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Internal ID UUID64404fbb8976c849333247
Scientific name Viola canescens
Authority Wall.
First published in Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich ed.) 2: 450. 1824

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Viola serpens var. canescens (Wall.) Hook.f. & Thomson Fl. Brit. India 1(1): 184 1872

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Language Common/alternative name
Chinese 灰堇菜

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001145158
Tropicos 33801477
INPN 706922
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:867835-1
The Plant List tro-33801477
Open Tree Of Life 6105900
NCBI Taxonomy 1920208
IPNI 867836-1
iNaturalist 542777
GBIF 5664083
USDA GRIN 430011

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Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
The local medicinal plant knowledge in Kashmir Western Himalaya: a way to foster ecological transition via community-centred health seeking strategies Manzoor M, Ahmad M, Zafar M, Gillani SW, Shaheen H, Pieroni A, Al-Ghamdi AA, Elshikh MS, Saqib S, Makhkamov T, Khaydarov K J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 30-Nov-2023
Biosynthesis of Functional Silver Nanoparticles Using Callus and Hairy Root Cultures of Aristolochia manshuriensis Yugay YA, Sorokina MR, Grigorchuk VP, Rusapetova TV, Silant’ev VE, Egorova AE, Adedibu PA, Kudinova OD, Vasyutkina EA, Ivanov VV, Karabtsov AA, Mashtalyar DV, Degtyarenko AI, Grishchenko OV, Kumeiko VV, Bulgakov VP, Shkryl YN J Funct Biomater 01-Sep-2023
Antidiarrheal Potential of Viola canescens: In Vivo and In Silico Approaches Ahmad I, Alotaibi BS, Malak N, Asad F, Ullah B, Nasreen N, Khan A, Chen CC Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 25-Mar-2023
Phytochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Extracts from Early, Mature, and Germinated Somatic Embryos of Cotyledon orbiculata L. Zengin G, Cziáky Z, Jekő J, Kang KW, Lorenzo JM, Sivanesan I Plants (Basel) 27-Feb-2023
A Paradigm Shift is Expected in Ethnobiology: Challenges and Opportunities Post-COVID-19 Sharma A, Uniyal SK Natl Acad Sci Lett 07-Dec-2022
Ethnobotanical inventory and medicinal perspectives of herbal flora of Shiwalik mountainous range of District Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Ishtiaq M, Khanum H, Hussain I, Parveen A, Maqbool M, Thind S, Hussain T, Azeem M, Shabir F, Elansary HO PLoS One 29-Mar-2022
Indigenous knowledge and quantitative ethnobotany of the Tanawal area, Lesser Western Himalayas, Pakistan Bibi F, Abbas Z, Harun N, Perveen B, Bussmann RW PLoS One 22-Feb-2022
Phytocompounds from Himalayan Medicinal Plants as Potential Drugs to Treat Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella typhimurium: An In Silico Approach Mehta J, Rolta R, Salaria D, Awofisayo O, Fadare OA, Sharma PP, Rathi B, Chopra A, Kaushik N, Choi EH, Kaushik NK Biomedicines 05-Oct-2021
Pharmacologic Activities of Plant-Derived Natural Products on Respiratory Diseases and Inflammations Timalsina D, Pokhrel KP, Bhusal D Biomed Res Int 04-Oct-2021
Ethnomedicinal Plants Used in the Health Care System: Survey of the Mid Hills of Solan District, Himachal Pradesh, India Kumar M, Radha, Devi H, Prakash S, Rathore S, Thakur M, Puri S, Pundir A, Bangar SP, Changan S, Ilakiya T, Samota MK, Damale RD, Singh S, Berwal MK, Dhumal S, Bhoite AG, Sharma A, Senapathy M, Bhushan B, Maurya VK, Asha, Natta S, Amarowicz R, Mekhemar M Plants (Basel) 05-Sep-2021
Biosynthesis and Cytotoxic Properties of Ag, Au, and Bimetallic Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Lithospermum erythrorhizon Callus Culture Extract Shkryl Y, Rusapetova T, Yugay Y, Egorova A, Silant’ev V, Grigorchuk V, Karabtsov A, Timofeeva Y, Vasyutkina E, Kudinova O, Ivanov V, Kumeiko V, Bulgakov V Int J Mol Sci 27-Aug-2021
Inventorization of traditional ethnobotanical uses of wild plants of Dawarian and Ratti Gali areas of District Neelum, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan Ajaib M, Ishtiaq M, Bhatti KH, Hussain I, Maqbool M, Hussain T, Mushtaq W, Ghani A, Azeem M, Khan SM, Thind S, Bashir R PLoS One 29-Jul-2021
Ethnomedicinal and folklore inventory of wild plants used by rural communities of valley Samahni, District Bhimber Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Ishtiaq M, Maqbool M, Ajaib M, Ahmed M, Hussain I, Khanam H, Mushtaq W, Hussain T, Azam S, Hayat Bhatti K, Ghani A PLoS One 13-Jan-2021
Medicinal plants as a fight against murine blood-stage malaria Dkhil MA, Al-Quraishy S, Al-Shaebi EM, Abdel-Gaber R, Thagfan FA, Qasem MA Saudi J Biol Sci 19-Dec-2020
Quantitative Ethnobotanical Study of Indigenous Knowledge on Medicinal Plants Used by the Tribal Communities of Gokand Valley, District Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Sulaiman, Shah S, Khan S, Bussmann RW, Ali M, Hussain D, Hussain W Plants (Basel) 06-Aug-2020

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