Psidium guineense
Table of Contents
Details Top
Internal ID | UUID643fe938ce632643055784 |
Scientific name | Psidium guineense |
Authority | Sw. |
First published in | Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. : 77 (1788) |
Description Top
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Synonyms Top
Scientific name | Authority | First published in |
Mosiera guineensis | (Sw.) Bisse | Revista Jard. Bot. Nac. Univ. Habana 6(3): 4 (1985 publ. 1986) |
Myrtus guineensis | (Sw.) Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 91 (1898) |
Myrtus hauthalii | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 91 (1898) |
Psidium albidum | Cambess. | Fl. Bras. Merid. 2: 283 (1832) |
Psidium araca | Raddi | Opusc. Sci. 4: 252 (1823) |
Psidium benthamianum | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 362 (1856) |
Psidium costa-ricense | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 368 (1856) |
Psidium dichotomum | Weinm. | Syll. Pl. Nov. 2: 166 (1828) |
Psidium hians | Mart. ex DC. | Prodr. 3: 234 (1828) |
Psidium jollyanum | A.Chev. | Explor. Bot. Afrique Occ. Franç. 1: 266 (1920) |
Psidium laurifolium | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 364 (1856) |
Psidium lehmannii | Diels | Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 594 (1906) |
Psidium minus | Mart. ex DC. | Prodr. 3: 235 (1828) |
Psidium molle | Bertol. | Fl. Guatimal. : 22 (1840) |
Psidium monticola | O.Berg | Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1855: 11 (1855) |
Psidium multiflorum | Cambess. | Fl. Bras. 2: 281 (1832) |
Psidium ooideum | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 398 (1857) |
Psidium ooideum var. longipedunculatum | Rusby | Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3(3): 27 (1893) |
Psidium polycarpon | Lamb. | Trans. Linn. Soc. London 11: 231 (1813) |
Psidium rotundifolium | Standl. | Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 8: 318 (1931) |
Psidium rufinervum | Barb.Rodr. | Myrt. Paraguay : 15 (1903) |
Psidium schiedeanum | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 368 (1856) |
Psidium schippii | Standl. | Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 8: 319 (1931) |
Psidium sericiflorum | Benth. | Pl. Hartw. : 176 (1845) |
Psidium ypanemense | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 395 (1857) |
Campomanesia multiflora | Blume | Mus. Bot. 1(5): 72. 1850 [1 May 1849 publ. Apr 1850] |
Campomanesia tomentosa | Kunth | Nov. Gen. Sp. 6: 151 (1823) |
Psidium hians var. cuneatum | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 394 (1857) |
Psidium hians var. truncatum | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 394 (1857) |
Psidium molle var. gracile | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 370 (1856) |
Psidium molle var. robustum | O.Berg | Linnaea 27: 370 (1856) |
Psidium monticola var. gracile | O.Berg | Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1855: 11 (1856) |
Psidium monticola var. robustum | O.Berg | Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1855: 11 (1856) |
Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 602 (1859) |
Psidium ooideum var. intermedium | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 602 (1859) |
Psidium ooideum var. parvifolium | O.Berg | Fl. Bras. 14(1): 602 (1859) |
Eugenia hauthalii | K.Schum. | Just's Bot. Jahresber. 26(1): 359 (1898) |
Guajava albida | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava benthamiana | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 240 (1891) |
Guajava costa-ricensis | (O.Berg) Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 240 (1891) |
Guajava guineensis | (Sw.) Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava hians | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava laurifolia | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 240 (1891) |
Guajava mollis | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 240 (1891) |
Guajava multiflora | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava ooidea | (O.Berg) Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava polycarpa | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (1891) |
Guajava schiedeana | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 240 (1891) |
