Witheringia solanacea - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644041ff25693159588060
Scientific name Witheringia solanacea
Authority L'Hér.
First published in Sert. Angl. 1: 19, t. 1. 1788 [1789]

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Acnistus lehmannii Dammer Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 390. 1919
Bassovia solanacea (L'Hér.) Benth. & Hook.f. Gen. Pl. 2: 891. 1876
Bassovia solanacea var. glabrescens Hochr. Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 285. 1910
Brachistus hebephyllus Miers Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 3: 266. 1849.
Brachistus solanaceus Benth. & Hook.f. ex Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 2: 424. 1882.
Capsicum hebephyllum (Miers) Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 449. 1891.
Capsicum isothrix Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 18: 1567. 1938
Capsicum solanaceum var. glabrescens Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 450. 1891
Capsicum tetramerum Standl. & C.V.Morton Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 18: 1045. 1938
Saracha solanacea (L'Hér.) Miers Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, 3(18): 450. 1849 [Jun 1849]
Sicklera solanacea (L'Hér.) Sendtn. Flora 29: 195 (err. typ. 179). 1846
Sicklera tetrandra A.Braun & Bouche App. Sp. Nov. 1853: 10. 1853.
Solanum panamense Van Heurck & Müll.Arg. Observ. Bot. 128. 1871.
Solanum peckii S.F.Blake Contr. Gray Herb. 52: 87. 1917.
Witheringia filipes Alain Phytologia 65: 421 (-422), fig. 1989
Witheringia pogonandra Lem. Ill. Hort. 7: t. 242. 1860
Witheringia solanacea Miers ex Benth. & Hook.f. Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2(2): 891, in nota. 1876 [May 1876]

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001032882
Tropicos 29602047
INPN 735177
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:821802-1
The Plant List kew-2450845
Open Tree Of Life 326647
NCBI Taxonomy 52874
IUCN Red List 151950696
IPNI 821801-1
iNaturalist 280995
GBIF 7299733

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Reduced pollinator service in small populations of Arabidopsis lyrata at its southern range limit Sánchez-Castro D, Armbruster G, Willi Y Oecologia 02-Sep-2022
Does pollen limitation limit plant ranges? Evidence and implications Dawson-Glass E, Hargreaves AL Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 24-Jan-2022
Intraspecific breakdown of self-incompatibility in Physalis acutifolia (Solanaceae) Pretz C, Smith SD AoB Plants 23-Dec-2021
Live Cell Assays for the Assessment of Antioxidant Activities of Plant Extracts Furger C Antioxidants (Basel) 11-Jun-2021
The Potential of Traditional Knowledge to Develop Effective Medicines for the Treatment of Leishmaniasis Passero LF, Brunelli ED, Sauini T, Amorim Pavani TF, Jesus JA, Rodrigues E Front Pharmacol 08-Jun-2021
Cabbage Production in West Africa and IPM with a Focus on Plant-Based Extracts and a Complementary Worldwide Vision Mondédji AD, Silvie P, Nyamador WS, Martin P, Agboyi LK, Amévoin K, Ketoh GK, Glitho IA Plants (Basel) 11-Mar-2021
Effects of Aqueous Extracts from Amazon Plants on Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and Brevicoryne brassicae (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Laboratory, Semifield, and field trials Cerda H, Carpio C, Ledezma-Carrizalez AC, Sánchez J, Ramos L, Muñoz-Shugulí C, Andino M, Chiurato M J Insect Sci 16-Oct-2019
Antidiabetic Potential of Medicinal Plants and Their Active Components Salehi B, Ata A, V. Anil Kumar N, Sharopov F, Ramírez-Alarcón K, Ruiz-Ortega A, Abdulmajid Ayatollahi S, Valere Tsouh Fokou P, Kobarfard F, Amiruddin Zakaria Z, Iriti M, Taheri Y, Martorell M, Sureda A, N. Setzer W, Durazzo A, Lucarini M, Santini A, Capasso R, Adrian Ostrander E, -ur-Rahman A, Iqbal Choudhary M, C. Cho W, Sharifi-Rad J Biomolecules 30-Sep-2019
Overcoming Self-Incompatibility in Diploid Potato Using CRISPR-Cas9 Enciso-Rodriguez F, Manrique-Carpintero NC, Nadakuduti SS, Buell CR, Zarka D, Douches D Front Plant Sci 02-Apr-2019
Bioactivity Profiling of Plant Biodiversity of Panama by High Throughput Screening Roy A, McDonald P, Timmermann BN, Gupta M, Chaguturu R Nat Prod Commun 01-Jan-2019
Medicinal Plants from North and Central America and the Caribbean Considered Toxic for Humans: The Other Side of the Coin Alonso-Castro AJ, Domínguez F, Ruiz-Padilla AJ, Campos-Xolalpa N, Zapata-Morales JR, Carranza-Alvarez C, Maldonado-Miranda JJ Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 02-Nov-2017
Antimalarial activity of Artemisia nilagirica against Plasmodium falciparum Panda S, Rout JR, Pati P, Ranjit M, Sahoo SL J Parasit Dis 12-Sep-2017
Ethnobotanical Research at the Kutukú Scientific Station, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador Ballesteros JL, Bracco F, Cerna M, Vita Finzi P, Vidari G Biomed Res Int 15-Dec-2016
Chemical and Biological Aspects of Extracts from Medicinal Plants with Antidiabetic Effects Gushiken LF, Beserra FP, Rozza AL, Bérgamo PL, Bérgamo DA, Pellizzon CH Rev Diabet Stud 10-Aug-2016
The Phyllodonta latrata (Guenée) species group in Costa Rica (Geometridae, Ennominae) Sullivan JB Zookeys 27-Jun-2014

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Steroids and steroid derivatives / Physalins and derivatives
(1R,2R,4R,6S,11R,12S,15R,18S,19R,20S,21R,23R,26S)-15-hydroxy-11,18,21-trimethyl-5,17,24,28,29-pentaoxanonacyclo[,20.02,12.04,6.06,11.015,19.018,23.021,26]triacont-8-ene-10,16,25,30-tetrone 162908363 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC8C9(O8)CC=CC(=O)C9(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 526.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
(1R,2S,5R,8S,9R,14R,15R,17R,18R,21S,24R,26S,27S)-5,14,15-trihydroxy-2,9,26-trimethyl-3,19,23,28-tetraoxaoctacyclo[,27.01,5.02,24.08,17.09,14.021,26]nonacos-11-ene-4,10,22,29-tetrone 70698073 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC(C8(CC=CC(=O)C8(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)O)O)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 544.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
5,6-Epxoyphysalin B 49864133 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC8C9(O8)CC=CC(=O)C9(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 526.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
5alpha,6beta-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrophysalin B 72551426 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC(C8(CC=CC(=O)C8(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)O)O)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 544.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
CID 11613161 11613161 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC=C8CC=CC(=O)C8(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 510.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
Physalin B 431000 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC=C8CC=CC(=O)C8(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 510.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
Physalin D 431071 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC(C8(CC=CC(=O)C8(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)O)O)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 544.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T
Physalin F 433531 Click to see CC12CC3C4(C56C1C(=O)C(O5)(C7CC8C9(O8)CC=CC(=O)C9(C7CCC6(C(=O)O4)O)C)OCC2C(=O)O3)C 526.50 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP050225T

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