Puccinellia nuttalliana - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID6440326185db2670967948
Scientific name Puccinellia nuttalliana
Authority (Schult.) Hitchc.
First published in Fl. Calif. 1: 162 (1912)

Description Top

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Puccinellia nuttalliana, also known as Nuttall's alkaligrass, is a type of grass found in North America. It is commonly found in Alaska, Canada, and the western and central United States, and can also be found in the Arctic, temperate mountain ranges, Great Plains, Great Basin, and along the western coastline of North America. This grass is adapted to grow in areas with saline soils and is a perennial bunchgrass that can vary in size and form. Its inflorescence consists of thin, spreading branches that may become reflexed as the fruit develops.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Atropis airoides Holm Bot. Gaz. 46: 427 (1908)
Atropis nuttalliana (Schult.) Pilg. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 291 (1925)
Festuca nuttalliana (Schult.) Kunth Révis. Gramin. 1: 129 (1829)
Glyceria airoides Fr. Novit. Fl. Suec. Mant. 3(Add.): 176 (1843)
Glyceria montana Buckley Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14: 96 (1862 publ. 1863)
Panicularia distans var. airoides Scribn. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 54 (1894)
Phippsia airoides (Wats. & J.M.Coult.) Á.Löve & D.Löve Taxon 30: 510 (1981)
Phippsia borealis (Swallen) Á.Löve & D.Löve Bot. Not. 128: 498 (1975 publ. 1976)
Phippsia borealis subsp. neglecta (Tzvelev) Á.Löve & D.Löve Bot. Not. 128: 499 (1975 publ. 1976)
Phippsia deschampsioides (T.J.Sørensen) Á.Löve & D.Löve Bot. Not. 128: 499 (1975 publ. 1976)
Phippsia interior (T.J.Sørensen) Á.Löve & D.Löve Bot. Not. 128: 499 (1975 publ. 1976)
Poa airoides Nutt. Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 68 (1818)
Poa nuttalliana Schult. Mant. 2: 303 (1824)
Puccinellia airoides S.Watson & J.M.Coult. Manual , ed. 6: 668 (1890)
Puccinellia cusickii Weath. Rhodora 18: 182 (1916)
Puccinellia deschampsioides T.J.Sørensen Meddel. Gronland cxxxvi. No. 3, 31 (1953).
Puccinellia interior T.J.Sørensen Acta Univ. Lund., 2 46(1): 1713. 1950 (1950)
Puccinellia neglecta (Tzvelev) Bubnova Spisok Rast. Gerb. Fl. S.S.S.R. Bot. Inst. Vsesojuzn. Akad. Nauk 26: 40 (1988)

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Language Common/alternative name
English nuttall's alkaligrass

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-temperate
    • Russian Far East
      • Magadan
      • Primorye
    • Siberia
      • Krasnoyarsk
      • Yakutskiya
  • Northern America
    • Eastern Canada
      • Ontario
      • Prince Edward Island
      • Québec
    • North-central U.S.A.
      • Kansas
      • Minnesota
      • Nebraska
      • North Dakota
      • South Dakota
      • Wisconsin
    • Northeastern U.S.A.
      • Maine
      • New York
      • Vermont
    • Northwestern U.S.A.
      • Colorado
      • Idaho
      • Montana
      • Oregon
      • Washington
      • Wyoming
    • South-central U.S.A.
      • New Mexico
    • Southwestern U.S.A.
      • Arizona
      • California
      • Nevada
      • Utah
    • Subarctic America
      • Alaska
      • Greenland
      • Northwest Territorie
      • Nunavut
      • Yukon
    • Western Canada
      • Alberta
      • British Columbia
      • Manitoba
      • Saskatchewan

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000895413
Canadensys 7934
Tropicos 25512456
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:214404-2
The Plant List kew-438785
Open Tree Of Life 1473
NCBI Taxonomy 1120099
Nature Serve 2.137561
IUCN Red List 64322086
IPNI 214404-2
iNaturalist 60309
GBIF 2704691
Freebase /m/0bs7qn0
WisFlora 4715
EOL 1114641
Calflora (Californian flora) 6944
USDA GRIN 103547
Wikipedia Puccinellia_nuttalliana

