Terminalia fagifolia - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64405b8d52f49568683526
Scientific name Terminalia fagifolia
Authority Mart.
First published in Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras. 1: 42 (1824)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Myrobalanus fagifolia Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 237 (1891)
Terminalia lanceolata Mart. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras. 1: 43 (1824)
Terminalia fagifolia var. angustifolia Eichler Fl. Bras. 14(2): 86 (1867)
Terminalia fagifolia var. parvifolia Eichler Fl. Bras. 14(2): 86 (1867)

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Language Common/alternative name
Portuguese cachaporra-do-gentio

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Southern America
    • Brazil
      • Brazil Northeast
      • Brazil Southeast
      • Brazil West-central
    • Western South America
      • Bolivia

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001296301
Tropicos 8200087
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:171113-1
The Plant List tro-8200087
Open Tree Of Life 5747544
NCBI Taxonomy 2743307
IUCN Red List 146079532
IPNI 171113-1
iNaturalist 810586
GBIF 7327118

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Toxic Potential of Cerrado Plants on Different Organisms Rocha JD, Carneiro FM, Fernandes AS, Morais JM, Borges LL, Chen-Chen L, de Almeida LM, Bailão EF Int J Mol Sci 22-Mar-2022
The Potential of Silver Nanoparticles for Antiviral and Antibacterial Applications: A Mechanism of Action Salleh A, Naomi R, Utami ND, Mohammad AW, Mahmoudi E, Mustafa N, Fauzi MB Nanomaterials (Basel) 09-Aug-2020
In Vitro Antioxidant, Anti-Biofilm, and Solar Protection Activities of Melocactus zehntneri (Britton & Rose) Pulp Extract Aquino-Martins VG, de Melo LF, Silva LM, de Lima TR, Queiroz MF, Viana RL, Zucolotto SM, Andrade VS, Rocha HA, Scortecci KC Antioxidants (Basel) 01-Oct-2019
Plants used by the rural community of Bananal, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Aspects of popular knowledge Miguéis GD, da Silva RH, Damasceno Júnior GA, Guarim-Neto G PLoS One 30-Jan-2019
Terminalia fagifolia Mart. & Zucc. elicits vasorelaxation of rat thoracic aorta through nitric oxide and K+ channels dependent mechanism de Carvalho EF, Nunes AF, Silva NC, da Silva Gomes JP, de Sousa RP, Silva VG, Nunes PH, Santos RF, Chaves MH, Oliveira AP, Oliveira RC Biol Open 25-Jan-2019
Antiulcer Agents: From Plant Extracts to Phytochemicals in Healing Promotion Sharifi-Rad M, Fokou PV, Sharopov F, Martorell M, Ademiluyi AO, Rajkovic J, Salehi B, Martins N, Iriti M, Sharifi-Rad J Molecules 17-Jul-2018
Upregulation of Melanogenesis and Tyrosinase Activity: Potential Agents for Vitiligo Niu C, Aisa HA Molecules 04-Aug-2017
Redox-Active Profile Characterization of Remirea maritima Extracts and Its Cytotoxic Effect in Mouse Fibroblasts (L929) and Melanoma (B16F10) Cells Dória GA, Santos AR, Bittencourt LS, Bortolin RC, Menezes PP, Vasconcelos BS, Souza RO, Fonseca MJ, Santos AD, Saravanan S, Silva FA, Gelain DP, Moreira JC, Prata AP, Quintans-Júnior LJ, Araújo AA Molecules 25-Jun-2015
Therapeutic Potential of Natural Pharmacological Agents in the Treatment of Human Diseases Ramana KV, Singhal SS, Reddy AB Biomed Res Int 28-Dec-2014
Gastric Antiulcerogenic and Hypokinetic Activities of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. & Zucc. (Combretaceae) Nunes PH, Martins MD, Oliveira RD, Chaves MH, Sousa EA, Leite JR, Véras LM, Almeida FR Biomed Res Int 12-May-2014
In Vitro Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Some Synthetic Riparin-Derived Compounds Nunes GB, Policarpo PR, Costa LM, da Silva TG, Militão GC, Câmara CA, Filho JM, Gutierrez SJ, Islam MT, de Freitas RM Molecules 11-Apr-2014
Stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic assay of isosakuranetin in rat urine Vega-Villa KR, Remsberg CM, Podelnyk KL, Davies NM J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 01-Nov-2008

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