Sphaerocarpos texanus - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440502b2fa10269846349
Scientific name Sphaerocarpos texanus
Authority Austin
First published in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 158 1877

Description Top

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Sphaerocarpos texanus, also known as the Texas balloonwort, is a small, thalloid liverwort found in various regions including the Americas, northern Africa, and Europe. It is a sexually dimorphic species, with male plants being smaller in size compared to females. The plant is bright green in color and appears in autumn, dying in spring. Its unique feature is the occurrence of spores in sets of four, called tetrads, which remain intact until they germinate. Sphaerocarpos texanus is typically found in flat, lightly shaded soil, often near roadsides. It has a wide distribution and has been recorded in countries such as the United States, Uruguay, England, Germany, France, and Morocco.

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Language Common/alternative name
Arabic سفيريكاربوس تكسانوس
Welsh swigenllystecsas
Welsh swigenllys tecsas
Dutch gerand blaasjesmos

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

No distribution data was extracted from POWO/KEW yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001196792
Florida Plant Atlas 4837
USDA Plants SPTE13
Tropicos 35186009
INPN 6137
The Plant List tro-35186009
Open Tree Of Life 548796
Observations.org 17805
NCBI Taxonomy 37410
NBN Atlas NHMSYS0000310650
Nature Serve 2.124241
iNaturalist 56436
GBIF 5710058
Freebase /m/0cny__m
EOL 600099
Wikipedia Sphaerocarpos_texanus

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
The complete chloroplast genome of Porella gracillima Mitt. (Porellaceae) and phylogenetic relationships to other bryophytes Lee JK, Park MJ, Park SJ, Park JS Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 21-Dec-2023
Phylotranscriptomics of liverworts: revisiting the backbone phylogeny and ancestral gene duplications Dong S, Yu J, Zhang L, Goffinet B, Liu Y Ann Bot 08-Sep-2022
The Increase of Simple Sequence Repeats during Diversification of Marchantiidae, An Early Land Plant Lineage, Leads to the First Known Expansion of Inverted Repeats in the Evolutionarily-Stable Structure of Liverwort Plastomes Sawicki J, Bączkiewicz A, Buczkowska K, Górski P, Krawczyk K, Mizia P, Myszczyński K, Ślipiko M, Szczecińska M Genes (Basel) 12-Mar-2020
The distribution and evolution of fungal symbioses in ancient lineages of land plants Rimington WR, Duckett JG, Field KJ, Bidartondo MI, Pressel S Mycorrhiza 04-Mar-2020
Control of proliferation in the haploid meristem by CLE peptide signaling in Marchantia polymorpha Hirakawa Y, Uchida N, Yamaguchi YL, Tabata R, Ishida S, Ishizaki K, Nishihama R, Kohchi T, Sawa S, Bowman JL PLoS Genet 07-Mar-2019
Evidence for Exaptation of the Marchantia polymorpha M20D Peptidase MpILR1 into the Tracheophyte Auxin Regulatory Pathway Campanella JJ, Kurdach S, Bochis J, Smalley JV Plant Physiol 29-Jun-2018
The evolution of the stomatal apparatus: intercellular spaces and sporophyte water relations in bryophytes—two ignored dimensions Duckett JG, Pressel S Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 18-Dec-2017
Data access for the 1,000 Plants (1KP) project Matasci N, Hung LH, Yan Z, Carpenter EJ, Wickett NJ, Mirarab S, Nguyen N, Warnow T, Ayyampalayam S, Barker M, Burleigh JG, Gitzendanner MA, Wafula E, Der JP, dePamphilis CW, Roure B, Philippe H, Ruhfel BR, Miles NW, Graham SW, Mathews S, Surek B, Melkonian M, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Rothfels C, Pokorny L, Shaw JA, DeGironimo L, Stevenson DW, Villarreal JC, Chen T, Kutchan TM, Rolf M, Baucom RS, Deyholos MK, Samudrala R, Tian Z, Wu X, Sun X, Zhang Y, Wang J, Leebens-Mack J, Wong GK Gigascience 27-Oct-2014
The taxonomic position of Sphaerocarpos and Riella as indicated by their flavonoid chemistry Kenneth R. Markham, Lawrence J. Porter, Norton G. Miller Elsevier BV 25-Jul-2002
Culture Studies on Sphaerocarpos. III. The Utilization of Nitrogen by Sphaerocarpos texanus Schuler JF, Diller VM, Fulford M, Kersten HJ Plant Physiol 01-Jan-1970

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / Flavonoid glycosides / Flavonoid O-glucuronides / Flavonoid-7-O-glucuronides
Luteolin 7-glucuronide 5280601 Click to see C1=CC(=C(C=C1C2=CC(=O)C3=C(C=C(C=C3O2)OC4C(C(C(C(O4)C(=O)O)O)O)O)O)O)O 462.40 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-9422(00)89073-1

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