Potentilla nivea - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64403fba041b6850977572
Scientific name Potentilla nivea
Authority L.
First published in Sp. Pl. : 499 (1753)

Description Top

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Potentilla nivea, also known as snow cinquefoil, is a flowering plant found in Subarctic Asia, North America, Greenland, and Europe, as well as the Subalpine Rockies and Alps. It is a versatile species, with different ploidy levels ranging from 2x to 10x. This plant is a member of the Potentilla genus and is characterized by its snowy white flowers. It is a common sight in mountainous regions and is well-adapted to survive in harsh environments.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Potentilla macrantha Ledeb. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Hist. Acad. 5: 541 (1812 publ. 1815)
Potentilla nivea var. dissecta S.Watson Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 559 (1873)
Potentilla nivea var. quinquefolia Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 302 (1896)
Potentilla prostrata subsp. ciscaspica Soják Candollea 44: 752 (1989)
Potentilla fragariifolia Less. ex Ledeb. Fl. Ross. (Ledeb.) 2(1,4): 57. 1843 [Sep 1843]
Potentilla nivea subsp. mischkinii (Juz.) Jurtzev Fl. Arct. URSS 9(1): 173 (1984)
Potentilla mischkinii Juz. Fl. Murmansk. Obl. 4: 323 (1959)
Fragaria nivea Crantz Inst. Rei Herb. 2: 179 (1766)
Potentilla jezoensis Soják Candollea 44: 752 (1989)
Potentilla prostrata subsp. floccosa Soják Candollea 44: 751 (1989)
Potentilla matsuokana Makino Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 161 (1902)
Potentilla concinna var. dissecta (S.Watson) B.Boivin Phytologia 4: 89 (1952)
Potentilla nivea var. vulgaris Cham. & Schltdl. ; 1827 21 1827
Potentilla nivea var. alpina Turcz. Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 375 (1843)
Potentilla nivea var. tomentosa Nilsson-Ehle ex Hultén Bot. Not. 1945: 134 (1945)
Potentilla nivea subsp. chionodes Hiitonen Suom. Elain-ja Kasvit. Seuran Van. Tiedon. Pöytäkirjat 2: 25, 30 (1947 publ. 1949)
Potentilla quinquefolia Rydb. Monogr. N. Amer. Potent. 2: 76 (1898)
Potentilla nivea var. prostrata (Rottb.) Lehm. Monographia generis Potentillarum ; 1820 184 1820
Potentilla nivea var. pallidior Sw. Summa vegetabilium Scandinaviae ; 1814 19 1814
Potentilla fissuralis Fed. & Al.Fed. ex Popov Flora Srednei Sibiri ; 1957 290 1957
Potentilla hemicryophila (Jurtzev) Soják
Potentilla uniflora subsp. arctica (Cham. & Schltdl.) Hiitonen Suom. Elain-ja Kasvit. Seuran Van. Tiedon. Pöytäkirjat 2: 27 (1947 publ. 1949)
Potentilla nivea var. major Turcz. Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 374 (1843)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English snow cinquefoil
Bulgarian снежен очиболец
Finnish pahtahanhikki
Finnish vuoripahtahanhikki
Kazakh Қар қазтабаны
Norwegian Bokmål snømure
Norwegian Nynorsk snømure
Russian Лапчатка снежная
Swedish lappfingerört
Chinese 多裂委陵菜
Chinese 雪白委陵菜
Chinese 假雪委陵菜
Chinese 白萎陵菜

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Potentilla nivea subsp. subquinata (Lange) Hultén Bot. Not. 1945: 135 (1945)

Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Potentilla nivea var. elongata Th.Wolf ; 1908 237 1908

Subvarieties (abbr. subvar.) Top

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Forms (abbr. f.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Sow seeds directly at 4°C.

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-temperate
    • China
      • China North-central
      • Inner Mongolia
      • Manchuria
      • Xinjiang
    • Eastern Asia
      • Japan
      • Korea
    • Middle Asia
      • Kazakhstan
      • Kirgizstan
    • Mongolia
      • Mongolia
    • Russian Far East
      • Kamchatka
      • Khabarovsk
      • Magadan
      • Primorye
      • Sakhalin
    • Siberia
      • Altay
      • Buryatiya
      • Chita
      • Irkutsk
      • Krasnoyarsk
      • Tuva
      • West Siberia
      • Yakutskiya
  • Europe
    • Eastern Europe
      • East European Russia
      • North European Russia
    • Middle Europe
      • Austria
      • Switzerland
    • Northern Europe
      • Finland
      • Norway
      • Sweden
    • Southeastern Europe
      • Italy
    • Southwestern Europe
      • France
  • Northern America
    • Eastern Canada
      • Labrador
      • Newfoundland
      • Québec
    • Northwestern U.S.A.
      • Colorado
      • Montana
      • Washington
      • Wyoming
    • South-central U.S.A.
      • New Mexico
    • Southwestern U.S.A.
      • Arizona
      • Utah
    • Subarctic America
      • Alaska
      • Greenland
      • Northwest Territorie
      • Nunavut
      • Yukon
    • Western Canada
      • Alberta
      • British Columbia
      • Manitoba

