Elaeagnus conferta - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644019008f587253969872
Scientific name Elaeagnus conferta
Authority Roxb.
First published in Fl. Ind. 1: 460 (1820)

Description Top

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Elaeagnus conferta is a type of plant belonging to the Eleagnus genus and is commonly found in Southeast Asia. It is a species that is characterized by its small, fragrant flowers and edible fruits. This plant is known for its ability to thrive in a variety of environments, making it a popular choice for landscaping and gardening. It is also used for medicinal purposes in traditional medicine. Overall, Elaeagnus conferta is a versatile and resilient plant that is native to Southeast Asia.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Elaeagnus acuminata Hort.Angl. ex Link Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 1: 111 (1821)
Elaeagnus arborea Roxb. Fl. Ind., ed. Carey & Wall. i. 461 (1820); Fl. Ind., ed. Carey, i. 441 (1832).
Elaeagnus arborea var. dendroidea Schltdl. Prodr. 14: 612 1857
Elaeagnus breyniastrum Fisch. ex Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 611 (1857)
Elaeagnus conferta subsp. balansae Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 93 1909
Elaeagnus conferta var. balansae (Servett.) Lecomte Fl. Indo-Chine 5: 182 1915
Elaeagnus conferta var. calcuttensis Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 89 1909
Elaeagnus conferta subsp. dendroidea (Schltdl.) Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 389 1908
Elaeagnus conferta subsp. javanica (Blume) Servett. Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 8: 389 1908
Elaeagnus conferta var. maculata (Servettaz) D.Basu J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7: 427 (1985 publ. 1986)
Elaeagnus conferta var. malaccensis Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 89 1909
Elaeagnus conferta var. mekongensis Lecomte Fl. Indo-Chine 5: 182 1915
Elaeagnus conferta var. menghaiensis W.K.Hu & H.F.Chow Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin 6: 107 (1980)
Elaeagnus conferta subsp. mollis Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 96 1909
Elaeagnus conferta var. mollis (Servett.) Lecomte Fl. Indo-Chine 5: 182 1915
Elaeagnus conferta var. septentrionalis Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 89 1909
Elaeagnus conferta var. silhetensis Servett. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 25(2): 89 1909
Elaeagnus dendroidea (Schltdl.) Schltdl. Linnaea 30: 362 1860
Elaeagnus gaudichaudiana Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 612 (1857)
Elaeagnus grandifolia Bojer ex Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 612 (1857)
Elaeagnus gussoni Gasp. Ann. Civili Regno Due Sicilie 1: 118 (1833)
Elaeagnus javanica Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. : 638 (1826)
Elaeagnus kologa Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 611 (1857)
Elaeagnus nepalensis Salm-Dyck Hort. Dyck. : 99 (1834)
Elaeagnus spadicea Savi Mem. Mat. Fis. Soc. Ital. 21: 175 (1837)
Elaeagnus wallichiana Schlecht. Prodr. 14: 612 (1857)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
Bengali গুয়ারা
Malayalam കാട്ടുമുന്തിരി
Chinese 羊奶果
Chinese 马鹊树
Chinese 密花胡颓子
Chinese 密花胡頹子

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Varieties (abbr. var.) Top

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-tropical
    • Indian Subcontinent
      • Assam
      • Bangladesh
      • East Himalaya
      • Nepal
      • Sri Lanka
      • West Himalaya
    • Indo-China
      • Andaman Islands
      • Laos
      • Myanmar
      • Thailand
      • Vietnam
    • Malesia
      • Jawa
      • Malaya
      • Sumatera

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000663704
Tropicos 11600007
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:323671-1
The Plant List kew-2785018
Open Tree Of Life 5749464
NCBI Taxonomy 1672629
IUCN Red List 62817
IPNI 323671-1
iNaturalist 438624
GBIF 7293128
USDA GRIN 415980
Wikipedia Elaeagnus_conferta

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
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Study on medicinal food plants in the Gaoligongshan Biosphere Reserve, the richest biocultural diversity center in China Cheng Z, Lin S, Wu Z, Lin C, Zhang Q, Xu C, Li J, Long C J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 15-Jan-2024
Woody plant functional traits and phylogenetic signals correlate with urbanization in remnant forest patches Yang J, Wang Z, Pan Y, Zheng Y Ecol Evol 31-Jul-2023
Sequencing the chloroplast genome of a jujube genotype (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. 'Fengmiguan') uncovered a 101 bp insertion in the large-single copy region Zhang S, Li B, Han L, Yang M, Liu M Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 06-Jul-2023
Phylogenetic Analysis of Elaeagnus L. in China: A Basis for Genetic Improvement of a Berry Crop Cheng C, Fan S, Wang C, Ye L, Wang Z, Huang H Front Plant Sci 09-Jun-2022
Trunk spines of trees: a physical defence against bark removal and climbing by mammals? Lefebvre T, Charles-Dominique T, Tomlinson KW Ann Bot 24-Feb-2022
Biodiversity in agricultural and food systems of jhum landscape in the West Garo Hills, North-eastern India Pandey DK, Momin KC, Dubey SK, Adhiguru P Food Secur 16-Jan-2022
Ethnobotanical study on wild edible plants used by three trans-boundary ethnic groups in Jiangcheng County, Pu’er, Southwest China Cao Y, Li R, Zhou S, Song L, Quan R, Hu H J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 27-Oct-2020
Monpa, memory, and change: an ethnobotanical study of plant use in Mêdog County, South-east Tibet, China Li S, Zhang Y, Guo Y, Yang L, Wang Y J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 30-Jan-2020
Wild edible plants collected by Hani from terraced rice paddy agroecosystem in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan, China Luo B, Liu B, Zhang H, Zhang H, Li X, Ma L, Wang Y, Bai Y, Zhang X, Li J, Yang J, Long C J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 27-Nov-2019
Effects of 20 Selected Fruits on Ethanol Metabolism: Potential Health Benefits and Harmful Impacts Zhang YJ, Wang F, Zhou Y, Li Y, Zhou T, Zheng J, Zhang JJ, Li S, Xu DP, Li HB Int J Environ Res Public Health 01-Apr-2016
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