Aechmea blanchetiana - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643ff15e7d528778425959
Scientific name Aechmea blanchetiana
Authority (Baker) L.B.Sm.
First published in Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 126(1): 13 (1955)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Aechmea remotiflora Mez Monogr. Phan. 9: 219 (1896)
Streptocalyx laxiflorus Baker Handb. Bromel. : 31 (1889)
Tillandsia blanchetiana Baker Handb. Bromel. : 182 (1889)

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Language Common/alternative name
English bromeliad

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Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000337494
Tropicos 4304581
The Plant List kew-217832
Open Tree Of Life 3964129
NCBI Taxonomy 1506189
IPNI 5361-2
iNaturalist 465582
GBIF 2698340
Freebase /m/026cvmj
EOL 1127276
Wikipedia Aechmea_blanchetiana

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Anatomical and physiological responses of Aechmea blanchetiana (Bromeliaceae) induced by silicon and sodium chloride stress during in vitro culture Cipriano R, Martins JP, Conde LT, da Silva MM, Silva DM, Gontijo AB, Falqueto AR PeerJ 11-Jan-2023
Effects of exogenous auxin on yield in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) when applied at the grain-filling stage Feng Z, Zhao J, Nie M, Qu F, Li X, Wang J Front Plant Sci 04-Jan-2023
Comparison of In Vitro and In Planta Heavy Metal Tolerance and Accumulation Potential of Different Armeria maritima Accessions from a Dry Coastal Meadow Purmale L, Jēkabsone A, Andersone-Ozola U, Karlsons A, Osvalde A, Ievinsh G Plants (Basel) 12-Aug-2022
Comparative Study between Exogenously Applied Plant Growth Hormones versus Metabolites of Microbial Endophytes as Plant Growth-Promoting for Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ismail MA, Amin MA, Eid AM, Hassan SE, Mahgoub HA, Lashin I, Abdelwahab AT, Azab E, Gobouri AA, Elkelish A, Fouda A Cells 29-Apr-2021
More than Scales: Evidence for the Production and Exudation of Mucilage by the Peltate Trichomes of Tillandsia cyanea (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) Ballego-Campos I, Forzza RC, Paiva EA Plants (Basel) 18-Jun-2020
Highlights of Medical Entomology 2018: The Importance of Sustainable Surveillance of Vectors and Vector-Borne Pathogens Connelly R J Med Entomol 03-Sep-2019
Rapid responses of plants to temperature changes Nievola CC, Carvalho CP, Carvalho V, Rodrigues E Temperature (Austin) 09-Nov-2017
Trade-off between soluble protein production and nutritional storage in Bromeliaceae Gonçalves AZ, Mercier H, Oliveira RS, Romero GQ Ann Bot 29-Aug-2016
How do secretory products cross the plant cell wall to be released? A new hypothesis involving cyclic mechanical actions of the protoplast Paiva EA Ann Bot 29-Feb-2016
Bromeliad-inhabiting mosquitoes in an urban botanical garden of dengue endemic Rio de Janeiro. Are bromeliads productive habitats for the invasive vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus? Mocellin MG, Simões TC, do Nascimento TF, Teixeira ML, Lounibos LP, de Oliveira RL Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 01-Dec-2009

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