycinnamic acids and derivatives / Hydroxycinnamic acids
p-Coumaric acid 637542 Click to see C1=CC(=CC=C1C=CC(=O)O)O 164.16 unknown

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