Cynodon dactylon - Unknown
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Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

Cynodon dactylon - Unknown
Part: Unknown
Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

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Internal ID UUID64402f835df46238644359
Scientific name Cynodon dactylon
Authority (L.) Pers.
First published in Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 1: 85. 1805 [1 Apr-15 Jun 1805]

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Agrostis bermudiana Tuss. ex Kunth Enum. Pl. 1: 259 (1833)
Agrostis filiformis K.D.Koenig ex Kunth Enum. Pl. 1: 261 (1833)
Agrostis linearis Retz. Observ. Bot. 4: 19 (1786)
Agrostis stellata Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4 , 1: 376 (1797)
Capriola dactylon (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 764 (1891)
Capriola dactylon var. maritima Hitchc. Bull. U.S.D.A. 772: 179 (1920)
Chloris cynodon Trin. Gram. Unifl. Sesquifl. : 229 (1824)
Chloris maritima Trin. Gram. Unifl. Sesquifl. : 236 (1824)
Chloris paytensis Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 207 (1854)
Cynodon affinis Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 223 (1969)
Cynodon aristiglumis Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 236 (1969)
Cynodon aristulatus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Darwiniana 17: 514 (1972)
Cynodon barberi f. longifolia Join Indian Forester 92: 699 1966
Cynodon dactylon f. major (Beck) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 123 (1971 publ. 1972)
Cynodon dactylon f. villosus (Grossh.) Regel ex Roshev. Fl. URSS 2: 285 1934
Cynodon dactylon f. viviparus Beetle Phytologia 48: 189 (1981)
Cynodon dactylon subsp. glabratus (Steud.) A.Chev. Rev. Int. Bot. Appl. Agric. Trop. 27: 282. 1947 (1947)
Cynodon dactylon subsp. nipponicus (Ohwi) T.Koyama Grass. Japan : 498 (1987)
Cynodon dactylon var. villosus Regel Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 41(II): 305. 1869
Cynodon dactylon var. affinis (Caro & Sánchez) Romero Zarco Lagascalia 14: 171 (1986)
Cynodon dactylon var. aridus J.R.Harlan & de Wet Crop Sci.(Madison) 9: 774 1969
Cynodon dactylon var. biflorus Merino Fl. Galicia 3: 310. 1909
Cynodon dactylon var. densus Hurcombe J. S. African Bot. 13: 107. 1947
Cynodon dactylon var. elegans Rendle Cat. Afr. Pl. 2: 221. 1899
Cynodon dactylon var. glabratus (Steud.) Chiov. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. n.s., 26: 82. 1919
Cynodon dactylon var. hirsutissimus (Litard. & Maire) Maire
Cynodon dactylon var. longiglumis Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 210 (1969)
Cynodon dactylon var. maritimus Hack. Ark. Bot. 8(8): 40 (1909)
Cynodon dactylon var. nipponicus Ohwi Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 264 1941
Cynodon dactylon var. parviglumis (Ohwi) Fosberg & Sachet Micronesica 18: 45 (1982 publ. 1984)
Cynodon dactylon var. pilosus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 210 (1969)
Cynodon dactylon var. pulchellus Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 609 (1878)
Cynodon dactylon var. sarmentosus Parodi Revista Argent. Agron. 23: 185. 1956
Cynodon dactylon var. septentrionalis (Asch. & Graebn.) Rǎvǎrut Fl. Republ. Socialist. Romania 12: 139. 1972
Cynodon dactylon var. villosus Grossh. Fl. Kavkaza 1: 91. 1928
Cynodon decipiens Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 262 (1969)
Cynodon distichloides Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 254 (1969)
Cynodon erectus J.Presl Reliq. Haenk. 1(4-5): 290. 1830
Cynodon glabratus Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(3): 212. 1854 [1855 publ. 12-13 Apr 1854]
Cynodon grandispiculus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 258 (1969)
Cynodon hirsutissimus (Litard. & Maire) Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana v. 220 (1969).
