Wollemia nobilis - Entire plant
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Author: Sorin

Wollemia nobilis - Aerial parts
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Author: Sorin

Wollemia nobilis - Leaf
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Author: Sorin

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Details Top

Internal ID UUID643ff0d0c7638311453104
Scientific name Wollemia nobilis
Authority W.G.Jones, K.D.Hill & J.M.Allen
First published in Telopea 6: 174 (1995)

Description Top

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Wollemia is a genus of coniferous trees in the family Araucariaceae, which was only known through fossil records until 1994 when the species Wollemi nobilis was discovered in a temperate rainforest wilderness area of the Wollemi National Park in New South Wales. Commonly referred to as the Wollemi pine, the tree is not a true pine but is related to Agathis and Araucaria. It is classified as critically endangered and is legally protected in Australia. After it was discovered that the trees could be successfully cloned, new trees were potted up in the Botanic Gardens of Sydney and Mount Annan. A Recovery Plan has been drawn up to ensure the species remains viable in the long term, and Australian prime ministers and foreign affairs ministers have presented Wollemi pines to various dignitaries around the world.

Synonyms Top

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Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English wollemi pine
English wollemi-pine
Czech wollemie vznešená
Czech wolemie vznešená
Czech wolemie
German wollemie
German wollemipinie
German wollemikiefer
German wollemi-pinie
Greek Βολέμια
Greek Βολλέμια
Esperanto volemio
Estonian volleemia
Persian کاج وولمیا
Finnish wolleminmänty
Finnish australianwollemia
French arbre de wollemi
French pin de wollemi
French pin wollemi
Croatian australski stribor
Hungarian sárkányfenyő
Italian jurassic pine
Italian pino wollemi
Japanese ウォレミア属
Japanese ウォレミマツ
Japanese ウォレマイ・パイン
Kazakh Воллемия Нобилис
koi Воллемия
kv Воллемия
Lithuanian volemija
Latvian dižā volēmija
Latvian volēmijas
Malayalam വോളമൈ
mrj Воллемия
mrj Воллеми
Dutch wollemi pijnboom
Dutch wollemi pine
Polish wolemia szlachetna
Portuguese pinheiro-de-wollemi
Romanian wollemie
Russian Волемия
Russian Волемия Нобла
Russian Воллемия благородная
Russian Воллемия Нобла
Russian Вулеми
Russian Воллемия
Serbo-Croatian australski stribor
Slovak wolémia
Slovak wollemi pine
Slovak wolémia vznešená
Slovenian volemija
Swedish wollemitall
Thai สนวอลลีเมีย
udm Воллемия
Chinese 瓦勒邁杉屬
Chinese 瓦勒邁屬
Chinese 沃萊米杉
Chinese 沃萊米屬
Chinese 梧來米松
Chinese 恐龍杉
Chinese 瓦勒迈杉
Chinese 瓦勒邁杉

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Forms (abbr. f.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000334493
Tropicos 50091212
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:986236-1
The Plant List kew-214863
Missouri Botanical Garden 291688
Open Tree Of Life 625420
Observations.org 438571
NCBI Taxonomy 56998
NBN Atlas NHMSYS0021196598
IUCN Red List 34926
IPNI 986236-1
iNaturalist 49381
GBIF 2685085
Freebase /m/01vz11
EOL 128312
Elurikkus 281829
USDA GRIN 416628
Wikipedia Wollemia_nobilis

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

Below is displayed the reference genome only!
If you wish to browse all genomes for this plant click here.
Accession Assembly
Name Level Submitter Released Coverage Size
GCA_028583015.1 Wnob1.0 Contig CSHL 2023-02-10 36.0x 10.80 Gb

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Recent Updates on ALMT Transporters’ Physiology, Regulation, and Molecular Evolution in Plants Dabravolski SA, Isayenkov SV Plants (Basel) 04-Sep-2023
The genome of the Wollemi pine, a critically endangered “living fossil” unchanged since the Cretaceous, reveals extensive ancient transposon activity Stevenson DW, Ramakrishnan S, de Santis Alves C, Coelho LA, Kramer M, Goodwin S, Ramos OM, Eshel G, Sondervan VM, Frangos S, Zumajo-Cardona C, Jenike K, Ou S, Wang X, Lee YP, Loke S, Rossetto M, McPherson H, Nigris S, Moschin S, Little DP, Katari MS, Varala K, Kolokotronis SO, Ambrose B, Croft LJ, Coruzzi GM, Schatz M, McCombie WR, Martienssen RA bioRxiv 24-Aug-2023
Phytophthora Species Involved in Alnus glutinosa Decline in Portugal Bregant C, Batista E, Hilário S, Linaldeddu BT, Alves A Pathogens 08-Feb-2023
Forest restoration in a time of fire: perspectives from tall, wet eucalypt forests subject to stand-replacing wildfires Lindenmayer DB, Bowd EJ, Gibbons P Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 14-Nov-2022
Global Estimation and Mapping of the Conservation Status of Tree Species Using Artificial Intelligence Silva SV, Andermann T, Zizka A, Kozlowski G, Silvestro D Front Plant Sci 29-Apr-2022
Quantitative redox proteomics revealed molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance in the roots of sugar beet monomeric addition line M14 Liu H, Du X, Zhang J, Li J, Chen S, Duanmu H, Li H Bot Stud 05-Mar-2022
Stepping up to the thermogradient plate: a data framework for predicting seed germination under climate change Collette JC, Sommerville KD, Lyons MB, Offord CA, Errington G, Newby ZJ, von Richter L, Emery NJ Ann Bot 25-Feb-2022
Loss of the IR region in conifer plastomes: Changes in the selection pressure and substitution rate of protein‐coding genes Ping J, Hao J, Li J, Yang Y, Su Y, Wang T Ecol Evol 12-Jan-2022
Number of Candidate Effector Genes in Accessory Genomes Differentiates Pathogenic From Endophytic Fusarium oxysporum Strains Constantin ME, Fokkens L, de Sain M, Takken FL, Rep M Front Plant Sci 29-Nov-2021
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Evolutionary divergence of motifs in B-class MADS-box proteins of seed plants Shen G, Jia Y, Wang WL J Biol Res (Thessalon) 28-May-2021
Pharmacological Potential of Fungal Endophytes Associated with Medicinal Plants: A Review Adeleke BS, Babalola OO J Fungi (Basel) 17-Feb-2021
Modification of Natural Proanthocyanidin Oligomers and Polymers Via Chemical Oxidation under Alkaline Conditions Imran IB, Karonen M, Salminen JP, Engström MT ACS Omega 09-Feb-2021
Fungal Endophytes as Efficient Sources of Plant-Derived Bioactive Compounds and Their Prospective Applications in Natural Product Drug Discovery: Insights, Avenues, and Challenges Singh A, Singh DK, Kharwar RN, White JF, Gond SK Microorganisms 19-Jan-2021
Evolutionary analysis of chloroplast tRNA of Gymnosperm revealed the novel structural variation and evolutionary aspect Zhang TT, Hou YK, Yang T, Zhang SY, Yue M, Liu J, Li Z PeerJ 25-Nov-2020

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