Potentilla crantzii
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Details Top
Internal ID | UUID64403f0373a13323607242 |
Scientific name | Potentilla crantzii |
Authority | (Crantz) Fritsch |
First published in | Excursionsfl. Oesterreich : 295 (1897) |
Description Top
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Synonyms Top
Scientific name | Authority | First published in |
Potentilla serpentini | Borbás ex Zimmeter | Jahresber. K. K. Staats-Ober-Realschule Steyr 14: 22. 1884 [Aug-Sep 1884] ; Eur. Art. Gatt. Potentilla |
Potentilla alpestris | Hall.f. | Mus. Helv. Bot. 1: 53 (1819) |
Potentilla salisburgensis | Haenke | Collectanea [Jacquin] 2: 68. 1789 [1788 publ. Apr 1789] |
Potentilla eynensis | Rouy & E.G.Camus | Fl. France 6: 192 (1900) |
Potentilla baldensis | A.Kern. ex Zimmeter | Schedae ad Floram exsiccatam austro-hungaricam ; 1881 27, no.833 1884 |
Potentilla villosa | Crantz ex Zimmeter | ; 1884 25 1884 |
Potentilla gelida | Th.Wolf | ; 1908 535 1908 |
Potentilla verna subsp. saxatilis | (Boulay) Nyman | |
Potentilla crantzii subsp. gelida | (C.A.Mey.) Soják | Cas. Nár. Muz., Rada Prír. 154: 74 (1985 publ. 1988) |
Potentilla gelida subsp. boreoasiatica | Jurtzev & Kamelin | Fl. Arct. URSS 9(1): 320 (1984) |
Potentilla gelida | C.A.Mey. | Verz. Pfl. Casp. Meer. : 167 (1831) |
Potentilla rubens | Vill. | Prosp. Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 46. 1779 [16 Apr 1779] ; Moench, Meth. 657 |
Fragaria villosa | Crantz | Stirp. Austr. Fasc. , ed. 2: 75 (1769) |
Dynamidium juranum | Fourr. | Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon 16: 371 (1868) |
Potentilla saxatilis | Boulay | Billotia 1: 109 (1869) |
Potentilla levieri | Siegfr. & R.Keller ex R.Keller | Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 14: 511 (1891) |
Potentilla langeana | Rydb. | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 179 (1901) |
Potentilla affinis | Host | Fl. Austriaca 2: 41 (1831) |
Potentilla sabauda | DC. | Fl. Franç. , ed. 3, 4: 458 (1805) |
Potentilla juratensis | Ser. ex Nestl. | Monogr. Potentilla : 52 (1816) |
Potentilla incisa | Desf. ex Nestl. | Monogr. Potentilla [Nestler] 51. 1816 [Jun 1816] |
Potentilla crantzii var. argentata | (Braun-Blanq.) O.Bolòs & Vigo | Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat., Secc. Bot. 38(1): 67 (1974) |
Potentilla verlotii | Jord. ex Verl. | Cat. Pl. Cult. Grenoble : 28 (1857) |
Potentilla hellwegeri | Murr | Deutsche Bot. Monatsschr. 16: 62 (1898) |
Potentilla filiformis | Vill. | Hist. Pl. Dauphiné (Villars) 3(1): 564. 1788 [Jul 1788] |
Potentilla rotundifolia | Vill. | Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3: 565 (1788) |
Potentilla verna var. ternata | A.Blytt | Norges flora ; 1861 1185 1876 |
Potentilla praeruptorum | F.W.Schultz | Jahresber. Pollichia 18-19: 105 (1861) |
Potentilla pseudoserpentini | Waisb. | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 43: 357 (1893) |
Potentilla engadinensis | Brügger | Schweiz. Met. Beob. 4: 560 (1867) |
Potentilla aurea var. crocea | Haller f. ex Wahlenb. | Flora carpatorum principalium ; 1814 157 1814 |
Potentilla scandica | Soják | Preslia 57: 264 (1985) |
Potentilla stipularis | Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr. | Bull. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse 3: 566 (1875-1876 publ. 1879) |
Potentilla latestipula | Braun-Blanq. | Commun. Stat. Int. Géobot. Médit. Montpellier 87: 227 (1945) |
Potentilla crantzii var. latestipula | (Braun-Blanq.) O.Bolòs & Vigo | Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat., Secc. Bot. 38(1): 67. 1974 |
Potentilla crantzii subsp. latestipula | Braun-Blanq. ex Vives | ; 1965 45 1965 |
Potentilla jurana | Reut. | Compt.-Rend. Trav. Soc. Hallér 4: 108 (1855-1856 publ. 1856) |
Potentilla gardae | Evers | Verh. K. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 46: 56 (1896) |
