Thymus pulegioides - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643fef504f1a6329066482
Scientific name Thymus pulegioides
Authority L.
First published in Sp. Pl. : 592 (1753)

Description Top

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Thymus chamaedrys var. mughicolus Beck Fl. Nieder-Österreich 2: 995 1893
Thymus jaquetianus (Ronniger) Debray Fl. Descr. Illustr. France Suppl. 4: 398. 1977 (1977)
Thymus parvifolius Opiz ex Déségl. Observ. Thym. Opiz. : 10 (1882)
Thymus pulegioides subsp. chamaedrys (Fr.) Gusul. Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Roman. 8: 319 1961
Thymus pulegioides var. jaquetianus Ronniger Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 31: 133. 1931
Thymus pulegioides subsp. ucrainicus Klokov & Des.-Shost. Visn. Kyyivs'koho Bot. Sadu 16: 82. 1932 (1932)
Thymus rochelianus Čelak. Flora 65: 563. 1882
Thymus serpyllum var. adscendens Wimm. & Grab. Fl. Siles. 2(1): 163 1829
Thymus serpyllum f. halensis Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2323 1927
Thymus serpyllum subsp. viridis Čelak. Prodr. Fl. Böhmen 2: 347. 1871 (1871)
Thymus sylvestris Schreb. Fl. Erlang. 2: 17 (1811)
Thymus chamaedrys var. glabratus (Hoffmanns. & Link) Lange Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 404. 1868
Thymus chamaedrys var. rochelianus (Celak.) Nyman Consp. Fl. Eur. Suppl. 2: 257. 1890
Thymus serpyllum var. chamaedrys (Fr.) K.Koch Linnaea 21: 664 1849
Thymus serpyllum subsp. chamaedrys (Fr.) Schübl. & G.Martens Fl. Würtemberg 376. 1834 (1834)
Thymus serpyllum var. ovatus (Mill.) Briq. Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 34: 449 1895
Thymus serpyllum var. parviflorus Becker Fl. Frankfurt 1: 237. 1827
Thymus serpyllum var. parvifolius (Opiz ex Borbás) Briq. Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 34: 450. 1895
Thymus serpyllum f. parvifolius (Opiz ex Borbás) Lyka Magyar Fl. 899 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. adscendens (Wimm. & Grab.) Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. ovatus (Mill.) Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. glaber (Mill.) Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. noricus Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. pallens (Opiz ex Déségl.) Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. elatior Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. sylvestris Lyka Magyar Fl. 901 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. conglomeratus Lyka Magyar Fl. 902 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. csatoi Lyka Magyar Fl. 902 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. procerus Lyka Magyar Fl. 902 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. porcii (Borbás) Lyka Magyar Fl. 902 1925
Thymus serpyllum f. rochelianus (Celak.) Lyka Magyar Fl. 903 1925
Thymus porcii f. juranyianus (Borbás) Gusul. in Fl. Republ. Social. Román. 8: 333 1963
Thymus serpyllum var. glaber (Mill.) Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2324 1927
Thymus serpyllum var. miedeanus Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2324. 1927
Thymus serpyllum var. helveticus Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2325. 1927
Thymus serpyllum var. minutus Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2325. 1927
Thymus serpyllum var. pallens (Opiz ex Déségl.) Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2325 1927
Thymus serpyllum var. conglomeratus (Lyka) Lyka Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 5: 2325 1927
Thymus serpyllum subsp. ovatus (Mill.) Briq. Lab. Alp. Mar. 547 1895
Thymus serpyllum var. praelongus Briq. Lab. Alp. Mar. 548. 1895
Thymus serpyllum subsp. chamaedrys (Fr.) Čelak. Prodr. Fl. Böhmen 2: 350 1873

