Stipagrostis namaquensis - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID644032e6518fe469868071
Scientific name Stipagrostis namaquensis
Authority (Nees) De Winter
First published in Kirkia 3: 135 (1963)

Description Top

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Stipagrostis namaquensis, also known as river bushman grass or Steekkweek, is a type of grass found in South Africa and Namibia, particularly in the Nama Karoo region. It is considered a safe species according to the SANBI Red List. This perennial grass has long rhizomes and its lower sheaths are fuzzy. The stems can either be prostrate or upright, reaching a length of 10-20 cm. The leaves are 6-10 cm long and 1-2 mm wide, and can be either bare or fuzzy. The flowers are open or lance-shaped and can grow up to 10-15 cm, with spines measuring 10-15 mm. While it is suitable for grazing, it is only mildly so.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Aristida namaquensis Trin. & Rupr. Sp. Gram. Stipac. : 174 (1842)
Aristida namaquensis var. vagans (Nees) Walp. Ann. Bot. Syst. 3: 750 1852
Arthratherum namaquense Nees Fl. Afr. Austral. Ill. : 185 (1841)
Arthratherum namaquense var. vagans Nees Fl. Afr. Austral. Ill. 185. 1841
Aristida namaquensis var. vagans (Nees) Trin. & Rupr. Sp. Gram. Stipac. 175 1842

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Language Common/alternative name
Afrikaans steekkweek

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Africa
    • Southern Africa
      • Botswana
      • Cape Provinces
      • Free State
      • Lesotho
      • Namibia

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000903096
Tropicos 25515011
The Plant List kew-445977
Open Tree Of Life 182675
NCBI Taxonomy 348283
IPNI 423911-1
iNaturalist 567317
GBIF 4130447
Wikipedia Stipagrostis_namaquensis

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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Field data on Vegetation Structure and Effects of Human Use of the Dambos Ecosystem in Northern Mozambique Mbanze AA, Mário AM, Rivaes R, Ribeiro-Barros AI, Ribeiro NS Data Brief 12-Sep-2019

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