Rytidosperma virescens
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Table of Contents
Details Top
Internal ID | UUID644032756350c235038306 |
Scientific name | Rytidosperma virescens |
Authority | (É.Desv.) Nicora |
First published in | Darwiniana 18: 93 (1973) |
Description Top
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Synonyms Top
Scientific name | Authority | First published in |
Danthonia picta var. patagonica | Speg. | Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 7: 193 (1902) |
Danthonia virescens | É.Desv. in Gay | Fl. Chil. 6: 363 (1854) |
Danthonia werdermannii | Pilg. | Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 758 (1929) |
Notodanthonia virescens | (É.Desv.) Veldkamp | Taxon 29: 297 (1980) |
Notodanthonia virescens var. parvispicula | (Nicora) Veldkamp | Taxon 29: 297 (1980) |
Notodanthonia virescens var. patagonica | (Speg.) Veldkamp | Taxon 29: 297 (1980) |
Rytidosperma virescens var. parvispiculum | Nicora | Darwiniana 18: 95 (1973) |
Rytidosperma virescens var. patagonicum | (Speg.) Nicora | Darwiniana 18: 93 (1973) |
Danthonia andina | Phil. | Anales Univ. Chile 94: 33. 1896 |
Germination/Propagation Top
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No germination or propagation data was added yet.
Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top
Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
Southern America click to expand
Southern South America
- Argentina Northwest
- Argentina South
- Chile Central
- Chile South
Southern South America
Links to other databases Top
Suggest others/fix!Database | ID/link to page |
World Flora Online | wfo-0000896514 |
Tropicos | 25516650 |
KEW | urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:224776-2 |
The Plant List | kew-439831 |
Open Tree Of Life | 306972 |
Observations.org | 383218 |
NCBI Taxonomy | 500267 |
IPNI | 224776-2 |
iNaturalist | 465372 |
GBIF | 4135517 |
Elurikkus | 472505 |
USDA GRIN | 418232 |
Genomes (via NCBI) Top
No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.
Phytochemical Profile Top
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Collections Top
In private collections | 0 |
In public collections | 0 |