Ficus sansibarica - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64401c9dd1e7d748947041
Scientific name Ficus sansibarica
Authority Warb.
First published in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 20: 171 (1894)

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Ficus delagoensis Sim Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr. : 99 (1909)
Ficus langenburgii Warb. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 293 (1901)
Ficus zanzibarica Boeck. ex Engl. Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1894: 20 1894

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English knobbly fig
Afrikaans knoppiesvy
Arabic تين زنجباري
st mohlapa ('''n''')
ts nhlampfu
ve mutamvu

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Ficus sansibarica subsp. macrosperma (Mildbr. & Burret) C.C.Berg Kew Bull. 43: 94 (1988)

Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Africa
    • East Tropical Africa
      • Kenya
      • Tanzania
    • South Tropical Africa
      • Angola
      • Malawi
      • Mozambique
      • Zambia
      • Zimbabwe
    • Southern Africa
      • Northern Provinces
    • West Tropical Africa
      • Guinea-Bissau
      • Ivory Coast
      • Liberia
      • Senegal
      • Sierra Leone
      • Togo
    • West-central Tropical Africa
      • Cameroon
      • Central African Republic
      • Gabon
      • Gulf Of Guinea Islands
      • Rwanda
      • Zaïre

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000690191
Tropicos 21300856
The Plant List kew-2812180
Open Tree Of Life 585693
NCBI Taxonomy 309319
IPNI 853639-1
iNaturalist 129717
GBIF 7262605
Freebase /m/0pdp4qf
EOL 11901293
USDA GRIN 458363
Wikipedia Ficus_sansibarica

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
All-You-Can-Eat: Influence of Proximity to Maize Gardens on the Wild Diet and the Forest Activities of the Sebitoli Chimpanzee Community in Kibale National Park Couturier C, Bortolamiol S, Ortmann S, Okimat JP, Asalu E, Krief S Animals (Basel) 22-Mar-2022
African Plant-Based Natural Products with Antivirulence Activities to the Rescue of Antibiotics Mahavy CE, Duez P, ElJaziri M, Rasamiravaka T Antibiotics (Basel) 19-Nov-2020
Application of essential oils and polyphenols as natural antimicrobial agents in postharvest treatments: Advances and challenges Aguilar‐Veloz LM, Calderón‐Santoyo M, Vázquez González Y, Ragazzo‐Sánchez JA Food Sci Nutr 16-May-2020
Antidiabetic Potential of Medicinal Plants and Their Active Components Salehi B, Ata A, V. Anil Kumar N, Sharopov F, Ramírez-Alarcón K, Ruiz-Ortega A, Abdulmajid Ayatollahi S, Valere Tsouh Fokou P, Kobarfard F, Amiruddin Zakaria Z, Iriti M, Taheri Y, Martorell M, Sureda A, N. Setzer W, Durazzo A, Lucarini M, Santini A, Capasso R, Adrian Ostrander E, -ur-Rahman A, Iqbal Choudhary M, C. Cho W, Sharifi-Rad J Biomolecules 30-Sep-2019
How chimpanzees integrate sensory information to select figs Dominy NJ, Yeakel JD, Bhat U, Ramsden L, Wrangham RW, Lucas PW Interface Focus 06-Jun-2016
New Is Old, and Old Is New: Recent Advances in Antibiotic-Based, Antibiotic-Free and Ethnomedical Treatments against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Wound Infections Dou JL, Jiang YW, Xie JQ, Zhang XG Int J Mol Sci 25-Apr-2016
Suitable Habitats for Endangered Frugivorous Mammals: Small-Scale Comparison, Regeneration Forest and Chimpanzee Density in Kibale National Park, Uganda Bortolamiol S, Cohen M, Potts K, Pennec F, Rwaburindore P, Kasenene J, Seguya A, Vignaud Q, Krief S PLoS One 17-Jul-2014
Antibacterial and Anti-Biofilm Activity of Flavonoids and Triterpenes Isolated from the Extracts of Ficus Sansibarica Warb. Subsp. Sansibarica (Moraceae) Extracts Awolola GV, Koorbanally NA, Chenia H, Shode FO, Baijnath H Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med 03-Apr-2014
Estrogenic plant consumption predicts red colobus monkey (Procolobus rufomitratus) hormonal state and behavior Wasserman MD, Chapman CA, Milton K, Gogarten JF, Wittwer DJ, Ziegler TE Horm Behav 23-Sep-2012
Long-term Site Fidelity and Individual Home Range Shifts in Lophocebus albigena Janmaat KR, Olupot W, Chancellor RL, Arlet ME, Waser PM Int J Primatol 10-Mar-2009

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