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English large thyme
English lemon thyme
English broad-leaved thyme
Spanish serpillo
Belarusian Чабор украінскі
Bulgarian планинска мащерка
Czech mateřídouška vejčitá
Czech mateřídouška polejová
Welsh teim gwyllt mawr
Danish bredbladet timian
German arzneithymian
German breitblättriger thymian
German arznei-thymian
German feld-thymian
German gemeiner thymian
German gewöhnlicher thymian
German quendel-thymian
Estonian paljalehine liivatee
Persian آویشن لیمویی
Finnish nurmiajuruoho
French thym faux pouliot
French serpolet commun
Upper Sorbian wšědna babyduška
Hungarian kisvirágú kakukkfű
Hungarian hegyi kakukkfű
Lithuanian keturbriaunis čiobrelis
Norwegian Bokmål bakketimian
Dutch grote tijm
pdc deitscher tee
Polish macierzanka zwyczajna
Slovak dúška vajcovitá
Swedish stortimjan
Chinese 卵叶百里香
Chinese 宽叶百里香

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Thymus pulegioides subsp. effusus (Host) Ronniger Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30(2): 373 (1936)
Thymus pulegioides subsp. montanus (Trevir.) Ronniger Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30(2): 371 (1930)
Thymus pulegioides subsp. pannonicus (All.) Kerguélen Coll. Patrim. Nat. 8: xvi (1993)
Thymus pulegioides subsp. pilisiensis (Borbás) ined. Unknown
Thymus pulegioides subsp. pulegioides L. Unknown

Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Europe
    • Eastern Europe
      • Baltic States
      • Belarus
      • Central European Russia
      • East European Russia
      • Northwest European Russia
      • Ukraine
    • Middle Europe
      • Austria
      • Belgium
      • Czechoslovakia
      • Germany
      • Hungary
      • Netherlands
      • Poland
      • Switzerland
    • Northern Europe
      • Denmark
      • Finland
      • Great Britain
      • Ireland
      • Norway
      • Sweden
    • Southeastern Europe
      • Albania
      • Bulgaria
      • Greece
      • Italy
      • Romania
      • Sicilia
      • Yugoslavia
    • Southwestern Europe
      • France
      • Portugal
      • Spain
  • Northern America
    • Eastern Canada
      • New Brunswick
      • Ontario
      • Québec
    • North-central U.S.A.
      • Wisconsin
    • Northeastern U.S.A.
      • Connecticut
      • Maine
      • Massachusetts
      • Michigan
      • New Hampshire
      • New York
      • Pennsylvania
      • Vermont
    • Northwestern U.S.A.
      • Oregon
      • Washington
    • Southeastern U.S.A.
      • Delaware
      • Maryland
      • Virginia
    • Western Canada
      • Manitoba

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000324607
Canadensys 6482
INPN 126566
Flora of Italy 4627
The Plant List kew-205310
Open Tree Of Life 878540 2778
NCBI Taxonomy 751873
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000004208
Nature Serve 2.159729
IPNI 461562-1
iNaturalist 169753
GBIF 5341443
Freebase /m/0t52vf5
EOL 484541
Elurikkus 7932
Wikipedia Thymus_pulegioides
Plantarium 46971