Cynodon iraquensis Caro Dominguezia 6: 5 (1983)
Cynodon laeviglumis Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 217 (1969)
Cynodon linearis Willd. Enum. Pl. : 90 (1809)
Cynodon maritimus Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 170 (1816)
Cynodon maritimus var. breviglumis Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 234 (1969)
Cynodon maritimus var. grandispiculus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 234 (1969)
Cynodon maritimus var. vaginiflorus Caro Dominguezia 6: 20 (1983)
Cynodon mucronatus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Kurtziana 5: 239 (1969)
Cynodon nitidus Caro & E.A.Sánchez Darwiniana 17: 510 (1972)
Cynodon occidentalis Willd. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 1: 463 (1840)
Cynodon parviglumis Ohwi Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 55: 538 (1941)
Cynodon pascuus Nees Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 425. 1829 [Mar-Jun 1829] ; alt. title: Agrost. Bras.
Cynodon pedicellatus Caro Dominguezia 6: 9 (1983)
Cynodon polevansii Stent Bothalia 2: 278 (1927)
Cynodon portoricensis Willd. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 1: 463 (1840)
Cynodon repens Dulac Fl. Hautes-Pyrénées : 76 (1867)
Cynodon sarmentosus Gray Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 100 (1821 publ. 1822)
Cynodon scabrifolius Caro Dominguezia 6: 13 (1983)
Cynodon stellatus Willd. Enum. Pl. : 90 (1809)
Cynodon tenuis Trin. Neue Entdeck. Pflanzenk. 2: 63 (1821)
Cynodon umbellatus (Lam.) Caro Dominguezia 6: 16 (1983)
Cynosurus dactylon (L.) Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 85. 1805 (1805)
Cynosurus uniflorus Walter Fl. Carol. : 82 (1788)
Dactilon officinale Vill. Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 2: 69 (1787)
Dactylus officinalis Asch. Fl. Brandenburg 1: 810 (1864)
Digitaria dactylon Scop. Fl. Carniol. , ed. 2, 1: 52 (1771)
Digitaria glumaepatula (Steud.) Miq. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3: 439 1857
Digitaria glumipatula (Steud.) Miq. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3: 439. 1857 (1857)
Digitaria linearis Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 85 (1805)
Digitaria littoralis Salisb. Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton : 19 (1796)
Digitaria maritima Spreng. Syst. Veg. 1: 272 (1824)
Digitaria stolonifera Schrad. Flora Germanica 1 1806
Fibichia dactylon Beck Glasn. Zemaljsk. Muz. Bosni Hercegovini 15: 26 (1903)
Fibichia umbellata Koeler Descr. Gramin. : 308 (1802)
Fibichia umbellata f. glabrescens Beck Fl. Nieder-Osterreich 76. 1890
Fibichia umbellata f. major Beck Fl. Nieder-Osterreich 76. 1890
Fibichia umbellata var. biflora (Merr.) Beck Fl. Nieder-Österreich 1: 76 1890
Milium dactylon (L.) Moench Suppl. Meth. : 67 (1802)
Panicum ambiguum (DC.) Le Turq. Fl. Rouen : 28 (1816)
Panicum dactylon L. Sp. Pl. : 58 (1753)
Panicum glumaepatulum Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1(1): 41. 1853 [1855 publ. 10-12 Dec 1853]
Panicum lineare L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2 : 85 (1762)
Paspalum ambiguum DC. Fl. Franc. [de Candolle & Lamarck], ed. 3. 3: 16. 1805
Paspalum dactylon (L.) Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 176 (1791)
