Genus Herbertus in Family Herbertaceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
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Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
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Pick a Species to see its components:
Herbertus acanthelius
Herbertus aduncus
1 -
Herbertus angustevittatus
Herbertus angustissimus
Herbertus arcticus
Herbertus armitana
Herbertus asparus
Herbertus azoricus
Herbertus bivittatus
Herbertus borealis
Herbertus buchii
Herbertus capensis
Herbertus ceylanicus
Herbertus circinatus
Herbertus colombianus
Herbertus decurrens
Herbertus delavayi
Herbertus dicranus
Herbertus divaricatus
Herbertus divergens
Herbertus doggeltianus
Herbertus durandii
Herbertus elliottii
Herbertus evittatus
Herbertus fleischeri
Herbertus fragilis
Herbertus gaochienii
Herbertus giraldianus
Herbertus giulianettii
Herbertus grossevittatus
Herbertus grossispinus
Herbertus hawaiiensis
Herbertus helleri
Herbertus herpocladioides
Herbertus himalayanus
Herbertus huerlimannii
Herbertus hutchinsiae
Herbertus javanicus
Herbertus juniperoideus
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Herbertus kurzii
Herbertus leratii
Herbertus limbatus
Herbertus lobatus
Herbertus longifissus
Herbertus longispinus
Herbertus mascarenicus
Herbertus mastigophoroides
Herbertus mauritianus
Herbertus minima
Herbertus minor
Herbertus nepalensis
Herbertus nilgerriensis
Herbertus norenus
Herbertus oblongifolius
Herbertus parisii
Herbertus pensilis
Herbertus perrottetii
Herbertus pinnatus
Herbertus pocsii
Herbertus pseudoceylanicus
Herbertus pusillus
Herbertus ramosus
Herbertus runcinatus
Herbertus sakuraii
Herbertus sendtneri
Herbertus seriatus
Herbertus setiger
Herbertus sikkimensis
Herbertus spicatus
Herbertus spinosissimus
Herbertus stramineus
Herbertus streimannii
Herbertus stuhlmannii
Herbertus subdentatus
Herbertus subnivalis
Herbertus subrotundatus
Herbertus udarii
Herbertus wichurae