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Potential Interest of Oxalis pes-caprae L., a Wild Edible Plant, for the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Clemente-Villalba J, Burló F, Hernández F, Carbonell-Barrachina ÁA Foods 12-Mar-2024
Land‐use affects pollinator‐specific resource availability and pollinator foraging behaviour Birkenbach M, Straub F, Kiesel A, Ayasse M, Wilfert L, Kuppler J Ecol Evol 07-Mar-2024
RNA-seq analysis reveals narrow differential gene expression in MEP and MVA pathways responsible for phytochemical divergence in extreme genotypes of Thymus daenensis Celak Ahmadi H, Fatahi R, Zamani Z, Shokrpour M, Sheikh-Assadi M, Poczai P BMC Genomics 04-Mar-2024
Influence of Sucrose and Activated Charcoal on Phytochemistry and Vegetative Growth in Zephyranthes irwiniana (Ravenna) Nic. García (Amaryllidaceae) Dewes Neto B, Gomes-Copeland KK, Silveira D, Gomes SM, Craesmeyer JM, de Castro Nizio DA, Fagg CW Plants (Basel) 20-Feb-2024
Use of Essential Oils to Counteract the Phenomena of Antimicrobial Resistance in Livestock Species Lupia C, Castagna F, Bava R, Naturale MD, Zicarelli L, Marrelli M, Statti G, Tilocca B, Roncada P, Britti D, Palma E Antibiotics (Basel) 07-Feb-2024
The Oldest Bryophyte Herbarium Specimens from Central Europe, Collected by M. E. Boretius in 1717: Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Datation and Ethnopharmacology Drobnik J, Stebel A, Graniszewska M Plants (Basel) 24-Jan-2024
Investigation of Volatile Components and Assessment of Antioxidant Potential in Seven Lamiaceae Plant Hydrosols Xin Z, Wang W, Yang W, Li Y, Niu L, Zhang Y Molecules 26-Dec-2023
Understanding the Lost: Reconstruction of the Garden Design of Villa Peretti Montalto (Rome, Italy) for Urban Valorization Bartoli F, D’Amato L, Nucera A, Albani Rocchetti G, Caneva G Plants (Basel) 26-Dec-2023
Thymoquinone: A Promising Therapeutic Agent for the Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Kurowska N, Madej M, Strzalka-Mrozik B Curr Issues Mol Biol 23-Dec-2023
Chemical Compositions of Essential Oil Extracted from Eight Thyme Species and Potential Biological Functions Dong Y, Wei Z, Yang R, Zhang Y, Sun M, Bai H, Mo M, Yao C, Li H, Shi L Plants (Basel) 15-Dec-2023
The significance of essential oils and their antifungal properties in the food industry: A systematic review Abdi-Moghadam Z, Mazaheri Y, Rezagholizade-shirvan A, Mahmoudzadeh M, Sarafraz M, Mohtashami M, Shokri S, Ghasemi A, Nickfar F, Darroudi M, Hossieni H, Hadian Z, Shamloo E, Rezaei Z Heliyon 29-Oct-2023
Evaluation of seed‐dispersal services by ants at a temperate pasture: Results of direct observations in an ant suppression experiment Konečná M, Lisner A, Blažek P, Pech P, Lepš J Ecol Evol 29-Sep-2023
Talking Different Languages: The Role of Plant–Plant Communication When an Invader Beats up a Strange Neighborhood Hall RM, Markovic D, Kaul HP, Wagentristl H, Urban B, Durec N, Renner-Martin K, Ninkovic V Plants (Basel) 18-Sep-2023
Boundaries Are Blurred: Wild Food Plant Knowledge Circulation across the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian Borderland Prakofjewa J, Sartori M, Šarka P, Kalle R, Pieroni A, Sõukand R Biology (Basel) 09-Apr-2023
Plants and Other Materials Used for Dyeing in the Present Territory of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine according to Rostafiński’s Questionnaire from 1883 Köhler P, Bystry A, Łuczaj Ł Plants (Basel) 28-Mar-2023

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Hydrocarbons / Unsaturated hydrocarbons / Branched unsaturated hydrocarbons
gamma-Terpinene 7461 Click to see CC1=CCC(=CC1)C(C)C 136.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Acyclic monoterpenoids
3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al 8843 Click to see CC(=CCCC(=CC=O)C)C 152.23 unknown
Geraniol 637566 Click to see CC(=CCCC(=CCO)C)C 154.25 unknown
Linalool, (+/-)- 6549 Click to see CC(=CCCC(C)(C=C)O)C 154.25 unknown
Neral 643779 Click to see CC(=CCCC(=CC=O)C)C 152.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Aromatic monoterpenoids
Carvacrol 10364 Click to see CC1=C(C=C(C=C1)C(C)C)O 150.22 unknown
p-CYMENE 7463 Click to see CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C(C)C 134.22 unknown
Thymol 6989 Click to see CC1=CC(=C(C=C1)C(C)C)O 150.22 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Bicyclic monoterpenoids
Fenchone 14525 Click to see CC1(C2CCC(C2)(C1=O)C)C 152.23 unknown
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids
Caryophyllene 5281515 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=C)C2CC(C2CC1)(C)C 204.35 unknown
Caryophyllene,alpha + beta mixt. 5354499 Click to see CC1=CCCC(=C)C2CC(C2CC1)(C)C 204.35 unknown

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