Paspalum umbellatum Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 177. 1791
Phleum dactylon Georgi Beschr. Nation. Russ. Reich 4: 681 (1800)
Syntherisma linearis (L.) Nash Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 420. 1895 (1895)
Vilfa linearis P.Beauv. Ess. Agrostogr. : 16 (1812)
Vilfa stellata P.Beauv. Ess. Agrostogr. : 16 (1812)
Digitaria ambigua (Lapeyr. ex DC.) Mérat Nouv. Fl. Paris (ed. 2) 2: 31 1821
Cynodon dactylon var. polevansii (Stent) J.R.Harlan & de Wet Crop Sci. (Madison) 9: 1969
Cynodon dactylon var. stellatus (Willd.) T.Durand & Schinz Consp. Fl. Afr. 5: 857 1894
Cynodon dactylon f. glabrescens (Beck) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 123 (1971 publ. 1972)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English bermudagrass
English bermuda grass
English common couch
English common quick-grass
English couch grass
English devil's grass
English indian doab
English grama
English hierba del diablo
English doab indio
English hierba de reposar
English hierba rápida común
English sofá común
English cynodon dytahilo
Spanish agramem
Spanish agramen
Spanish escobillas blandas
Spanish grama canaria
Spanish grama oficinal de espana
Spanish grama oficinal de españa
Spanish gromon
Spanish agrama
Spanish digitaria marítima
Spanish gromón
Spanish oficina de grama de españa
ace naleueng sambô
Afrikaans gewone kweekgras
Afrikaans kweek
Afrikaans kweekgras
Amharic ሰርዶ
Arabic عرق النجيل
Arabic ثيل
Arabic نجيل
Arabic نجير
Arabic نجم
Assamese দুবৰি বন
Azerbaijani Əlvari çayır
Azerbaijani barmaqvari çayır
ban padang lepas
Belarusian Свінарый пальцавы
Bulgarian обикновен троскот
Bambara narakataba
Bengali দূর্বা
Catalan agram
Catalan gram
Catalan grama
Czech troskut prstnatý
Welsh glaswellt bermwda
German gewöhnliches hundszahngras
German bermudagras
German hundszahngras
Greek Αγριάδα
Basque askimotz
Persian علف دوروا
Finnish mattovarvasheinä
Finnish sormiheinä
Finnish varvasheinä
French chiendent dactyle
French chiendent pied de poule
gom हरयाळी
Gujarati દુર્વા
Gujarati ધ્રો
Gujarati ધ્રોખડ
Gujarati ધરો
Hebrew יבלית
Hindi दुर्वा
Hindi दूब घास
Hungarian csillagpázsit
Indonesian rumput bermuda
Indonesian rumput grinting
Italian gramigna
Japanese バミューダグラス
Japanese タホマ31
Japanese ギョウギシバ
Georgian გლერტა
Kazakh Бессаусақ қарашағыр
Kannada ಗರಿಕೆಹುಲ್ಲು
Korean 우산잔디
la agrostis
lmo gramègna rossa
Latvian suņzobe
Latvian pirkstveida suņzobe
Malagasy fandrotrarana
Malayalam bermuda grass
Malayalam ബർമുഡ ഗ്രാസ്
Malayalam കറുക
Marathi दूर्वा
Burmese မြေဇာမြက်
nap ramegna
Nepali दूबो
Dutch handjesgras
Dutch bermudagras
Oriya ଦୁବ
pam grama
Polish kuśa
Punjab کھبل
Quechua chipika
Romanian pir gros
Russian бермудская трава
Russian свинорой пальчатый
sa दूर्वा
sat ᱫᱷᱩᱵᱤ ᱜᱟᱥ
Serbian Зубача
Serbian zubača
su kakawatan
Swedish hundtandsgräs
Tamil அருகம் புல்
Tamil அருகம்புல்
Tamil அறுகம்புல்
Tamil அறுகு
Tamil தூரீலை
Tamil மூதண்டம்
Tamil மேகாரி
tcy ಕದಿಕೆ ಪಂತಿ
tg Аҷириқ
Thai หญ้าแพรก
Tonga paspalum conjugatum
Tonga musie
Ukrainian свинорий пальчастий
Uzbek ajriq
Vietnamese cỏ chỉ
Vietnamese cỏ ống
Vietnamese cỏ gà
Chinese 狗牙根
Chinese 铁线草
Chinese 咸沙草
Chinese 爬根草
Chinese 绊根草
Chinese 百慕達草

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000861178
Florida Plant Atlas 1640
Flora of Alabama 4743
Canadensys 7515
Tropicos 25509471
INPN 93803
Flora of Italy 7771
