Sesleria caerulea - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440329776596081886699
Scientific name Sesleria caerulea
Authority (L.) Ard.
First published in Animadv. Bot. Spec. Alt. : 18 (1764)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Aira varia Jacq. Hort. Bot. Vindob. 1: 15 (1770)
Alopecurus varius Auct. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. : 771 (1821)
Cynosurus caeruleus L. Sp. Pl. : 72 (1753)
Cynosurus rupestris Wulfen ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 1: 465 (1840)
Cynosurus sesleria Schrank Baier. Fl. 1: 350 (1789)
Diptychum coeruleum Dulac Fl. Hautes-Pyrénées : 82 (1867)
Sesleria arduinoi Desf. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 2: 573 (1841)
Sesleria barcensis Simonk. Magyar Bot. Lapok 5: 376 (1906)
Sesleria barcensis var. subscabrida Simonk. Magyar Bot. Lapok 5: 376. 1906
Sesleria caerulea f. chlorantha Waisb. Magyar Bot. Lapok 2: 68 1903
Sesleria caerulea f. cylindrica Waisb. Magyar Bot. Lapok 2: 68 1903
Sesleria caerulea f. micrantha Waisb. Magyar Bot. Lapok 4: 58 1905
Sesleria caerulea f. remotiflora Waisb. Magyar Bot. Lapok 2: 68 1903
Sesleria caerulea subsp. uliginosa (Opiz) Hegi Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. 1: 269. 1907 (1907)
Sesleria caerulea var. uliginosa (Opiz) Celak. Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. 1888: 466 1888
Sesleria calcaria Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 72 (1805)
Sesleria cristata [Clairv.] Man. Herbor. Suisse : 23 (1811)
Sesleria uliginosa Opiz Oekon.-Techn. Fl. Böhm. 1: 491 (1836)
Sesleria uliginosa f. chlorantha (Waisb.) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 119 (1971 publ. 1972)
Sesleria uliginosa f. cylindrica (Waisb.) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 119 (1971 publ. 1972)
Sesleria uliginosa f. micrantha (Waisb.) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 119 (1971 publ. 1972)
Sesleria uliginosa f. remotiflora (Waisb.) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17: 119 (1971 publ. 1972)
Sesleria uliginosa f. subscabrida (Simonk.) Gergely & Beldie Fl. Republ. Socialist. România 12: 225 (1972)
Sesleria uliginosa var. neifficii Deyl Opera Bot. Cech. 3: 218. 1946
Sesleria uliginosa var. rohlenae Deyl Opera Bot. Cech. 3: 218. 1946
Sesleria varia (Jacq.) Wettst. Verh. K. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 38: 357, 557. 1888 (1888)
Sesleria caerulea subsp. uliginosa (Opiz) Čelak.
Sesleria coerulans f. chlorantha Waisb.
Sesleria coerulans f. micrantha Waisb.

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English blue moor grass
Arabic سيسلرية سماوية
Bulgarian гълъбова гъжва
Czech pěchava vápnomilná
Welsh llwydwellt y calch
Danish kalkblåaks
German kalk-blaugras
Estonian harilik lubikas
Finnish lupikka
Finnish sinilupikka
Irish féar boirne
Hungarian lápi nyúlfarkfű
la sesleria albicans
la sesleria calcaria
la sesleria varia
Lithuanian melsvasis mėlitas
Slovenian pisana vilovina
Swedish Älväxing
Chinese 天蓝草
Chinese 蓝禾

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Sow seeds directly at 4°C.

Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Europe
    • Eastern Europe
      • Baltic States
      • Northwest European Russia
    • Middle Europe
      • Austria
      • Czechoslovakia
      • Germany
      • Hungary
      • Poland
      • Switzerland
    • Northern Europe
      • Finland
      • Sweden
    • Southeastern Europe
      • Bulgaria
      • Italy
      • Romania
      • Yugoslavia

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000898775
USDA Plants SECA22
Tropicos 25519755
INPN 123071
Flora of Italy 7337
The Plant List kew-441982
Missouri Botanical Garden 285346
Open Tree Of Life 4731014 122246
NCBI Taxonomy 58931
NBN Atlas NBNSYS0000002570
IPNI 1005554-2
iNaturalist 363774
GBIF 4119608
Freebase /m/0c4173q
EOL 5798388
Elurikkus 7251
Wikipedia Sesleria_caerulea

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Floristic–Vegetational Features of Geranium argenteum, an Alpine–Apennine Species at Its Limit of Distribution in the Apennines Ballelli S, Tesei G, Pennesi R, Allegrezza M Life (Basel) 28-Nov-2023
The foraging ecology of yellow-billed and red- billed choughs changed between two climatically different years Rolando A, Basso C, Brunelli N, Bocca M, Laini A Sci Rep 27-Nov-2023
Soil community composition in dynamic stages of semi-natural calcareous grassland Wipulasena AY, Davison J, Helm A, Kasari L, Moora M, Prangel E, Reitalu T, Vahter T, Vasar M, Zobel M PLoS One 17-Oct-2023
Soil properties and plant species can predict population size and potential introduction sites of the endangered orchid Cypripedium calceolus Rusconi O, Steiner T, Le Bayon C, Rasmann S Plant Soil 16-Feb-2023
The genome sequence of the scotch argus butterfly, Erebia aethiops (Esper, 1777) Lohse O, Lohse K, Augustijnen H, Lucek K Wellcome Open Res 19-Aug-2022
Lowland plant arrival in alpine ecosystems facilitates a decrease in soil carbon content under experimental climate warming Walker TW, Gavazov K, Guillaume T, Lambert T, Mariotte P, Routh D, Signarbieux C, Block S, Münkemüller T, Nomoto H, Crowther TW, Richter A, Buttler A, Alexander JM eLife 12-May-2022
Competition contributes to both warm and cool range edges Lyu S, Alexander JM Nat Commun 06-May-2022
Differentiation of natural scrub communities of the Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum group in Central Europe Świerkosz K, Reczyńska K PLoS One 12-Apr-2022
Niche Variation in Endemic Lilium pomponium on a Wide Altitudinal Gradient in the Maritime Alps Fontaine N, Gauthier P, Casazza G, Thompson JD Plants (Basel) 21-Mar-2022
Image-Based Automated Recognition of 31 Poaceae Species: The Most Relevant Perspectives Rzanny M, Wittich HC, Mäder P, Deggelmann A, Boho D, Wäldchen J Front Plant Sci 26-Jan-2022
Ethnomedicinal and Ethnobotanical Survey in the Aosta Valley Side of the Gran Paradiso National Park (Western Alps, Italy) Danna C, Poggio L, Smeriglio A, Mariotti M, Cornara L Plants (Basel) 09-Jan-2022
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Root exudation rate as functional trait involved in plant nutrient‐use strategy classification Guyonnet JP, Cantarel AA, Simon L, Haichar FE Ecol Evol 30-Jul-2018

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