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Internal ID UUID644000a11b55a687100081
Scientific name Pleiospermium littorale
Authority Tanaka
First published in Stud. Citrol. 2: 27 (1928)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Limonia littoralis (Miq.) Backer Schoolfl. Java : 185 (1911)
Paramignya littoralis Miq. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 1: 211 (1864)
Atalantia littoralis Guillaumin Bull. Soc. Bot. France 60: 441 (1913)
Limnocitrus littoralis (Miq.) Swingle J. Arnold Arbor. 21: 3 (1940)

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Language Common/alternative name
Indonesian jeruk jepara

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000471257
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:774867-1
Open Tree Of Life 6126563
NCBI Taxonomy 2894634
IUCN Red List 37412
IPNI 774867-1
iNaturalist 184971
GBIF 3836683
USDA GRIN 314271

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Evaluation of the Antimicrobial and Antivirulent Potential of Essential Oils Isolated from Juniperus oxycedrus L. ssp. macrocarpa Aerial Parts Spengler G, Gajdács M, Donadu MG, Usai M, Marchetti M, Ferrari M, Mazzarello V, Zanetti S, Nagy F, Kovács R Microorganisms 31-Mar-2022
Progress of Plant Medicine Derived Extracts and Alkaloids on Modulating Viral Infections and Inflammation Ti H, Zhuang Z, Yu Q, Wang S Drug Des Devel Ther 31-Mar-2021
Clinical Impact and Risk Factors of Nonsusceptibility to Third-Generation Cephalosporins Among Hospitalized Adults with Monomicrobial Enterobacteriaceae Bacteremia in Southern Taiwan: A Multicenter Study Lin TC, Hung YP, Lee CC, Lin WT, Huang LC, Dai W, Kuo CS, Ko WC, Huang YL Infect Drug Resist 24-Feb-2021
Evaluation of Anti-Biofilm Capability of Cordycepin Against Candida albicans Wang Y, Pei Z, Lou Z, Wang H Infect Drug Resist 05-Feb-2021
Thymol Nanoemulsion: A New Therapeutic Option for Extensively Drug Resistant Foodborne Pathogens Bendary MM, Ibrahim D, Mosbah RA, Mosallam F, Hegazy WA, Awad NF, Alshareef WA, Alomar SY, Zaitone SA, Abd El-Hamid MI Antibiotics (Basel) 30-Dec-2020
Antibacterial of Dibenzo-p-Dioxi-2,8-Dicarboxylic Acid Against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria E. faecalis ATCC 29212 Peptide Pheromones: Quorum Sensing of in vitro and in silico Study Kurnia D, Rachmawati P, Satari MH Drug Des Devel Ther 30-Jul-2020
Comparison of In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Epaltes divaricata and Vetiveria zizanioides against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Rathnayake H, De Zoysa MH, Hewawasam RP, Wijayaratne WM Scientifica (Cairo) 14-Jul-2020
Phytochemical Compositions and Biological Activities of Essential Oils from the Leaves, Rhizomes and Whole Plant of Hornstedtia bella Škorničk Donadu MG, Trong Le N, Viet Ho D, Quoc Doan T, Tuan Le A, Raal A, Usai M, Marchetti M, Sanna G, Madeddu S, Rappelli P, Diaz N, Molicotti P, Carta A, Piras S, Usai D, Thi Nguyen H, Cappuccinelli P, Zanetti S Antibiotics (Basel) 18-Jun-2020
Biological Activities of Essential Oils from Leaves of Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum and Limnocitrus littoralis (Miq.) Swingle Trong Le N, Viet Ho D, Quoc Doan T, Tuan Le A, Raal A, Usai D, Sanna G, Carta A, Rappelli P, Diaz N, Cappuccinelli P, Zanetti S, Thi Nguyen H, Donadu MG Antibiotics (Basel) 24-Apr-2020

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