The Plant List kew-406339
Open Tree Of Life 927435
NCBI Taxonomy 28909
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000002681
Nature Serve 2.150510
IPNI 30244282-2
iNaturalist 58371
GBIF 6109637
Freebase /m/03_s34
WisFlora 9344
FEIS plants/graminoid/cyndac
EOL 1114871
Calflora (Californian flora) 2570
US Library of Congress sh85013361
Wikipedia Cynodon_dactylon

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Systematic reduction of natural enemies and competition across variable precipitation approximates buffelgrass invasiveness (Cenchrus ciliaris) in its native range Rhodes AC, Plowes RM, Bowman EA, Gaitho A, Ng'Iru I, Martins DJ, Gilbert LE Ecol Evol 11-May-2024
Study of medicinal plants used in ethnoveterinary medical system in riverine areas of Punjab, Pakistan Umair M, Altaf M, Ahsan T, Bussmann RW, Abbasi AM, Gatasheh MK, Elrobh M J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 07-May-2024
Ecological weed management and square planting influenced the weed management, and crop productivity in direct-seeded rice Nagargade M, Singh MK, Tyagi V, Govindasamy P, Choudhary AK, Rajpoot K, Kumar A, Singh P, Sarangi D Sci Rep 06-May-2024
Effects of different combinations of pre‐ and post‐grazing heights on herbage mass and nutrient reserves of Leymus chinensis in Northeast China Zhao C, Chang X, Li Q, Zhong R, Zhou D Ecol Evol 06-May-2024
Unveiling allelopathic dynamics and impacts of invasive Erigeron bonariensis and Bidens pilosa on plant communities and soil parameters Balah MA, Al-Andal A, Radwan AM, Donia AE Sci Rep 03-May-2024
Current Dietary and Medical Prevention of Renal Calcium Oxalate Stones Wang X, Wang Q Int J Gen Med 29-Apr-2024
Impacts of Soil Properties on Species Diversity and Structure in Alternanthera philoxeroides-Invaded and Native Plant Communities Wu H, Liu Y, Zhang T, Xu M, Rao B Plants (Basel) 25-Apr-2024
Ethnobotanical assessment of antidiabetic medicinal plants in District Karak, Pakistan Nazar A, Adnan M, Shah SM, Bari A, Ullah R, Tariq A, Ahmad N BMC Complement Med Ther 24-Apr-2024
Economic assessment of using Bermudagrass stockpiling and annual cereal pasture to extend grazing in cow-calf operations Sestak J, Biermacher JT, Brorsen BW, Rogers JK Transl Anim Sci 22-Apr-2024
Investigation of the relationship between atopic dermatitis of dogs and intestinal epithelial damage Ekici YE, Ok M Vet Med Sci 22-Apr-2024
Mitigating digestive disorders: Action mechanisms of Mediterranean herbal active compounds Kmail A Open Life Sci 18-Apr-2024
Habitat modifies the relationship between grass and herbivore species richness in a South African savanna Čuda J, Pyšková K, Hejda M, Foxcroft LC, MacFadyen S, Storch D, Tropek R, Zambatis G, Pyšek P Ecol Evol 15-Apr-2024
Evaluation of Gastric pH and Gastrin Concentrations in Horses Subjected to General Inhalation Anesthesia in Dorsal Recumbency Guerrero JL, Brito PH, Ferreira MA, Arantes JD, Rusch E, Oliveira BV, Velasco-Bolaños J, Carregaro AB, Dória RG Animals (Basel) 15-Apr-2024
Patterns and drivers of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry in a novel riparian ecosystem Wang L, Arif M, Zheng J, Li C Front Plant Sci 08-Apr-2024
Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment Łuniewski S, Rogowska W, Łozowicka B, Iwaniuk P Materials (Basel) 03-Apr-2024