Potentilla tridentina | Gelmi | Verh. K. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 46: 56 (1896) |
Potentilla stipulaceum | Timb.-Lagr. | Bull. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse 1: 72 (1872 publ. 1873) |
Potentilla bithynica | Hornem. | Hort. Bot. Hafn. , Suppl.: 55 (1819) |
Potentilla friesiana | Lange | Fl. Dan. 7(50): 8 (1880) |
Potentilla crantzii subsp. boreoasiatica | (Jurtzev & Kamelin) Soják | Preslia 65: 129 (1993) |
Potentilla aurea var. salisburgensis | (Haenke) Ser. | Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis ; 1823 576 1825 |
Potentilla alpestris var. jurana | (Reut.) Th.Wolf | ; 1908 550 1908 |
Potentilla alpestris var. debilis | (Schleich. ex Gaudin) W.D.J.Koch | Synopsis florae germanicae et helveticae ; 1843 241 1843 |
Potentilla alpestris var. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Th.Wolf | Potentillen-Studien ; 1901 58 1903 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Burnat & Briq. | Flore des Alpes maritimes ; 1892 265 1896 |
Potentilla alpestris var. tridentina | (Gelmi & Evers) Th.Wolf | Potentillen-Studien ; 1901 59 1903 |
Potentilla alpestris var. firma | W.D.J.Koch | Synopsis florae germanicae et helveticae ; 1835 246 1836 |
Potentilla stricticaulis | Gremli | Excursionsflora f?r die Schweiz ; 1889 159 annot. 1889 |
Potentilla alpestris var. levieri | (Siegfr. & R.Keller ex R.Keller) Th.Wolf | ; 1908 556 1908 |
Potentilla alpestris var. friesiana | (Lange) Th.Wolf | ; 1908 556, t.18(f.2) 1908 |
Potentilla alpestris var. saxatilis | (Boulay) Th.Wolf | ; 1908 557 1908 |
Potentilla alpestris var. serpentini | (Borbás ex Th.Wolf) Th.Wolf | ; 1908 558 1908 |
Potentilla debilis | Schleich. ex Gaudin | Flora helvetica ; 1828 400 1828 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. jurana | (Reut.) Rouy & E.G.Camus | Flore de France ; 1893 197 1900 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. verlotii | (Jord. ex Verl.) Rouy & E.G.Camus | Flore de France ; 1893 199 1900 |
Potentilla verna subsp. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Murb. | Beitr„ge zur Kenntnis der Flora von S?dbosnien und der Hercegovina ; 1892 136 1892 |
Potentilla opaca var. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Beck | ; 1896 53 1896 |
Potentilla obtusifolia | Schleich. ex Zimmeter | ; 1889 35 1889 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. stricticaulis | (Gremli) Burnat & Briq. | Flore des Alpes maritimes ; 1892 266 1896 |
Potentilla crantzii var. tridentina | (Gelmi & Evers) Hayek | Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae ; 1924 685 1926 |
Potentilla villosa var. saxatilis | (Boulay) Th.Wolf | Synopsis der mitteleurop„ischen Flora ; 1896 795 1904 |
Potentilla verna var. alpina | Neilr. | Flora von Nieder-Oesterreich ; 1857 911 1859 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. praeruptorum | (F.W.Schultz) Rouy & E.G.Camus | Flore de France ; 1893 198 1900 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. alsatica | Rouy & E.G.Camus | Flore de France ; 1893 198 1900 |
Potentilla verna var. rubens | (Vill.) Willd. | Species plantarum, editio quarta ; 1797 1104 1799 |
Potentilla salisburgensis var. sabauda | Vill. ex Burnat & Briq. | Flore des Alpes maritimes ; 1892 265 1896 |
Potentilla alpestris var. filiformis | (Vill.) Nyman | Sylloge florae Europaeae ; 1855 49 1865 |
Potentilla alpestris var. sabauda | Vill. ex Lamotte | Catalogue raisonn‚ des plantes vasculaires du Plateau Central ; 1848 33 1848 |
Potentilla alpestris subsp. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Nyman | Conspectus florae europaeae ; 1878 226 1878 |
Potentilla clusiana | Hegetschw. | Reisen in den Gebirgstock zwischen Glarus und Graub?nden ; 1825 157 1825 |
Potentilla crantzii subsp. saxatilis | (Boulay) Soják | ; 1960 373 1960 |
Potentilla crantzii subsp. serpentini | (Borbás) Hayek ex H.Neumayer | ; 1930 366 1930 |
