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Internal ID UUID644032cdb1b37708401652
Scientific name Stipa aliena
Authority Keng
First published in Sunyatsenia 6: 74 (1941)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Stipa smithii Martinovský Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 64: 162 (1970)
Stipa smithii var. macrocarpa Martinovský Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 64: 163 (1970)
Stipa aliena var. macrocarpa (Martinovský) M.Nobis Phytotaxa 195: 238 (2015)

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Language Common/alternative name
Chinese 异针茅

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-temperate
    • China
      • China North-central
      • China South-central
      • Qinghai
      • Tibet

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000901676
Tropicos 25556463
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:423078-1
The Plant List kew-444669
Open Tree Of Life 884992
NCBI Taxonomy 666005
IPNI 423078-1
iNaturalist 910357
GBIF 4145478
EOL 2897062
USDA GRIN 418801

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Warming affects leaf light use efficiency and functional traits in alpine plants: evidence from a 4-year in-situ field experiment Zhou Z, Su P, Yang J, Shi R, Ding X Front Plant Sci 19-Mar-2024
Study of the Interactions between Muscle Fatty Acid Composition, Meat Quality-Related Genes and the Ileum Microbiota in Tibetan Sheep at Different Ages Wang F, Sha Y, Liu X, He Y, Hu J, Wang J, Li S, Shao P, Chen X, Yang W, Chen Q, Gao M, Huang W Foods 23-Feb-2024
Whole-soil-profile warming does not change microbial carbon use efficiency in surface and deep soils Zhang Q, Qin W, Feng J, Li X, Zhang Z, He JS, Schimel JP, Zhu B Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 31-Jul-2023
Experimental warming causes mismatches in alpine plant-microbe-fauna phenology Yin R, Qin W, Wang X, Xie D, Wang H, Zhao H, Zhang Z, He JS, Schädler M, Kardol P, Eisenhauer N, Zhu B Nat Commun 15-Apr-2023
Alarm Calling in Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae): Evidence from Field Observations and Simulated Predator and Playback Experiments Ma M, Hua R, Bao D, Ye G, Tang Z, Hua L Animals (Basel) 06-Apr-2023
Rumen Epithelial Development- and Metabolism-Related Genes Regulate Their Micromorphology and VFAs Mediating Plateau Adaptability at Different Ages in Tibetan Sheep Sha Y, He Y, Liu X, Zhao S, Hu J, Wang J, Li S, Li W, Shi B, Hao Z Int J Mol Sci 16-Dec-2022
Elevational changes in the bacterial community composition and potential functions in a Tibetan grassland Li Y, Fang Z, Yang F, Ji B, Li X, Wang S Front Microbiol 10-Nov-2022
Integrating natural gradients, experiments, and statistical modeling in a distributed network experiment: An example from the WaRM Network Prager CM, Classen AT, Sundqvist MK, Barrios‐Garcia MN, Cameron EK, Chen L, Chisholm C, Crowther TW, Deslippe JR, Grigulis K, He J, Henning JA, Hovenden M, Høye TT, Jing X, Lavorel S, McLaren JR, Metcalfe DB, Newman GS, Nielsen ML, Rixen C, Read QD, Rewcastle KE, Rodriguez‐Cabal M, Wardle DA, Wipf S, Sanders NJ Ecol Evol 17-Oct-2022
Response of Ruminal Microbiota–Host Gene Interaction to High-Altitude Environments in Tibetan Sheep Sha Y, Ren Y, Zhao S, He Y, Guo X, Pu X, Li W, Liu X, Wang J, Li S Int J Mol Sci 17-Oct-2022
Comparison of Fourteen Reference Evapotranspiration Models With Lysimeter Measurements at a Site in the Humid Alpine Meadow, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Dai L, Fu R, Zhao Z, Guo X, Du Y, Hu Z, Cao G Front Plant Sci 27-Apr-2022
Distribution Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Soil Total Nitrogen: Phosphorus Ratio Across the Northeast Tibetan Plateau Shrublands Nie X, Wang D, Ren L, Ma K, Chen Y, Yang L, Du Y, Zhou G Front Plant Sci 12-Apr-2022
The Plant Interspecific Association in the Revegetated Alpine Grasslands Determines the Productivity Stability of Plant Community Across Restoration Time on Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau Wu S, Wen L, Dong S, Gao X, Xu Y, Li S, Dong Q, Wessell K Front Plant Sci 21-Mar-2022
Experimental Warming Has Not Affected the Changes in Soil Organic Carbon During the Growing Season in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Yang Y, Shi G, Liu Y, Ma L, Zhang Z, Jiang S, Pan J, Zhang Q, Yao B, Zhou H, Feng H Front Plant Sci 18-Mar-2022
Ecosystem Coupling and Ecosystem Multifunctionality May Evaluate the Plant Succession Induced by Grazing in Alpine Meadow Wang Y, Wu Z, Wang Z, Chang S, Qian Y, Chu J, Jia Z, Zhou Q, Hou F Front Plant Sci 04-Mar-2022
Nitrogen Deposition Shifts Grassland Communities Through Directly Increasing Dominance of Graminoids: A 3-Year Case Study From the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Shen H, Dong S, DiTommaso A, Xiao J, Lu W, Zhi Y Front Plant Sci 04-Mar-2022

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