Genus Phyllagathis in Family Melastomataceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
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Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Pick a Species to see its components:
Phyllagathis asarifolia
Phyllagathis atroviolacea
Phyllagathis beccariana
Phyllagathis bicolor
Phyllagathis brevipedunculata
Phyllagathis brookei
Phyllagathis cavaleriei
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Phyllagathis chongzuoensis
Phyllagathis cordata
Phyllagathis cymigera
Phyllagathis deltoda
Phyllagathis deltoidea
Phyllagathis dichotoma
Phyllagathis driessenioides
Phyllagathis elattandra
Phyllagathis elegans
Phyllagathis elliptica
Phyllagathis erecta
Phyllagathis fengii
Phyllagathis gigantifolia
Phyllagathis gracilis
Phyllagathis griffithii
Phyllagathis guillauminii
Phyllagathis guttata
Phyllagathis gymnantha
Phyllagathis hainanensis
Phyllagathis hispida
Phyllagathis hispidissima
Phyllagathis impressinervia
Phyllagathis indica
Phyllagathis jacobsiana
Phyllagathis lii
Phyllagathis longicalcarata
Phyllagathis longifolius
Phyllagathis longispicatus
Phyllagathis marumiaetricha
Phyllagathis maxwellii
Phyllagathis megalocentra
Phyllagathis melastomatoides
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Phyllagathis millelunata
Phyllagathis nanakorniana
Phyllagathis osmantha
Phyllagathis ovalifolia
Phyllagathis peltata
Phyllagathis penrissenensis
Phyllagathis phyllioides
Phyllagathis prostrata
Phyllagathis pulcherrima
Phyllagathis rajah
Phyllagathis rivularis
Phyllagathis rotundifolia
Phyllagathis rubrosetosa
Phyllagathis rufa
Phyllagathis scorpiothyrsoides
Phyllagathis scortechinii
Phyllagathis sessilifolia
Phyllagathis setotheca
Phyllagathis siamensis
Phyllagathis steenisii
Phyllagathis stellata
Phyllagathis stenophylla
Phyllagathis stolonifera
Phyllagathis subacaulis
Phyllagathis suberalata
Phyllagathis subrotunda
Phyllagathis tentaculifera
Phyllagathis ternata
Phyllagathis tetrandra
Phyllagathis tonkinensis
Phyllagathis truncata
Phyllagathis tuberculata
Phyllagathis tuberosa
Phyllagathis ulu
Phyllagathis velutina
Phyllagathis violinifolia
Phyllagathis wallacei
Phyllagathis yodae