Digitaria insularis - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64402fbe2beac155466502
Scientific name Digitaria insularis
Authority (L.) Mez ex Ekman
First published in Ark. Bot. 11(4): 17 (1912)

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Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Rhynchospora fabri Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 147 (1855)
Schoenus fabri Rottb. Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl. : 62 (1773)
Agrostis villosa Steud. Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 1: 43. 1840 (1840)
Andropogon fabricii Henrard Meded. Rijks-Herb. 40: 44 (1921)
Andropogon insularis L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10 , 2: 1304 (1759)
Digitaria leucophaea (Kunth) Stapf Fl. Cap. 7: 382 (1898)
Milium hirsutum P.Beauv. Ess. Agrostogr. : 13 (1812)
Milium villosum Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. : 24 (1788)
Monachne unilateralis Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 2: 468 (1817)
Nardus dactyloides Rol. ex Rottb. Acta Lit. Univ. Hafn. 1: 269 (1778)
Panicum duchaissingii Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 93 (1854)
Panicum falsum Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 67 (1853)
Panicum gavanianum Steud. ex Döll Fl. Bras. 2(1): 137 (1877)
Panicum insulare G.Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. : 60 (1818)
Panicum lanatum Rottb. Descr. Rar. Pl. Surin. : 1 (1776)
Panicum leucophaeum Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 97. 1816 (1816)
Panicum saccharoides A.Rich. Hist. Fis. Cuba, Bot. 11: 306 (1850)
Saccharum polystachyum Siebold ex Kunth Enum. Pl. 1: 124 (1833)
Syntherisma insularis (L.) Millsp. Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 1: 473. 1902 (1902)
Trichachne insularis (L.) Nees Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2: 86 (1829)
Tricholaena insularis (L.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. : 557 (1864)
Tricholaena saccharoides Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. : 557 (1864)
Valota insularis (L.) Chase Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 19: 188 (1906)
Syntherisma insulare (L.) Millsp. Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 1: 473. 1902
Digitaria insularis (L.) Fedde Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 31(1): 778. 1904
Panicum insulare var. leucophaeum (Kunth) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(3): 361 (1898)
Panicum insulare var. typicum Hack. Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 11: 70 (1904)

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Language Common/alternative name
English sourgrass

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-tropical
    • Malesia
      • Philippines
    • Papuasia
      • New Guinea
      • Solomon Islands
  • Northern America
    • Mexico
      • Mexico Central
      • Mexico Gulf
      • Mexico Northeast
      • Mexico Northwest
      • Mexico Southeast
      • Mexico Southwest
    • North-central U.S.A.
      • Illinois
    • South-central U.S.A.
      • Texas
    • Southeastern U.S.A.
      • Alabama
      • Florida
    • Southwestern U.S.A.
      • Arizona
  • Pacific
    • North-central Pacific
      • Hawaii
    • Northwestern Pacific
      • Caroline Islands
      • Marianas
      • Marshall Islands
      • Wake Island
    • South-central Pacific
      • Marquesas
  • Southern America
    • Brazil
      • Brazil North
      • Brazil Northeast
      • Brazil South
      • Brazil Southeast
      • Brazil West-central
    • Caribbean
      • Aruba
      • Bahamas
      • Bermuda
      • Cayman Islands
      • Cuba
      • Dominican Republic
      • Haiti
      • Jamaica
      • Leeward Islands
      • Netherlands Antilles
      • Puerto Rico
      • Southwest Caribbean
      • Trinidad-Tobago
      • Turks-caicos Islands
      • Venezuelan Antilles
      • Windward Islands
    • Central America
      • Belize
      • Costa Rica
      • El Salvador
      • Guatemala
      • Honduras
      • Nicaragua
      • Panamá
    • Northern South America
      • French Guiana
      • Guyana
      • Suriname
      • Venezuela
    • Southern South America
      • Argentina Northeast
      • Argentina Northwest
      • Paraguay
      • Uruguay
    • Western South America
      • Bolivia
      • Colombia
      • Ecuador
      • Peru

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000864051
Florida Plant Atlas 735
Flora of Alabama 4761
Tropicos 25530360
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:398888-1
The Plant List kew-409077
Open Tree Of Life 1094533
Observations.org 198678
NCBI Taxonomy 173842
Nature Serve 2.140661
IUCN Red List 100509567
IPNI 398888-1
iNaturalist 53184
GBIF 5289938
Freebase /m/0_g_sdp
EOL 1114321
Elurikkus 210336
Wikipedia Digitaria_insularis