Guajava ypanemensis | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 (-240). 1891 [5 Nov 1891] |
Psidium atiraense | Barb.Rodr. | Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 799. 1907 |
Psidium cordillerense | Barb.Rodr. | Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 799. 1907 |
Psidium tomasense | Barb.Rodr. | Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 797. 1907 |
Psidium macrophyllum | Barb.Rodr. | Bull. Herb. Boissier , sér. 2, 7: 797 (1907) |
Psidium glandulosum | Barb.Rodr. | Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 799. 1907 |
Guajava ypanemense | (O.Berg) Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 239 1891 |
Psidium laurifolium | Barb.Rodr. | |
Campomanesia multiflora | (Cambess.) O.Berg |
Common names Top
Add a new one! Suggest a correction!Language | Common/alternative name |
English | guinea guava |
Persian | گواوا برزیلی |
Korean | 기니아구아바 |
Portuguese | araçá-do-campo |
Chinese | 几内亚番石榴 |
Chinese | 巴西芭樂 |
Germination/Propagation Top
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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top
Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
Africa click to expand
South Tropical Africa
- Angola
West Tropical Africa
- Ivory Coast
West-central Tropical Africa
- Congo
- Gabon
- Zaïre
South Tropical Africa
Asia-tropical click to expand
Indian Subcontinent
- Bangladesh
- India
Indian Subcontinent
Northern America click to expand
- Mexico Gulf
- Mexico Northwest
- Mexico Southeast
- Mexico Southwest
Pacific click to expand
Northwestern Pacific
- Marianas
South-central Pacific
- Marquesas
- Society Islands
Southwestern Pacific
- New Caledonia
Northwestern Pacific
Southern America click to expand
- Brazil North
- Brazil Northeast
- Brazil South
- Brazil Southeast
- Brazil West-central
- Cuba
- Haiti
- Jamaica
- Leeward Islands
- Trinidad-Tobago
- Venezuelan Antilles
- Windward Islands
Central America
- Belize
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Panamá
Northern South America
- French Guiana
- Guyana
- Suriname
- Venezuela
Southern South America
- Argentina Northeast
- Argentina Northwest
- Paraguay
Western South America
- Bolivia
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Peru
Links to other databases Top
Suggest others/fix!Database | ID/link to page |
World Flora Online | wfo-0000284428 |
UNII | PD334V37AR |
Florida Plant Atlas | 4422 |
USDA Plants | PSGU3 |
Tropicos | 22102032 |
INPN | 447406 |
KEW | |
The Plant List | kew-166748 |
Open Tree Of Life | 380010 |
NCBI Taxonomy | 260140 |
IUCN Red List | 129105214 |
IPNI | 211886-2 |
iNaturalist | 154537 |
GBIF | 5420509 |
Freebase | /m/0vzr8m7 |
USDA GRIN | 30208 |
Wikipedia | Psidium_guineense |
Genomes (via NCBI) Top
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Scientific Literature Top
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Phytochemical Profile Top
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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name | PubChem ID | Canonical SMILES | MW | Found in | Proof |
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Monoterpenoids / Bicyclic monoterpenoids | |||||
alpha-PINENE | 6654 | Click to see CC1=CCC2CC1C2(C)C | 136.23 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
beta-Pinene | 14896 | Click to see CC1(C2CCC(=C)C1C2)C | 136.23 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids / Aromadendrane sesquiterpenoids / 5,10-cycloaromadendrane sesquiterpenoids | |||||
(1aS,4aS,7S,7aR,7bS)-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylidene-1a,2,3,4a,5,6,7a,7b-octahydrocyclopropa[h]azulen-7-ol | 97032059 | Click to see CC1(C2C1C3C(CCC3(C)O)C(=C)CC2)C | 220.35 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids / Elemane sesquiterpenoids | |||||
Elemol | 92138 | Click to see CC(=C)C1CC(CCC1(C)C=C)C(C)(C)O | 222.37 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Sesquiterpenoids / Eudesmane, isoeudesmane or cycloeudesmane sesquiterpenoids | |||||
beta-EUDESMOL | 91457 | Click to see CC12CCCC(=C)C1CC(CC2)C(C)(C)O | 222.37 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
gamma-EUDESMOL | 6432005 | Click to see CC1=C2CC(CCC2(CCC1)C)C(C)(C)O | 222.37 | unknown |<67::AID-PTR29>3.0.CO;2-I |
Collections Top
In private collections | 0 |
In public collections | 0 |