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Internal ID UUID64400d1118a8d394173781
Scientific name Syngonanthus gracilis
Authority (Bong.) Ruhland
First published in Pflanzenr. (Engler) IV. 30(Heft 13): 249. 1903 [27 Mar 1903]

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Dupatya gracilis Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 745 (1891)
Eriocaulon brizoides Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 281 (1855)
Eriocaulon glabrum Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 281 (1855)
Eriocaulon gracile Bong. Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. 1: 634 (1831)
Limnoxeranthemum glabrum Salzm. ex Steud. Syn. Pl. Glumac. 2: 281 (1855)
Paepalanthus brizoides Kunth Enum. Pl. 3: 534 (1841)
Paepalanthus glanduliferus Mart. ex Körn. Fl. Bras. 3(1): 464 (1863)
Paepalanthus gracilis (Bong.) Körn. Fl. Bras. 3(1): 460 (1863)
Paepalanthus oxycnemis Mart. ex Körn. Fl. Bras. 3(1): 461 (1863)
Syngonanthus eriophyllus var. calvescens Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 249 (1903)
Syngonanthus eriophyllus var. glandulifera Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 249 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. araxaensis Silveira Floral. Mont. 1: 347 (1928)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. glabriuscula Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 251 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. koernickeana Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 250 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. olivacea Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 250 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. pallida Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 250 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis f. prolifer Moldenke Phytologia 22: 6 (1971)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. pulchra Silveira Floral. Mont. 347. 1928
Syngonanthus gracilis var. recurvifolia Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 252 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. setacea Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 252 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. subinflata Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 250 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. tenuissima Ruhland Pflanzenr. , IV, 30: 250 (1903)
Syngonanthus gracilis var. luetzelburgii Herzog ex Moldenke Phytologia 37: 72 (1977)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000565095
Tropicos 12400274
INPN 731882
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:336747-1
The Plant List kew-267572
Open Tree Of Life 3965808
NCBI Taxonomy 1484936
IPNI 248239-2
GBIF 2690034
EOL 345308

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