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Internal ID UUID6440248c0c295075195014
Scientific name Allium cornutum
Authority Clementi
First published in Atti Riunione Sci. Ital. 3: 517 1841

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English allium × cornutum

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000756017
Tropicos 100143903
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:927863-1
The Plant List kew-295354
Open Tree Of Life 1039972
NCBI Taxonomy 138319
IPNI 527878-1
iNaturalist 1109305
GBIF 2857509
EOL 1084395
Elurikkus 318613
USDA GRIN 459348

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
In Vitro Toxicity Studies of Bioactive Organosulfur Compounds from Allium spp. with Potential Application in the Agri-Food Industry: A Review Cascajosa-Lira A, Andreo-Martínez P, Prieto AI, Baños A, Guillamón E, Jos A, Cameán AM Foods 29-Aug-2022
The Phytochemical and Nutritional Composition of Shallot Species (Allium × cornutum, Allium × proliferum and A. cepa Aggregatum) Is Genetically and Environmentally Dependent Major N, Perković J, Palčić I, Bažon I, Horvat I, Ban D, Goreta Ban S Antioxidants (Basel) 10-Aug-2022
Medicinal Plants Marrelli M Plants (Basel) 02-Jul-2021
Phytochemical Characterization and Screening of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Properties of Allium × cornutum Clementi and Two Varieties of Allium cepa L. Peel Extracts Fredotović Ž, Puizina J, Nazlić M, Maravić A, Ljubenkov I, Soldo B, Vuko E, Bajić D Plants (Basel) 21-Apr-2021
Genoprotective activities of plant natural substances in cancer and chemopreventive strategies in the context of 3P medicine Koklesova L, Liskova A, Samec M, Qaradakhi T, Zulli A, Smejkal K, Kajo K, Jakubikova J, Behzadi P, Pec M, Zubor P, Biringer K, Kwon TK, Büsselberg D, Sarria GR, Giordano FA, Golubnitschaja O, Kubatka P EPMA J 29-May-2020
Comparison of Organosulfur and Amino Acid Composition between Triploid Onion Allium cornutum Clementi ex Visiani, 1842, and Common Onion Allium cepa L., and Evidences for Antiproliferative Activity of Their Extracts Fredotović Ž, Soldo B, Šprung M, Marijanović Z, Jerković I, Puizina J Plants (Basel) 13-Jan-2020
Morphological and Biochemical Diversity of Shallot Landraces Preserved Along the Croatian Coast Major N, Goreta Ban S, Urlić B, Ban D, Dumičić G, Perković J Front Plant Sci 03-Dec-2018
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Allium cepa L. and Allium × cornutum (Clementi ex Visiani 1842) Methanolic Extracts Fredotović Ž, Šprung M, Soldo B, Ljubenkov I, Budić-Leto I, Bilušić T, Čikeš-Čulić V, Puizina J Molecules 11-Mar-2017
Triparental origin of triploid onion, Allium × cornutum (Clementi ex Visiani, 1842), as evidenced by molecular, phylogenetic and cytogenetic analyses Fredotović Ž, Šamanić I, Weiss-Schneeweiss H, Kamenjarin J, Jang TS, Puizina J BMC Plant Biol 13-Jan-2014

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