Potentilla crocea var. sabauda | Vill. ex Lehm. | Monographia generis Potentillarum ; 1820 112 1820 |
Potentilla opaca subsp. saxatilis | (Boulay) Nyman | Conspectus florae europaeae ; 1878 226 1878 |
Potentilla salisburgensis subsp. saxatilis | (Boulay) Berher | La flore des Vosges ; 1887 80 1887 |
Potentilla stipulacea | Timb.-Lagr. | Bull. Soc. Sci. Phys. Nat. Toulouse 1: 72 (1872 publ. 1873) |
Potentilla verna var. crantzii | (Crantz) Fiori | Nuova flora analytica d'Italia ; 1923 750 1924 |
Potentilla verna var. filiformis | (Vill.) Willd. | Species plantarum, editio quarta ; 1797 1104 1799 |
Potentilla verna var. rotundifolia | (Vill.) Poir. | Encyclop‚die m‚thodique. Botanique ; 1783 593 1804 |
Potentilla verna var. salisburgensis | (Haenke) Nestl. | Monographia de Potentilla, praemissis nonnullis Observationibus circa familiam Rosacearum ; 1816 52 1816 |
Potentilla verna var. stipularis | (Pourr.) Gaut. | Catalogue raisonn‚ de la flore des Pyr‚n‚es-orientales ; 1897 162 1897 |
Potentilla verna subsp. alpestris | Haller f. ex Bonnier & Layens | Tableaux synoptiques des plantes vasculaires de la Flore de la France ; 1894 99 1894 |
Potentilla villosa | Crantz ex Vill. | Histoire des plantes de Dauphin‚ ; 1786 345 1786 |
Potentilla alpestris subsp. gelida | (C.A.Mey.) Nyman | Conspectus florae europaeae ; 1878 226 1878 |
Potentilla crantzii var. ternata | (Blytt) Peșmen | Fl. Turkey 4: 61. 1972 |
Potentilla huparctica subsp. gelida | (C.A.Mey.) Vorosch. | Florist. Issl. Razn. Raionakh SSSR : 176 (1985) |
Fragaria crantzii | Crantz | Inst. Rei Herb. 2: 178 (1766) |
Potentilla crantzii var. stricticaulis | (Gremli) Hayek | Flora von Steiermark ; 1908 854 1909 |
Potentilla alpestris var. crocea | (Haller f. ex Wahlenb.) Hegetschw. | Reisen in den Gebirgstock zwischen Glarus und Graub?nden ; 1825 156 1825 |
Potentilla crocea | (Haller f. ex Wahlenb.) Haller f. ex Lehm. | Monographia generis Potentillarum ; 1820 111 1820 |
Potentilla crantzii var. baldensis | (A.Kern. ex Zimmeter) Beck | Flora Bosnae, Hercegovinae et regionis Novipazar ; 1903 26 1927 |
Potentilla crantzii var. saxatilis | (Boulay) Beck | Icones florae germanicae et helveticae ; 1834 28 1910 |
Potentilla filiformis | Vill. | Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3: 564 (1788) |
Potentilla gelida var. sericea | T.T.Yu & C.L.Li | Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 13 (1980) |
Common names Top
Add a new one! Suggest a correction!Language | Common/alternative name |
Bulgarian | кранциев очиболец |
Welsh | pumnalen y mynydd |
German | zottiges fingerkraut |
Estonian | mägimaran |
Persian | پنجه برگ نروژی |
Finnish | keväthanhikki |
Upper Sorbian | pjedličkaty porstnik |
Icelandic | gullmura |
Italian | cinquefolia di crantz |
Italian | cinquefoglia di crantz |
Norwegian Bokmål | flekkmure |
Norwegian Nynorsk | flekkmure |
Polish | pięciornik alpejski |
Polish | pięciornik crantza |
Swedish | vårfingerört |
Ukrainian | Перстач Крантца |
Chinese | 顶生委陵菜 |
Chinese | 頂生委陵菜 |
Germination/Propagation Top
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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top
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Indian Subcontinent
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- Nunavut
Eastern Canada
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World Flora Online | wfo-0000990434 |
Canadensys | 8831 |
Tropicos | 27802932 |
INPN | 115449 |
KEW | urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:727916-1 |
The Plant List | rjp-19 |
Open Tree Of Life | 860751 |
Observations.org | 120902 |
NCBI Taxonomy | 667241 |
NBN Atlas | NHMSYS0000462029 |
Nature Serve | 2.873879 |
IPNI | 727916-1 |
iNaturalist | 167346 |
GBIF | 5366215 |
Freebase | /m/043r1qg |
EOL | 229916 |
Elurikkus | 6546 |
USDA GRIN | 29475 |
Wikipedia | Potentilla_crantzii |
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