Bambusa ventricosa - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64402ee6c7761476919346
Scientific name Bambusa ventricosa
Authority McClure
First published in Lingnan Sci. J. 17: 57 (1938)

Description Top

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Bambusa ventricosa, also known as Buddha bamboo or Buddha's-belly bamboo, is a type of bamboo that is native to Vietnam and southern China. It is popularly grown in subtropical areas for its unique bulbous and decorative stems. This species is also commonly used in bonsai cultivation.

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Language Common/alternative name
Spanish chimonobambusa angulata
Spanish guadua pallescens
Spanish leleba fauriei
Spanish leleba tuldoides
Spanish tetragonocalamus angulatus
Catalan bambú ventre de buda
German buddhas-bauch-bambus
German leleba ventricosa
Malayalam ബുദ്ധ ബാംബൂ, ബുദ്ധ ബെല്ലി ബാംബൂ
Malayalam ബാംബുസ വെൻട്രികോസ
Vietnamese trúc đùi gà
Vietnamese trúc phật bà
Vietnamese trúc phật
Vietnamese tre ống điếu
Chinese 葫蘆竹
Chinese 結頭竹
Chinese 佛肚竹
Chinese 佛竹
Chinese 竹叶

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-temperate
    • China
      • China Southeast
    • Eastern Asia
      • Japan
      • Nansei-shoto

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000853542
Tropicos 25518587
Missouri Botanical Garden 285338
Open Tree Of Life 174809
NCBI Taxonomy 323096
IPNI 392561-1
GBIF 4140151
Freebase /m/03qkvfy
Elurikkus 473165
Wikipedia Bambusa_ventricosa

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Comparative Physiology and Transcriptome Analysis Provides Insights into the Regulatory Mechanism of Albinotic Bambusa oldhamii Qian Q, Ye Q, Xu Y, Vasupalli N, Lu H, Hu Q, Hou D Plants (Basel) 06-Dec-2023
PLA-Based Hybrid Biocomposites: Effects of Fiber Type, Fiber Content, and Annealing on Thermal and Mechanical Properties Yaisun S, Trongsatitkul T Polymers (Basel) 16-Oct-2023
Overwintering performance of bamboo leaves, and establishment of mathematical model for the distribution and introduction prediction of bamboos Wu Y, Li J, Yu L, Wang S, Lv Z, Long H, Zhai J, Lin S, Meng Y, Cao Z, Sun H Front Plant Sci 08-Sep-2023
Ornamental plants associated with Buddhist figures in China Xu X, Yan C, Ma Z, Wang Q, Zhao J, Zhang R, He L, Zheng W J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 25-May-2023
Changes in homegardens in relocation villages, a case study in the Baiku Yao area in Southern China Hu R, Xu C, Nong Y, Luo B J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 27-Feb-2023
Exploring phylogenetic relationships within the subgenera of Bambusa based on DNA barcodes and morphological characteristics Wang AK, Lu QF, Zhu ZX, Liu SH, Zhong H, Xiao ZZ, Zou YG, Gu LJ, Du XH, Cai HJ, Bi YF Sci Rep 16-May-2022
The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Bambusa beecheyana var.pubescens (Bambusodae) Chen L, Zhang Y, Fan L, Chen L, He T, Zheng Y Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 05-Oct-2020
Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Bambusa rigida (Bambuseae) Zheng Y, Hou D, Zhuo J, Zheng R, Wang Y, Li B, Yu X, Lin X Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 23-Jul-2020
Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Ampelocalamus scandens (Arundinarodae) Fan L, Zhang Y, Tarin MW, He T, Rong J, Zheng Y Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 01-Jun-2020
The complete chloroplast genome of Bambusa ventricosa (Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) Zhang X, Zhou R, Chen S Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 23-Aug-2018
Announcing the Genome Atlas of Bamboo and Rattan (GABR) project: promoting research in evolution and in economically and ecologically beneficial plants Zhao H, Zhao S, Fei B, Liu H, Yang H, Dai H, Wang D, Jin W, Tang F, Gao Q, Xun H, Wang Y, Qi L, Yue X, Lin S, Gu L, Li L, Zhu T, Wei Q, Su Z, Wan TB, Ofori DA, Muthike GM, Mengesha YM, de Castro e Silva RM, Beraldo AL, Gao Z, Liu X, Jiang Z Gigascience 16-Jun-2017
Chemical Constituents and Structural Characterization of Polysaccharides from Four Typical Bamboo Species Leaves Wang CZ, Zhang HY, Li WJ, Ye JZ Molecules 05-Mar-2015

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