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001005538
Canadensys 8832
Tropicos 27800114
INPN 115574
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30011942-2
The Plant List rjp-3807
Open Tree Of Life 176697
Observations.org 135836
NCBI Taxonomy 57942
Nature Serve 2.147814
IPNI 30011942-2
iNaturalist 167366
GBIF 5366510
EOL 229859
Wikipedia Potentilla_nivea

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Conservation of the Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants in the Mining and Tourism Area: Khibiny Mountains, Murmansk Region, Russia Borovichev EA, Kozhin MN, Koroleva NE, Petrova OV, Akhmerova DR, Shulina MV Plants (Basel) 23-Apr-2024
The Distribution Characteristics of Vegetation in the Subrange of the Altai Mountains, Xinjiang Cao Q, Wei Y, Li W, Feng Y, Abduraimov OS Plants (Basel) 20-Nov-2023
Grass-microbial inter-domain ecological networks associated with alpine grassland productivity Wang Y, Dang N, Feng K, Wang J, Jin X, Yao S, Wang L, Gu S, Zheng H, Lu G, Deng Y Front Microbiol 25-Jan-2023
Transcriptional Memory in Taraxacum mongolicum in Response to Long-Term Different Grazing Intensities Wang Y, Zhu W, Ren F, Zhao N, Xu S, Sun P Plants (Basel) 30-Aug-2022
Homogeneous Selection and Dispersal Limitation Dominate the Effect of Soil Strata Under Warming Condition Wang Z, Feng K, Lu G, Yu H, Wang S, Wei Z, Dang N, Wang Y, Deng Y Front Microbiol 24-Feb-2022
Comparative Microbial Nitrogen Functional Gene Abundances in the Topsoil vs. Subsoil of Three Grassland Habitats in Northern China Liu Y, Chi Q, Cheng H, Ding H, Wen T, Zhao J, Feng X, Zhang J, Cai Z, Liu G Front Plant Sci 14-Jan-2022
Pulse grazing by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) can increase the phylogenetic diversity of vascular plant communities in the Fennoscandian tundra Gibson K, Olofsson J, Mooers AØ, Monroe MJ Ecol Evol 07-Oct-2021
Sympatric Yaks and Plateau Pikas Promote Microbial Diversity and Similarity by the Mutual Utilization of Gut Microbiota Fu H, Zhang L, Fan C, Li W, Liu C, Zhang H, Cheng Q, Zhang Y Microorganisms 06-Sep-2021
Environment and host species identity shape gut microbiota diversity in sympatric herbivorous mammals Fu H, Zhang L, Fan C, Liu C, Li W, Cheng Q, Zhao X, Jia S, Zhang Y Microb Biotechnol 26-Dec-2020
“A herder’s duty is to think”: landscape partitioning and folk habitats of Mongolian herders in a mountain forest steppe (Khuvsugul-Murun region) Gantuya B, Avar Á, Babai D, Molnár Á, Molnár Z J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 20-Nov-2019
Long-term warming results in species-specific shifts in seed mass in alpine communities Zhang C, Ma Z, Zhou H, Zhao X PeerJ 31-Jul-2019
Trait‐abundance relation in response to nutrient addition in a Tibetan alpine meadow: The importance of species trade‐off in resource conservation and acquisition Liu H, Li Y, Ren F, Lin L, Zhu W, He J, Niu K Ecol Evol 03-Nov-2017
Vascular plant biodiversity of the lower Coppermine River valley and vicinity (Nunavut, Canada): an annotated checklist of an Arctic flora Saarela JM, Sokoloff PC, Bull RD PeerJ 31-Jan-2017
Effects of plant species richness on 13C assimilate partitioning in artificial grasslands of different established ages Xu L, Yao B, Wang W, Wang F, Zhou H, Shi J, Zhao X Sci Rep 09-Jan-2017
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition affected by original elevation rather than translocation along an altitudinal gradient on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Yang W, Zheng Y, Gao C, Duan JC, Wang SP, Guo LD Sci Rep 09-Nov-2016

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