Brunfelsia pauciflora - Unknown
Part: Unknown
Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

Brunfelsia pauciflora - Unknown
Part: Unknown
Author: Public Domain - WikiMedia

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Details Top

Internal ID UUID644040f9748d6806478779
Scientific name Brunfelsia pauciflora
Authority (Cham. & Schltdl.) Benth.
First published in Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 10: 199. 1846 [8 Apr 1846]

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Besleria inodora Vell. Fl. Flumin. : 261 (1829)
Brunfelsia calycina var. eximia (Scheidw.) L.H.Bailey & Raffill Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1: 581. 1914
Brunfelsia calycina var. floribunda L.H.Bailey & Raffill Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1: 581. 1914
Brunfelsia calycina var. lindeniana (Planch.) Raffill Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 83: 370. 1928
Brunfelsia calycina var. macrantha (Lem.) L.H.Bailey & Raffill Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1: 581. 1914
Brunfelsia eximia (Scheidw.) Bosse Vollst. Handb. Bl.-gartn., ed. 3 1: 524. 1859
Brunfelsia lindeniana (Planch.) N.E.Br. Suppl. Johnson's Gard. Dict.: 886 (1882):.
Brunfelsia lindeniana (Planch.) G.Nicholson Ill. Dict. Gard. 1: 216. 1884
Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina (Benth.) J.A.Schmidt Fl. Bras. (Martius) 8, pt. 1: 257. 1862
Franciscea calycina (Benth.) Miers Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, 5(28): 250. 1850
Franciscea calycina (Benth.) Hook. Bot. Mag. 77: t. 4583. 1851
Franciscea eximia Scheidw. ex Moore & Ayres Gard. Mag. Bot. 1: 16. 1850.
Franciscea lindeniana Planch. Belgique Hort. 15: 100, t. 16. 1865
Franciscea macrantha Lem. Jard. Fleur. 3: 349, t. 249. 1853
Franciscea pauciflora Cham. & Schltdl. Linnaea 2: 600. 1827

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
Spanish franciscea augusta
Spanish jazmin del paraguay
Spanish jazmín del paraguay
Finnish tohtorinkukka
Malayalam കിസ് മി ക്വിക്ക്
Chinese 大花鸳鸯茉莉
Chinese 大鸳鸯茉莉
Chinese 少花鸳鸯茉莉

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-tropical
    • Indian Subcontinent
      • East Himalaya
    • Indo-China
      • Vietnam

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001019884
USDA Plants BRPA17
Tropicos 29600164
INPN 629209
The Plant List kew-2684139
Open Tree Of Life 1081684
NCBI Taxonomy 160067
IUCN Red List 146114039
IPNI 814676-1
iNaturalist 343971
GBIF 6402571
Freebase /m/04cxylp
EOL 5699806
Elurikkus 578302
Wikipedia Brunfelsia_pauciflora

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Flowers: Ecological Roles, Production by Plants, Extraction, and Identification Lo MM, Benfodda Z, Molinié R, Meffre P Plants (Basel) 31-Jan-2024
Transcription Factors Evolve Faster Than Their Structural Gene Targets in the Flavonoid Pigment Pathway Wheeler LC, Walker JF, Ng J, Deanna R, Dunbar-Wallis A, Backes A, Pezzi PH, Palchetti MV, Robertson HM, Monaghan A, de Freitas LB, Barboza GE, Moyroud E, Smith SD Mol Biol Evol 25-Feb-2022
Birds vs bricks: Patterns of species diversity in response to urbanization in a Neotropical Andean city Carvajal-Castro JD, Ospina-L AM, Toro-López Y, Pulido-G A, Cabrera-Casas LX, Guerrero-Peláez S, García-Merchán VH, Vargas-Salinas F PLoS One 20-Jun-2019
Methyl Eugenol: Its Occurrence, Distribution, and Role in Nature, Especially in Relation to Insect Behavior and Pollination Tan KH, Nishida R J Insect Sci 24-Apr-2012
Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids: From Plant Biology to Agriculture and Neuroscience Dixon RA, Pasinetti GM Plant Physiol 06-Oct-2010

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