Euphorbia horrida - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64403b3920e0b952657906
Scientific name Euphorbia horrida
Authority Boiss.
First published in Cent. Euphorb. : 27 (1860)

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Euphorbia horrida, also known as the African milk barrel, is a flowering plant found in South Africa. Despite being part of the Euphorbiaceae family, it resembles cacti from the New World, showcasing convergent evolution. It can grow up to 1.5 meters and has blue-green, spiny stems with solitary green flowers in the summer. In colder regions, it needs to be grown in heated conditions under glass. This plant produces new shoots at the base, which can form roots and be used for propagation. Its Latin name, horrida, refers to its many prickles. Euphorbia horrida has been recognized by the Royal Horticultural Society and has received the Award of Garden Merit.

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Language Common/alternative name
Persian افوربیا یوفوربیا

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000962608
The Plant List kew-80178
Open Tree Of Life 6101060
NCBI Taxonomy 216999
IPNI 346827-1
iNaturalist 521486
GBIF 3067674
Freebase /m/03gvxx6
EOL 1144688
USDA GRIN 409958
Wikipedia Euphorbia_horrida

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Tap the sap – investigation of latex-bearing plants in the search of potential anticancer biopharmaceuticals Mazur O, Bałdysz S, Warowicka A, Nawrot R Front Plant Sci 01-Nov-2022
Adnate Leaf-Base and the Origin of Ribs in Succulent Stems of Euphorbia L. Arévalo-Rodrigues G, Hurbath F, Prado E, Galvão I, Cordeiro I, Demarco D Plants (Basel) 15-Apr-2022
Advancements in Capturing and Mining Mass Spectrometry Data Are Transforming Natural Products Research Jarmusch SA, van der Hooft JJ, Dorrestein PC, Jarmusch AK Nat Prod Rep 17-Nov-2021
Assessing Specialized Metabolite Diversity in the Cosmopolitan Plant Genus Euphorbia L. Ernst M, Nothias LF, van der Hooft JJ, Silva RR, Saslis-Lagoudakis CH, Grace OM, Martinez-Swatson K, Hassemer G, Funez LA, Simonsen HT, Medema MH, Staerk D, Nilsson N, Lovato P, Dorrestein PC, Rønsted N Front Plant Sci 02-Jul-2019
Host specificity in parasitic plants—perspectives from mistletoes Okubamichael DY, Griffiths ME, Ward D AoB Plants 22-Sep-2016
Massive gene loss in mistletoe (Viscum, Viscaceae) mitochondria Petersen G, Cuenca A, Møller IM, Seberg O Sci Rep 02-Dec-2015

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