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
The newly assembled chloroplast genome of Aeluropus littoralis: molecular feature characterization and phylogenetic analysis with related species Ben Romdhane W, Al-Doss A, Hassairi A Sci Rep 18-Mar-2024
Salt tolerance evaluation and mini-core collection development in Miscanthus sacchariflorus and M. lutarioriparius Tang Y, Li S, Zerpa-Catanho D, Zhang Z, Yang S, Zheng X, Xue S, Kuang X, Liu M, He X, Yi Z, Xiao L Front Plant Sci 05-Mar-2024
Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Pattern Profiling of the Aquaporin Gene Family in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Zeng Q, Jia H, Ma Y, Xu L, Ming R, Yue J Int J Mol Sci 08-Dec-2023
Genome Assembly and Microsatellite Marker Development Using Illumina and PacBio Sequencing in the Carex pumila (Cyperaceae) from Korea Kim KR, Yu JN, Hong JM, Kim SY, Park SY Genes (Basel) 10-Nov-2023
A density functional theory for ecology across scales Trappe MI, Chisholm RA Nat Commun 25-Feb-2023
Salt Stress Tolerance in Casuarina glauca: Insights from the Branchlets Transcriptome Fernandes I, Paulo OS, Marques I, Sarjkar I, Sen A, Graça I, Pawlowski K, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro-Barros AI Plants (Basel) 01-Nov-2022
Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) integrated phytotechnology: A sustainable approach for remediation of marginal lands Poria V, Dębiec-Andrzejewska K, Fiodor A, Lyzohub M, Ajijah N, Singh S, Pranaw K Front Plant Sci 21-Oct-2022
Unraveling the Effects of Cold Stratification and Temperature on the Seed Germination of Invasive Spartina alterniflora Across Latitude Cheng J, Huang H, Liu W, Zhou Y, Han W, Wang X, Zhang Y Front Plant Sci 29-Jun-2022
Salinity Tolerance of Halophytic Grass Puccinellia nuttalliana Is Associated with Enhancement of Aquaporin-Mediated Water Transport by Sodium Vaziriyeganeh M, Carvajal M, Du N, Zwiazek JJ Int J Mol Sci 20-May-2022
Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis Based on the Chloroplast Genome of Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidel, a Protected Rare Species of Monotypic Genus Ren J, Tian J, Jiang H, Zhu XX, Mutie FM, Wanga VO, Ding SX, Yang JX, Dong X, Chen LL, Cai XZ, Hu GW Front Plant Sci 24-Feb-2022
Transcriptome and Metabolome Analyses Reveal Potential Salt Tolerance Mechanisms Contributing to Maintenance of Water Balance by the Halophytic Grass Puccinellia nuttalliana Vaziriyeganeh M, Khan S, Zwiazek JJ Front Plant Sci 29-Oct-2021
Of herds and societies—Seasonal aspects of Vinča culture herding and land use practices revealed using sequential stable isotope analysis of animal teeth Gillis RE, Bulatović J, Penezić K, Spasić M, Tasić NN, Makarewicz CA PLoS One 07-Oct-2021
Halophytes Differ in Their Adaptation to Soil Environment in the Yellow River Delta: Effects of Water Source, Soil Depth, and Nutrient Stoichiometry Li T, Sun J, Fu Z Front Plant Sci 01-Jun-2021
Bacterial and Fungal Endophytic Microbiomes of Salicornia europaea Furtado BU, Gołębiewski M, Skorupa M, Hulisz P, Hrynkiewicz K Appl Environ Microbiol 17-Jun-2019
Plastome phylogenomics and characterization of rare genomic changes as taxonomic markers in plastome groups 1 and 2 Poeae (Pooideae; Poaceae) Orton LM, Burke SV, Duvall MR PeerJ 03-Jun-2019

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