Dicranum elongatum - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64407e546aab3560238504
Scientific name Dicranum elongatum
Authority Schleich. ex Schwägr.
First published in Sp. Musc. Frond., Suppl. 1 1: 171. pl. 43 1811

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Dicranum sendtneri Limpr. Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 360 1886
Dicranum subflagellare Cardot & Thér. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 298. 13 f. 3 1902
Dicranum tundrae Lindb. & Arnell Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl., n.s. 23(10): 82 1890

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English elongate dicranum moss
Czech dvouhrotec prodloužený
German langblättriges gabelzahnmoos
Finnish tunturikynsisammal
Swedish tät kvastmossa
Chinese 长叶曲尾藓

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Dicranum elongatum subsp. sendtneri (Limpr.) Podp. Consp. Musc. Eur. 142 1954

Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001159345
USDA Plants DIEL70
Tropicos 35122259
INPN 4743
The Plant List tro-35122259
Open Tree Of Life 600899
Observations.org 160883
NCBI Taxonomy 380526
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000036234
Nature Serve 2.122288
iNaturalist 161855
GBIF 2675451
EOL 883120
Elurikkus 233392

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Relating Paramagnetic Properties to Molecular Parameters of Humic Acids Isolated from Permafrost Peatlands in the European Arctic Lodygin E, Vasilevich R, Abakumov E Molecules 23-Dec-2023
Strong isoprene emission response to temperature in tundra vegetation Seco R, Holst T, Davie-Martin CL, Simin T, Guenther A, Pirk N, Rinne J, Rinnan R Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 12-Sep-2022
Vulnerability of the Ancient Peat Plateaus in Western Siberia Pastukhov A, Marchenko-Vagapova T, Loiko S, Kaverin D Plants (Basel) 19-Dec-2021
Antitumor Profile of Carbon-Bridged Steroids (CBS) and Triterpenoids Dembitsky VM, Gloriozova TA, Poroikov VV Mar Drugs 03-Jun-2021
Lake Drainage in Permafrost Regions Produces Variable Plant Communities of High Biomass and Productivity Loiko S, Klimova N, Kuzmina D, Pokrovsky O Plants (Basel) 08-Jul-2020
Vegetation on mesic loamy and sandy soils along a 1700‐km maritime Eurasia Arctic Transect Walker DA, Epstein HE, Šibík J, Bhatt U, Romanovsky VE, Breen AL, Chasníková S, Daanen R, Druckenmiller LA, Ermokhina K, Forbes BC, Frost GV, Geml J, Kaärlejarvi E, Khitun O, Khomutov A, Kumpula T, Kuss P, Matyshak G, Moskalenko N, Orekhov P, Peirce J, Raynolds MK, Timling I Appl Veg Sci 27-Feb-2019
Effects of human trampling on abundance and diversity of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in alpine heath vegetation, Northern Sweden Jägerbrand AK, Alatalo JM Springerplus 26-Feb-2015
Estimation of antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and brine shrimp toxicity of plants collected from Oymyakon region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia Paudel B, Bhattarai HD, Kim IC, Lee H, Sofronov R, Ivanova L, Poryadina L, Yim JH Biol Res 01-Apr-2014
Wax ester profiling of seed oil by nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Iven T, Herrfurth C, Hornung E, Heilmann M, Hofvander P, Stymne S, Zhu LH, Feussner I Plant Methods 06-Jul-2013
Impacts of long-term enhanced UV-B radiation on bryophytes in two sub-Arctic heathland sites of contrasting water availability Arróniz-Crespo M, Gwynn-Jones D, Callaghan TV, Núñez-Olivera E, Martínez-Abaigar J, Horton P, Phoenix GK Ann Bot 28-Jul-2011

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