Ulota crispa - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644084886aafa061051743
Scientific name Ulota crispa
Authority (Hedw.) Brid.
First published in Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 112 1819

Description Top

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Ulota crispa, also known as the crisped pincushion moss, is a type of moss that belongs to the genus Ulota and is found in eastern North America. This acrocarpous moss typically grows in dense clusters on tree bark.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Ulota bruchii Hornsch. Bryol. Univ. 1: 794 1827
Ulota camptopoda Kindb. Cat. Canad. Pl., Musci 85 1892
Ulota connectens (Kindb.) Kindb. Enum. Bryin. Exot., suppl. 2, 108 1891
Ulota crispula Bruch Bryol. Univ. 1: 793 1827
Ulota longifolia Dixon & Sakurai Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49: 140 1935
Ulota ulophylla Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 473 1902
Orthotrichum connectens Kindb. Ottawa Naturalist 3: 150 1890

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English ulota moss
English crisped pincushion
Czech kadeřavec obecný
Welsh mwsogl pincas cyffredin
Welsh mwsogl pincas norwy
German gewöhnliches krausblattmoos
Finnish tammitakkusammal
Dutch trompetkroesmos
Polish nastroszek kędzierzawy
Swedish krushättemossa
Chinese 北方捲葉蘚
Chinese 卷叶藓
Chinese 北方捲葉苔

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Ulota crispa var. norvegica (Gronvall) A.J.E.Sm. & M.O.Hill J. Bryol. 8: 431 1975

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

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Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001160961
Tropicos 35126497
INPN 5051
The Plant List tro-35126497
Open Tree Of Life 1022289
Observations.org 17668
NCBI Taxonomy 140636
NBN Atlas NHMSYS0000310819
Nature Serve 2.126608
iNaturalist 170060
GBIF 2671967
EOL 885984
Wikipedia Ulota_crispa

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Accession Assembly
Name Level Submitter Released Coverage Size
GCA_963920765.1 cbUloCris4.1 Chromosome WELLCOME SANGER INSTITUTE 2023-12-25 117.0x 262.25 Mb

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
The Bryophyte Flora of Vienna Zechmeister HG, Kropik M Plants (Basel) 20-Aug-2023
Nuclear DNA Amounts in Chinese Bryophytes Estimated by Flow Cytometry: Variation Patterns and Biological Significances Li D, Luo G, Guo S, Huang R, Yang J, Cao T, Yu J Plants (Basel) 05-Apr-2023
Categorizing 161 plant (streptophyte) mitochondrial group II introns into 29 families of related paralogues finds only limited links between intron mobility and intron-borne maturases Zumkeller S, Knoop V BMC Ecol Evol 13-Mar-2023
Bryophyte Spores Tolerate High Desiccation Levels and Exposure to Cryogenic Temperatures but Contain Storage Lipids and Chlorophyll: Understanding the Essential Traits Needed for the Creation of Bryophyte Spore Banks Tiloca G, Brundu G, Ballesteros D Plants (Basel) 07-May-2022
How Does the pH of Tree Bark Change with the Presence of the Epiphytic Bryophytes from the Family Orthotrichaceae in the Interaction with Trunk Inclination? Kovářová M, Pyszko P, Plášek V Plants (Basel) 25-Dec-2021
Tea plantations and their importance as host plants and hot spots for epiphytic cryptogams Wolski GJ, Piwowarczyk R, Plášek V, Kukwa M, Ruraż K Sci Rep 14-Sep-2021
The mitogenome of Pseudocrossidium replicatum, a desiccation-tolerant moss Cevallos MA, Guerrero G, Ríos S, Arroyo A, Villalobos MA, Porta H Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 05-Jun-2020
Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK, 1970–2015 Outhwaite CL, Powney GD, August TA, Chandler RE, Rorke S, Pescott OL, Harvey M, Roy HE, Fox R, Roy DB, Alexander K, Ball S, Bantock T, Barber T, Beckmann BC, Cook T, Flanagan J, Fowles A, Hammond P, Harvey P, Hepper D, Hubble D, Kramer J, Lee P, MacAdam C, Morris R, Norris A, Palmer S, Plant CW, Simkin J, Stubbs A, Sutton P, Telfer M, Wallace I, Isaac NJ Sci Data 05-Nov-2019
Mitogenomic analyses support the recent division of the genus Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta) Sawicki J, Plášek V, Ochyra R, Szczecińska M, Ślipiko M, Myszczyński K, Kulik T Sci Rep 30-Jun-2017
A taxonomic revision of Ulota Mohr (Orthotrichaceae) in South and Central America Wang Q, Jia Y Plant Divers 24-May-2016
Long-Term Impacts of Forest Ditching on Non-Aquatic Biodiversity: Conservation Perspectives for a Novel Ecosystem Remm L, Lõhmus P, Leis M, Lõhmus A PLoS One 30-Apr-2013
New or otherwise interesting lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Montenegro Bilovitz PO, Knežević B, Stešević D, Vitikainen O, Dragićević S, Mayrhofer H Fritschiana (Graz) 16-Dec-2008
Production of arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acids by Marchantia polymorpha in cell culture Yoshifumi Shinmen, Kenji Katoh, Sakayu Shimizu, Saeree Jareonkitmongkol, Hideaki Yamada Elsevier BV 25-Jul-2002

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Fatty Acyls / Fatty acids and conjugates / Long-chain fatty acids
Icosa-2,4,6,8,10-pentaenoic acid 135002 Click to see CCCCCCCCCC=CC=CC=CC=CC=CC(=O)O 302.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)83188-Q

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