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Benzenoids / Benzene and substituted derivatives / Benzophenones
Monomethylsulochrin 23872041 Click to see CC1=CC(=C(C(=C1)OC)C(=O)C2=C(C=C(C=C2OC)O)C(=O)OC)O 346.30 unknown
Rhizoctonic acid 46216851 Click to see CC1=CC(=C(C(=C1)OC)C(=O)C2=C(C=C(C=C2OC)O)C(=O)O)O 332.30 unknown
> Benzenoids / Benzene and substituted derivatives / Phenoxy compounds
Bis(trimethylsilyl) 2,4-bis(4-trimethylsilyloxyphenyl)cyclobutane-1,3-dicarboxylate 13989541 Click to see C[Si](C)(C)OC1=CC=C(C=C1)C2C(C(C2C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O[Si](C)(C)C)C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C 617.00 unknown
> Benzenoids / Naphthalenes / Naphthoquinones
5-Hydroxy-7-methyl-tetralin-1,4-dione 16072923 Click to see CC1=CC2=C(C(=O)CCC2=O)C(=C1)O 190.19 unknown
> Benzenoids / Phenol ethers / Anisoles
Bis(trimethylsilyl) 2-(3-methoxy-4-trimethylsilyloxyphenyl)-4-(4-trimethylsilyloxyphenyl)cyclobutane-1,3-dicarboxylate 162872991 Click to see COC1=C(C=CC(=C1)C2C(C(C2C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O[Si](C)(C)C)C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C)O[Si](C)(C)C 647.10 unknown
Bis(trimethylsilyl) 2,4-bis(3-methoxy-4-trimethylsilyloxyphenyl)cyclobutane-1,3-dicarboxylate 163029425 Click to see COC1=C(C=CC(=C1)C2C(C(C2C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C)C3=CC(=C(C=C3)O[Si](C)(C)C)OC)C(=O)O[Si](C)(C)C)O[Si](C)(C)C 677.10 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Steroids and steroid derivatives / Ergostane steroids / Ergosterols and derivatives
17-(5,6-Dimethylhept-3-en-2-yl)-10,13-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,6,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-dodecahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthrene-3,5,6-triol 101733 Click to see CC(C)C(C)C=CC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2=CC(C4(C3(CCC(C4)O)C)O)O)C 430.70 unknown
Cerevisterol 10181133 Click to see CC(C)C(C)C=CC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2=CC(C4(C3(CCC(C4)O)C)O)O)C 430.70 unknown
Ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3-ol 247705 Click to see CC(C)C(C)C=CC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2=CC=C4C3(CCC(C4)O)C)C 396.60 unknown
Ergosterol 444679 Click to see CC(C)C(C)C=CC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2=CC=C4C3(CCC(C4)O)C)C 396.60 unknown
> Organic oxygen compounds / Organooxygen compounds / Carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates / Glycosyl compounds / O-glycosyl compounds
5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-6-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]oxy-3-[3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-[(3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-methyloxan-2-yl)oxymethyl]oxan-2-yl]oxy-6,7-dihydrochromen-4-one 162969232 Click to see CC1C(C(C(C(O1)OCC2C(C(C(C(O2)OC3=C(OC4=CC(C(C(=C4C3=O)O)OC5C(C(C(C(O5)CO)O)O)O)O)C6=CC=C(C=C6)O)O)O)O)O)O)O 774.70 unknown
> Organoheterocyclic compounds / Tetrapyrroles and derivatives
Tolyporphin G 10344738 Click to see CC1=CC2=CC3=NC(=CC4=CC(=C(N4)C=C5C(=O)C(C(=N5)C=C1N2)(C)OC(=O)C)C)C(C3=O)(C)O 472.50 unknown

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