Setaria homonyma
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Details Top
Internal ID | UUID6440329ee3e5e269780945 |
Scientific name | Setaria homonyma |
Authority | Chiov. |
First published in | Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. , n.s., 26: 78 (1919) |
Description Top
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Synonyms Top
Scientific name | Authority | First published in |
Panicum bongaense | Pilg. | Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 33: 44 (1902) |
Panicum chamaeraphis | Nees ex A.Braun | Index Seminum (B, Berolinensis) 1855(App.): 20 (1855) |
Panicum homogynum | Duthie | List Grasses N.W.-India : 4 (1883) |
Panicum homonymum | Steud. | Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 48 (1853) |
Panicum thollonii | Franch. | Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun 8: 351 (1895) |
Setaria aequalis | Stapf | Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1927: 267 (1927) |
Setaria bongaensis | (Pilg.) Mez | Wiss. Erg. Zweit. Deut. Zentr.-Afr. Exped., Bot. : 20 (1922) |
Setaria homonyma var. depauperata | Babu | Herb. Fl. Dehra Dun : 642 (1977) |
Setaria kialaensis | Vanderyst | Bull. Agric. Congo Belge 16: 682 (1925) |
Setaria kwamouthensis | Vanderyst | Bull. Agric. Congo Belge 16: 682 (1925) |
Setaria lancea | Stapf ex R.E.Massey | Sudan Grasses : 34 (1926) |
Setaria microprolepis | Stapf | Fl. Trop. Afr. 9: 849 (1930) |
Setaria thollonii | Stapf | Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1927: 267 (1927) |
Paspalum thollonii | Franch. | Contr. Fl. Congo Franc. 43 1895 |
Germination/Propagation Top
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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top
Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
Africa click to expand
East Tropical Africa
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Uganda
Northeast Tropical Africa
- Ethiopia
- Sudan
South Tropical Africa
- Angola
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Southern Africa
- Botswana
- Caprivi Strip
- Kwazulu-Natal
- Namibia
- Northern Provinces
West-central Tropical Africa
- Burundi
- Cameroon
- Congo
- Gabon
- Rwanda
- Zaïre
East Tropical Africa
Asia-tropical click to expand
Indian Subcontinent
- East Himalaya
- India
- West Himalaya
- Myanmar
Indian Subcontinent
Links to other databases Top
Suggest others/fix!Database | ID/link to page |
World Flora Online | wfo-0000899254 |
Tropicos | 25514596 |
KEW | |
The Plant List | kew-442424 |
Open Tree Of Life | 679131 |
NCBI Taxonomy | 560837 |
IPNI | 421600-1 |
iNaturalist | 594509 |
GBIF | 4116476 |
Genomes (via NCBI) Top
No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.
Scientific Literature Top
Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
If you wish to see all the related articles click here.
Title | Authors | Publication | Released | IDs | ||||||
How do African elephants utilize the landscape during wet season? A habitat connectivity analysis for Sioma Ngwezi landscape in Zambia | Chibeya D, Wood H, Cousins S, Carter K, Nyirenda MA, Maseka H | Ecol Evol | 07-Oct-2021 |
Checklist of the grasses of India | Kellogg EA, Abbott JR, Bawa KS, Gandhi KN, Kailash BR, Ganeshaiah KN, Shrestha UB, Raven P | PhytoKeys | 16-Oct-2020 |
Host plants of the non‐swarming edible bush cricket Ruspolia differens | Opoke R, Nyeko P, Malinga GM, Rutaro K, Roininen H, Valtonen A | Ecol Evol | 28-Feb-2019 |
Phytochemical Profile Top
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Collections Top
In private collections | 0 |
In public collections | 0 |