Thyridolepis mitchelliana - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644032f0665f2584307647
Scientific name Thyridolepis mitchelliana
Authority (Nees) S.T.Blake
First published in Contr. Queensland Herb. 13: 27 (1972)

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Thyridolepis mitchelliana, also known as Mulga grass, is a type of plant in the grass family that is found in all mainland states and territories of Australia, with the exception of Victoria. It was first identified in 1843 by Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck as Neurachne mitchelliana, but was later reclassified as Thyridolepis mitchelliana in 1972 by Stanley Blake. The species is named after Thomas Livingstone Mitchell.

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Neurachne mitchelliana Nees London J. Bot. 2: 410 (1843)

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Australasia
    • Australia
      • New South Wales
      • Northern Territory
      • Queensland
      • South Australia
      • Western Australia

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000903695
USDA Plants THMI16
Tropicos 25515994
The Plant List kew-446573
Open Tree Of Life 122191
NCBI Taxonomy 1042618
IPNI 424259-1
iNaturalist 1023151
GBIF 4124985
USDA GRIN 408629
Wikipedia Thyridolepis_mitchelliana

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Assessment of the diet of the critically endangered northern hairy‐nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) using DNA metabarcoding Casey F, Old JM, Stannard HJ Ecol Evol 07-Sep-2023
Paving the Way for C4 Evolution: Study of C3-C4 Intermediate Species in Grasses Yu Y Plant Physiol 06-Jan-2020
The Evolutionary Origin of C4 Photosynthesis in the Grass Subtribe Neurachninae Khoshravesh R, Stata M, Busch FA, Saladié M, Castelli JM, Dakin N, Hattersley PW, Macfarlane TD, Sage RF, Ludwig M, Sage TL Plant Physiol 14-Oct-2019
Multiple photosynthetic transitions, polyploidy, and lateral gene transfer in the grass subtribe Neurachninae Christin PA, Wallace MJ, Clayton H, Edwards EJ, Furbank RT, Hattersley PW, Sage RF, Macfarlane TD, Ludwig M J Exp Bot 15-Oct-2012
The Relationship Between Nuclear DNA Content and Leaf Strategy in Seed Plants MORGAN HD, WESTOBY M Ann Bot 17-Oct-2005

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