Onoclea sensibilis - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64404c64cd2c0044008522
Scientific name Onoclea sensibilis
Authority L.
First published in Sp. Pl. 2: 1062. 1753 [1 May 1753]

Description Top

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Angiopteris sensibilis (L.) Nieuwl. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 2: 275 (1912)
Pterinodes sensibilis (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 820 (1891)
Riedlea sensibilis (L.) Mirb. Hist. Nat. Vég. [Lam. & Mirbel] 5: 74. 1802 [dt. 1803; publ. 21 Nov 1802]
Calypterium sensibile (L.) Bernh. J. Bot. (Schrader) 1801(1): 22, t.1, f.7-11. 1802 1801
Ragiopteris obtusilobata (Schkuhr) C.Presl Tent. Pterid. 96 1836
Pterinodes sensibile (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 820 1891
Onoclea sensibilis var. genuina Wherry Amer. Fern J. 27: 58. 1937

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English sensitive fern
Welsh rhedynen leiniog
Danish druebregne
Estonian harilik pärljalg
Persian سرخس حساس
Finnish helmisaniainen
French onoclée sensible
Japanese コウヤワラビ
Norwegian Bokmål perlebregne
Norwegian Bokmål perlebregneslekten
Dutch bolletjesvaren
Polish onoklea wrażliwa
Russian Оноклея чувствительная
Chinese 北美球子蕨
Chinese 球子蕨

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Onoclea sensibilis var. interrupta Maxim. In: Prim. Fl. Amur. 337. 1859
Onoclea sensibilis var. sensibilis Unknown

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Forms (abbr. f.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Sow seeds at 20°C, expecting germination within 3 months without further temperature treatment.
pour boiling water over milled sphagnum moss, sow seeds, enclose in plastic bag

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

No distribution data was extracted from POWO/KEW yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001109206
Florida Plant Atlas 3467
Flora of Alabama 106
Canadensys 5423
Tropicos 26602361
INPN 110147
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:281589-2
The Plant List tro-26602361
Missouri Botanical Garden 285756
PFAF Onoclea sensibilis
Open Tree Of Life 41631
Observations.org 7112
NCBI Taxonomy 3281
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000002035
Nature Serve 2.137058
IUCN Red List 64319082
IPNI 17166830-1
iNaturalist 82576
GBIF 2650903
Freebase /m/06d7vd
WisFlora 4358
EOL 596753
Elurikkus 5963
USDA GRIN 402104
Wikipedia Onoclea_sensibilis
Plantarium 25482

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Nitric oxide mediates red light-induced perylenequinone production in Shiraia mycelium culture Wang WJ, Li XP, Shen WH, Huang QY, Cong RP, Zheng LP, Wang JW Bioresour Bioprocess 02-Jan-2024
Light response of gametophyte in Adiantum flabellulatum: transcriptome analysis and identification of key genes and pathways Cai Z, Wang X, Xie Z, Wen Z, Yu X, Xu S, Su X, Luo J Front Plant Sci 07-Sep-2023
Apoplastic and Symplasmic Markers of Somatic Embryogenesis Kurczynska E, Godel-Jędrychowska K Plants (Basel) 11-May-2023
Phylotranscriptomics Illuminates the Placement of Whole Genome Duplications and Gene Retention in Ferns Pelosi JA, Kim EH, Barbazuk WB, Sessa EB Front Plant Sci 14-Jul-2022
Reinventory of the vascular plants of Mormon Island Crane Meadows after forty years of restoration, invasion, and climate change Caven AJ, Wiese JD Heliyon 03-Jun-2022
Biotechnology of the Tree Fern Cyathea smithii (J.D. Hooker; Soft Tree Fern, Katote) II Cell Suspension Culture: Focusing on Structure and Physiology in the Presence of 2,4-D and BAP Rybczyński JJ, Kaźmierczak A, Dos Santos Szewczyk K, Tomaszewicz W, Miazga-Karska M, Mikuła A Cells 20-Apr-2022
Migration of prospindle before the first asymmetric division in germinating spore of Marchantia polymorpha Sakai Y, Higaki T, Ishizaki K, Nishihama R, Kohchi T, Hasezawa S Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 25-Mar-2022
Close observation of a common fern challenges long-held notions of how plants move. A commentary on ‘Fern fronds that move like pine cones: humidity-driven motion of fertile leaflets governs the timing of spore dispersal in a widespread fern species’ Watkins JE Jr, Testo WL Ann Bot 25-Feb-2022
Fern fronds that move like pine cones: humidity-driven motion of fertile leaflets governs the timing of spore dispersal in a widespread fern species Suissa JS Ann Bot 19-Nov-2021
Flood-Rings Production Modulated by River Regulation in Eastern Boreal Canada Nolin AF, Tardif JC, Conciatori F, Bergeron Y Front Plant Sci 28-Oct-2021
Robbin C. Moran, Fern and Lycophyte Curator- an Appreciation Vasco A, Matos FB, Sundue MA Bot Rev 29-Jun-2021
Successional dynamics of a 35 year old freshwater mitigation wetland in southeastern New Hampshire McKown JG, Moore GE, Payne AR, White NA, Gibson JL PLoS One 17-May-2021
Nutritional and Antioxidant Potential of Fiddleheads from European Ferns Dvorakova M, Pumprova K, Antonínová Ž, Rezek J, Haisel D, Ekrt L, Vanek T, Langhansova L Foods 19-Feb-2021
Using acetone for rapid PCR‐amplifiable DNA extraction from recalcitrant woody plant taxa Gouker FE, Guo Y, Pooler MR Appl Plant Sci 03-Dec-2020
Morphological and anatomical adaptations to dry, shady environments in Adiantum reniforme var. sinense (Pteridaceae) Wu D, Li L, Ma X, Huang G, Yang C PeerJ 30-Sep-2020

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Tetraterpenoids / Carotenoids / Carotenes
Beta-Carotene 5280489 Click to see CC1=C(C(CCC1)(C)C)C=CC(=CC=CC(=CC=CC=C(C)C=CC=C(C)C=CC2=C(CCCC2(C)C)C)C)C 536.90 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-1978(85)90030-4

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