Aquilegia eximia - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644009ef88ed5827436161
Scientific name Aquilegia eximia
Authority Van Houtte ex Planch.
First published in J. Gén. Hort. 12: 13 (1857)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Aquilegia adiantoides Greene Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 142 (1911)
Aquilegia fontinalis J.T.Howell Leafl. W. Bot. 2: 254 (1940)
Aquilegia tracyi Jeps. Fl. W. Calif. , ed. 2: 165 (1911)

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Language Common/alternative name
English van houtte's columbine
English serpentine columbine
Arabic أنقولية مميزة

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000541306
Tropicos 27100687
The Plant List kew-2644767
Open Tree Of Life 3945137
NCBI Taxonomy 1291435
Nature Serve 2.135326
iNaturalist 57230
GBIF 3033193
Freebase /m/04n6n4n
EOL 594954
Calflora (Californian flora) 429
USDA GRIN 105339
Wikipedia Aquilegia_eximia
IPNI 708880-1

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Accession Assembly
Name Level Submitter Released Coverage Size
GCA_023053565.2 dmAquExim1.1.p Scaffold UCLA 2024-08-30 30.0x 346.57 Mb

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Defensive functions and potential ecological conflicts of floral stickiness Chautá A, Kumar A, Mejia J, Stashenko EE, Kessler A Sci Rep 18-Nov-2022
Content Snapshots N/A Ann Bot 08-Jan-2020
A lever action hypothesis for pendulous hummingbird flowers: experimental evidence from a columbine LoPresti EF, Goidell J, Mola JM, Page ML, Specht CD, Stuligross C, Weber MG, Williams NM, Karban R Ann Bot 12-Aug-2019
Evolution of Cell Wall Polymers in Tip-Growing Land Plant Gametophytes: Composition, Distribution, Functional Aspects and Their Remodeling Dehors J, Mareck A, Kiefer-Meyer MC, Menu-Bouaouiche L, Lehner A, Mollet JC Front Plant Sci 18-Apr-2019
Arabinogalactan proteins are involved in root hair development in barley Marzec M, Szarejko I, Melzer M J Exp Bot 01-Dec-2014

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