Elaeagnus triflora - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440190714c28463464866
Scientific name Elaeagnus triflora
Authority Roxb.
First published in Fl. Ind. 1: 459 (1820)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Elaeagnus alingaro Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 615 (1857)
Elaeagnus angustifolia Blanco Fl. Filip. [F.M. Blanco] 74. 1837
Elaeagnus cumingii Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 613 (1857)
Elaeagnus cumingii subsp. perrottetii Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 391 1908
Elaeagnus cumingii subsp. philippensis (Perr.) Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 391 1908
Elaeagnus ferruginea Rich. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 404 (1792)
Elaeagnus ferruginea var. atrovirens Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 110 1909
Elaeagnus ferruginea var. richardia Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 110 1909
Elaeagnus ferruginea subsp. sumatrana Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 390 1908
Elaeagnus latifolia var. triflora (Roxb.) Schltdl. Prodr. 14: 610 1857
Elaeagnus perrottetii Schlecht. Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 14(2): 613. 1857 [late Nov 1857]
Elaeagnus philippensis Perr. Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 3: 114 (1825)
Elaeagnus rigida Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. : 638 (1826)
Elaeagnus rostrata Serv. Bull. Herb. Boissier , sér. 2, 8: 392 (1908)
Elaeagnus triflora var. brevipes Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 104 1909
Elaeagnus triflora var. longipes Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 104 1909
Elaeagnus triflora subsp. obsoleta Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 390 1908
Elaeagnus triflora subsp. polymorpha Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 390 1908
Elaeagnus triflora subsp. rigida Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 390 1908
Elaeagnus triflora subsp. tetragonia Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier , sér. 2, 8: 390 (1908)
Elaeagnus zollingeri Serv. Bull. Herb. Boissier , sér. 2, 8: 392 (1908)

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Language Common/alternative name
English milla milla vine
ban kelintju
Chinese 菲律宾胡颓子
Chinese 菲律賓胡頹子

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Name Authority First published in
Elaeagnus triflora var. brevilimbatus E.'t Hart Blumea 26: 400 (1980)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000663951
Tropicos 50308937
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:323824-1
The Plant List kew-2785243
Open Tree Of Life 5749463
NCBI Taxonomy 1382055
IPNI 165503-3
iNaturalist 207951
GBIF 7293096
EOL 2885373
USDA GRIN 415726
Wikipedia Elaeagnus_triflora

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