Fuchsia regia - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64401cf6b23a3114404353
Scientific name Fuchsia regia
Authority (Vand. ex Vell.) Munz
First published in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. , ser. 4, 25: 13 (1943)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Fuchsia integrifolia Cambess. Fl. Bras. Merid. 2: 273 (1830)
Fuchsia pyrifolia C.Presl Symb. Bot. 2: 19 (1834)
Quelusia regia Vand. ex Vell. Fl. Flumin. : 149 (1829)
Fuchsia regia subsp. regia (Vell.) Munz

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Language Common/alternative name
Portuguese brinco-de-princesa-da-mata
Chinese 国王倒挂金钟
Chinese 國王倒挂金鍾

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Name Authority First published in
Fuchsia regia subsp. reitzii P.E.Berry Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 577 (1989)
Fuchsia regia subsp. serrae P.E.Berry Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76: 573 (1989)

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Southern America
    • Brazil
      • Brazil Northeast
      • Brazil South
      • Brazil Southeast

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000692875
Tropicos 23201942
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:106266-2
The Plant List kew-2815042
Open Tree Of Life 524626
NCBI Taxonomy 253500
IPNI 106266-2
iNaturalist 431048
GBIF 7322827
EOL 5465970
USDA GRIN 451433
Wikipedia Fuchsia_regia

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Phytochemical, Nutritional and Mineral Content of Four Edible Flowers Marchioni I, Gabriele M, Carmassi G, Ruffoni B, Pistelli L, Pistelli L, Najar B Foods 20-Mar-2024
Climate change threatens native potential agroforestry plant species in Brazil Lima VP, de Lima RA, Joner F, Siddique I, Raes N, ter Steege H Sci Rep 10-Feb-2022
The Granulate Cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Biological Parameters Under Controlled Conditions, Host Plants, and Distribution in the Americas Specht A, Dias FM, San Blas G, Roque-Specht VF, Casagrande MM, Mielke OH, Montezano DG, Santos IB, Paula-Moraes SV, Hunt TE, Malaquias JV, Bonfin FA, Vieira PV J Insect Sci 07-Nov-2020
Trace Elements in Edible Flowers from Italy: Further Insights into Health Benefits and Risks to Consumers Drava G, Iobbi V, Govaerts R, Minganti V, Copetta A, Ruffoni B, Bisio A Molecules 23-Jun-2020
Effect of heterospecific pollen deposition on pollen tube growth depends on the phylogenetic relatedness between donor and recipient Streher NS, Bergamo PJ, Ashman TL, Wolowski M, Sazima M AoB Plants 05-Jun-2020
Ecological mechanisms explaining interactions within plant–hummingbird networks: morphological matching increases towards lower latitudes Sonne J, Vizentin-Bugoni J, Maruyama PK, Araujo AC, Chávez-González E, Coelho AG, Cotton PA, Marín-Gómez OH, Lara C, Lasprilla LR, Machado CG, Maglianesi MA, Malucelli TS, González AM, Oliveira GM, Oliveira PE, Ortiz-Pulido R, Rocca MA, Rodrigues LC, Sazima I, Simmons BI, Tinoco B, Varassin IG, Vasconcelos MF, O'Hara B, Schleuning M, Rahbek C, Sazima M, Dalsgaard B Proc Biol Sci 11-Mar-2020
Spatio-temporal effects of climate change on the geographical distribution and flowering phenology of hummingbird-pollinated plants Correa-Lima AP, Varassin IG, Barve N, Zwiener VP Ann Bot 16-Jul-2019
Processes entangling interactions in communities: forbidden links are more important than abundance in a hummingbird–plant network Vizentin-Bugoni J, Maruyama PK, Sazima M Proc Biol Sci 07-Apr-2014

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