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
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Systemic Analysis of Glyphosate Impact on Environment and Human Health Singh R, Shukla A, Kaur G, Girdhar M, Malik T, Mohan A ACS Omega 30-Jan-2024
The diversity and quality of forages and their potency as herbal anthelmintic for swamp buffalo in Brebes District, Central Java Satrija F, Nurhidayah N, Astuti DA, Retnani EB, Murtini S Vet World 19-Jul-2023
Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 31 December 2022 Gibin D, Pasinato L, Delbianco A EFSA J 13-Jun-2023
Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2022 Delbianco A, Gibin D, Pasinato L, Boscia D, Morelli M EFSA J 09-Jan-2023
Two New Species and a New Record of Microdochium from Grasses in Yunnan Province, South-West China Gao Y, Ren GC, Wanasinghe DN, Xu JC, Gomes de Farias AR, Gui H J Fungi (Basel) 14-Dec-2022
Multiple Resistance Mechanisms Involved in Glyphosate Resistance in Eleusine indica Deng W, Duan Z, Li Y, Peng C, Yuan S Plants (Basel) 23-Nov-2022
Reduction of Weed Growth under the Influence of Extracts and Metabolites Isolated from Miconia spp. Ximenez GR, Bianchin M, Carmona JM, de Oliveira SM, Ferrarese-Filho O, Pastorini LH Molecules 23-Aug-2022
Post-emergence herbicidal activity of nanoatrazine against Alternanthera tenella Colla plants compared to other weed species Sousa BT, Pereira AD, Fraceto LF, Oliveira HC, Dalazen G Heliyon 08-Jul-2022
Mechanism of Resistance to Pyroxsulam in Multiple-Resistant Alopecurus myosuroides from China Lan Y, Sun Y, Liu Z, Wei S, Huang H, Cao Y, Li W, Huang Z Plants (Basel) 22-Jun-2022
Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 31 December 2021 Delbianco A, Gibin D, Pasinato L, Boscia D, Morelli M EFSA J 15-Jun-2022
Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – systematic literature search up to 30 June 2021 Delbianco A, Gibin D, Pasinato L, Morelli M EFSA J 12-Jan-2022
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382 Crous PW, Osieck ER, Jurjević Ž, Boers J, van Iperen AL, Starink-Willemse M, Dima B, Balashov S, Bulgakov TS, Johnston PR, Morozova OV, Pinruan U, Sommai S, Alvarado P, Decock CA, Lebel T, McMullan-Fisher S, Moreno G, Shivas RG, Zhao L, Abdollahzadeh J, Abrinbana M, Ageev DV, Akhmetova G, Alexandrova AV, Altés A, Amaral AG, Angelini C, Antonín V, Arenas F, Asselman P, Badali F, Baghela A, Bañares A, Barreto RW, Baseia IG, Bellanger JM, Berraf-Tebbal A, Biketova AY, Bukharova NV, Burgess TI, Cabero J, Câmara MP, Cano-Lira JF, Ceryngier P, Chávez R, Cowan DA, de Lima AF, Oliveira RL, Denman S, Dang QN, Dovana F, Duarte IG, Eichmeier A, Erhard A, Esteve-Raventós F, Fellin A, Ferisin G, Ferreira RJ, Ferrer A, Finy P, Gaya E, Geering AD, Gil-Durán C, Glässnerová K, Glushakova AM, Gramaje D, Guard FE, Guarnizo AL, Haelewaters D, Halling RE, Hill R, Hirooka Y, Hubka V, Iliushin VA, Ivanova DD, Ivanushkina NE, Jangsantear P, Justo A, Kachalkin AV, Kato S, Khamsuntorn P, Kirtsideli IY, Knapp DG, Kochkina GA, Koukol O, Kovács GM, Kruse J, Kumar TK, Kušan I, Læssøe T, Larsson E, Lebeuf R, Levicán G, Loizides M, Marinho P, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lukina EG, Magaña-Dueñas V, Maggs-Kölling G, Malysheva EF, Malysheva VF, Martín B, Martín MP, Matočec N, McTaggart AR, Mehrabi-Koushki M, Mešić A, Miller AN, Mironova P, Moreau PA, Morte A, Müller