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Internal ID UUID64402ec9cb533582093960
Scientific name Avena atlantica
Authority B.R.Baum & Fedak
First published in Canad. J. Bot. 63: 1057 (1985)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000851687
Tropicos 25515515
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:929034-1
Open Tree Of Life 29153
NCBI Taxonomy 366594
IPNI 929034-1
GBIF 4155060
USDA GRIN 403351

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Accession Assembly
Name Level Submitter Released Coverage Size
GCA_910589765.1 Avena_atlantica_CC7277_v1_assembly Chromosome Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research 2022-09-22 200.0x 3.43 Gb

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Genome-wide expansion and reorganization during grass evolution: from 30 Mb chromosomes in rice and Brachypodium to 550 Mb in Avena Liu Q, Ye L, Li M, Wang Z, Xiong G, Ye Y, Tu T, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison JS BMC Plant Biol 08-Dec-2023
Non–B-form DNA tends to form in centromeric regions and has undergone changes in polyploid oat subgenomes Liu Q, Yi C, Zhang Z, Su H, Liu C, Huang Y, Li W, Hu X, Liu C, Birchler JA, Liu Y, Han F Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 27-Dec-2022
Archetypes of inflorescence: genome-wide association networks of panicle morphometric, growth, and disease variables in a multiparent oat population Carlson CH, Fiedler JD, Naraghi SM, Nazareno ES, Ardayfio NK, McMullen MS, Kianian SF Genetics 15-Sep-2022
GGDB: A Grameneae genome alignment database of homologous genes hierarchically related to evolutionary events Yang Q, Liu T, Wu T, Lei T, Li Y, Wang X Plant Physiol 05-Jul-2022
GrainGenes: a data-rich repository for small grains genetics and genomics Yao E, Blake VC, Cooper L, Wight CP, Michel S, Cagirici HB, Lazo GR, Birkett CL, Waring DJ, Jannink JL, Holmes I, Waters AJ, Eickholt DP, Sen TZ Database (Oxford) 25-May-2022
Genome analysis in Avena sativa reveals hidden breeding barriers and opportunities for oat improvement Tinker NA, Wight CP, Bekele WA, Yan W, Jellen EN, Renhuldt NT, Sirijovski N, Lux T, Spannagl M, Mascher M Commun Biol 18-May-2022
A chromosome-level reference genome of Ensete glaucum gives insight into diversity and chromosomal and repetitive sequence evolution in the Musaceae Wang Z, Rouard M, Biswas MK, Droc G, Cui D, Roux N, Baurens FC, Ge XJ, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison P(, Liu Q Gigascience 30-Apr-2022
New Insights into the Genomic Structure of Avena L.: Comparison of the Divergence of A-Genome and One C-Genome Oat Species Gnutikov AA, Nosov NN, Loskutov IG, Blinova EV, Shneyer VS, Probatova NS, Rodionov AV Plants (Basel) 19-Apr-2022
GrainGenes: Tools and Content to Assist Breeders Improving Oat Quality Blake VC, Wight CP, Yao E, Sen TZ Foods 23-Mar-2022
Comparative sequencing and SNP marker validation for oat stem rust resistance gene Pg6 in a diverse collection of Avena accessions Gordon TC, Jin Y, Tinker NA, Bekele WA, Gale S, Bockelman H, Bonman JM Theor Appl Genet 03-Feb-2022
Subtelomeric assembly of a multi-gene pathway for antimicrobial defense compounds in cereals Li Y, Leveau A, Zhao Q, Feng Q, Lu H, Miao J, Xue Z, Martin AC, Wegel E, Wang J, Orme A, Rey MD, Karafiátová M, Vrána J, Steuernagel B, Joynson R, Owen C, Reed J, Louveau T, Stephenson MJ, Zhang L, Huang X, Huang T, Fan D, Zhou C, Tian Q, Li W, Lu Y, Chen J, Zhao Y, Lu Y, Zhu C, Liu Z, Polturak G, Casson R, Hill L, Moore G, Melton R, Hall N, Wulff BB, Doležel J, Langdon T, Han B, Osbourn A Nat Commun 07-May-2021
Population genomics of Mediterranean oat (A. sativa) reveals high genetic diversity and three loci for heading date Canales FJ, Montilla-Bascón G, Bekele WA, Howarth CJ, Langdon T, Rispail N, Tinker NA, Prats E Theor Appl Genet 26-Mar-2021
SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole‐genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects Lewis DH, Jarvis DE, Maughan PJ Appl Plant Sci 03-Dec-2020
Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of Avena: insights into evolutionary dynamics and phylogeny Liu Q, Li X, Li M, Xu W, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison JS BMC Plant Biol 02-Sep-2020
A noncanonical vacuolar sugar transferase required for biosynthesis of antimicrobial defense compounds in oat Orme A, Louveau T, Stephenson MJ, Appelhagen I, Melton R, Cheema J, Li Y, Zhao Q, Zhang L, Fan D, Tian Q, Vickerstaff RJ, Langdon T, Han B, Osbourn A Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 05-Dec-2019

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