K, Nagy LG, Nanu S, Navarro-Ródenas A, Nel WJ, Nguyen TH, Nóbrega TF, Noordeloos ME, Olariaga I, Overton BE, Ozerskaya SM, Palani P, Pancorbo F, Papp V, Pawłowska J, Pham TQ, Phosri C, Popov ES, Portugal A, Pošta A, Reschke K, Reul M, Ricci GM, Rodríguez A, Romanowski J, Ruchikachorn N, Saar I, Safi A, Sakolrak B, Salzmann F, Sandoval-Denis M, Sangwichein E, Sanhueza L, Sato T, Sastoque A, Senn-Irlet B, Shibata A, Siepe K, Somrithipol S, Spetik M, Sridhar P, Stchigel AM, Stuskova K, Suwannasai N, Tan YP, Thangavel R, Tiago I, Tiwari S, Tkalčec Z, Tomashevskaya MA, Tonegawa C, Tran HX, Tran NT, Trovão J, Trubitsyn VE, Van Wyk J, Vieira WA, Vila J, Visagie CM, Vizzini A, Volobuev SV, Vu DT, Wangsawat N, Yaguchi T, Ercole E, Ferreira BW, de Souza AP, Vieira BS, Groenewald JZ Persoonia 24-Dec-2021
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382 Crous PW, Osieck ER, Jurjević Ž, Boers J, van Iperen AL, Starink-Willemse M, Dima B, Balashov S, Bulgakov TS, Johnston PR, Morozova OV, Pinruan U, Sommai S, Alvarado P, Decock CA, Lebel T, McMullan-Fisher S, Moreno G, Shivas RG, Zhao L, Abdollahzadeh J, Abrinbana M, Ageev DV, Akhmetova G, Alexandrova AV, Altés A, Amaral AG, Angelini C, Antonín V, Arenas F, Asselman P, Badali F, Baghela A, Bañares A, Barreto RW, Baseia IG, Bellanger JM, Berraf-Tebbal A, Biketova AY, Bukharova NV, Burgess TI, Cabero J, Câmara MP, Cano-Lira JF, Ceryngier P, Chávez R, Cowan DA, de Lima AF, Oliveira RL, Denman S, Dang QN, Dovana F, Duarte IG, Eichmeier A, Erhard A, Esteve-Raventós F, Fellin A, Ferisin G, Ferreira RJ, Ferrer A, Finy P, Gaya E, Geering AD, Gil-Durán C, Glässnerová K, Glushakova AM, Gramaje D, Guard FE, Guarnizo AL, Haelewaters D, Halling RE, Hill R, Hirooka Y, Hubka V, Iliushin VA, Ivanova DD, Ivanushkina NE, Jangsantear P, Justo A, Kachalkin AV, Kato S, Khamsuntorn P, Kirtsideli IY, Knapp DG, Kochkina GA, Koukol O, Kovács GM, Kruse J, Kumar TK, Kušan I, Læssøe T, Larsson E, Lebeuf R, Levicán G, Loizides M, Marinho P, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lukina EG, Magaña-Dueñas V, Maggs-Kölling G, Malysheva EF, Malysheva VF, Martín B, Martín MP, Matočec N, McTaggart AR, Mehrabi-Koushki M, Mešić A, Miller AN, Mironova P, Moreau PA, Morte A, Müller K, Nagy LG, Nanu S, Navarro-Ródenas A, Nel WJ, Nguyen TH, Nóbrega TF, Noordeloos ME, Olariaga I, Overton BE, Ozerskaya SM, Palani P, Pancorbo F, Papp V, Pawłowska J, Pham TQ, Phosri C, Popov ES, Portugal A, Pošta A, Reschke K, Reul M, Ricci GM, Rodríguez A, Romanowski J, Ruchikachorn N, Saar I, Safi A, Sakolrak B, Salzmann F, Sandoval-Denis M, Sangwichein E, Sanhueza L, Sato T, Sastoque A, Senn-Irlet B, Shibata A, Siepe K, Somrithipol S, Spetik M, Sridhar P, Stchigel AM, Stuskova K, Suwannasai N, Tan YP, Thangavel R, Tiago I, Tiwari S, Tkalčec Z, Tomashevskaya MA, Tonegawa C, Tran HX, Tran NT, Trovão J, Trubitsyn VE, Van Wyk J, Vieira WA, Vila J, Visagie CM, Vizzini A, Volobuev SV, Vu DT, Wangsawat N, Yaguchi T, Ercole E, Ferreira BW, de Souza AP, Vieira BS, Groenewald JZ Persoonia 24-Dec-2021
The Differences between the Effects of a Nanoformulation and a Conventional Form of Atrazine to Lettuce: Physiological Responses, Defense Mechanisms, and Nutrient Displacement Wu J, Zhai Y, Monikh FA, Arenas-Lago D, Grillo R, Vijver MG, Peijnenburg WJ J Agric Food Chem 18-Oct-2021

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