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Internal ID UUID644046a665726876290863
Scientific name Annona vepretorum
Authority Mart.
First published in Fl. Bras. 13(1): 16 (1841)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0001065642
Tropicos 100289518
Tropicos 1600106
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:72337-1
The Plant List kew-2641063
The Plant List tro-1600106
PFAF Annona vepretorum
Open Tree Of Life 3868563
NCBI Taxonomy 2743203
IUCN Red List 143325083
IPNI 72337-1
GBIF 5407082
EOL 1054826
USDA GRIN 438207

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Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Antidepressant Effects of Essential Oils: A Review of the Past Decade (2012–2022) and Molecular Docking Study of Their Major Chemical Components Fonseca EC, Ferreira LR, Figueiredo PL, Maia CD, Setzer WN, Da Silva JK Int J Mol Sci 25-May-2023
Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch and Dalziel: Antimicrobial Activities, Cytotoxicity Evaluation, and Phytochemical Identification by GC-MS Tittikpina NK, Kirsch G, Duval RE, Chaimbault P, Jacob C Antibiotics (Basel) 25-Nov-2022
Duguetia pycnastera Sandwith (Annonaceae) Leaf Essential Oil Inhibits HepG2 Cell Growth In Vitro and In Vivo Costa EV, de Souza CA, Galvão AF, Silva VR, Santos LD, Dias RB, Rocha CA, Soares MB, da Silva FM, Koolen HH, Bezerra DP Molecules 02-Sep-2022
Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant Potential and Toxicity Evaluation of the Essential Oils from Duguetia and Xylopia Species (Annonaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon Cascaes MM, De Moraes ÂA, Cruz JN, Franco CD, E Silva RC, do Nascimento LD, Ferreira OO, dos Anjos TO, de Oliveira MS, Guilhon GM, Andrade EH Antioxidants (Basel) 30-Aug-2022
Socioeconomic factors influencing knowledge and consumption of food plants by a human group in a mountainous environment in the semiarid region of Bahia, Northeast Brazil da Silva Souza LV, Marques J, de Oliveira Campos LZ, de Freitas Lins Neto EM J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 15-Jun-2022
Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Annonacae Al Kazman BS, Harnett JE, Hanrahan JR Molecules 27-May-2022
Machine Learning Analysis of Essential Oils from Cuban Plants: Potential Activity against Protozoa Parasites Barros de Menezes RP, Scotti L, Scotti MT, García J, González R, Monzote L, Setzer WN Molecules 17-Feb-2022
Modulation of the Serotonergic Receptosome in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression: A Narrative Review of the Experimental Evidence Villas-Boas GR, Lavorato SN, Paes MM, de Carvalho PM, Rescia VC, Cunha MS, de Magalhães-Filho MF, Ponsoni LF, de Carvalho AA, de Lacerda RB, da S. Leite L, da S. Tavares-Henriques M, Lopes LA, Oliveira LG, Silva-Filho SE, da Silveira AP, Cuman RK, de S. Silva-Comar FM, Comar JF, do A. Brasileiro L, dos Santos JN, de Freitas WR, Leão KV, da Silva JG, Klein RC, Klein MH, da S. Ramos BH, Fernandes CK, de L. Ribas DG, Oesterreich SA Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 12-Feb-2021
Trypanocidal Essential Oils: A Review de Morais MC, de Souza JV, da Silva Maia Bezerra Filho C, Dolabella SS, de Sousa DP Molecules 06-Oct-2020
Essential Oils and Their Main Chemical Components: The Past 20 Years of Preclinical Studies in Melanoma Di Martile M, Garzoli S, Ragno R, Del Bufalo D Cancers (Basel) 16-Sep-2020
The Effects of Essential Oils and Terpenes in Relation to Their Routes of Intake and Application Koyama S, Heinbockel T Int J Mol Sci 25-Feb-2020
The pro-apoptotic effect of a Terpene-rich Annona cherimola leaf extract on leukemic cell lines Ammoury C, Younes M, El Khoury M, Hodroj MH, Haykal T, Nasr P, Sily M, Taleb RI, Sarkis R, Khalife R, Rizk S BMC Complement Altern Med 12-Dec-2019
Annonaceae: Breaking the Wall of Inflammation Attiq A, Jalil J, Husain K Front Pharmacol 20-Oct-2017
The Seasonal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Essential Oils from Porcelia macrocarpa R.E. Fries (Annonaceae) and Their Antimicrobial Activity da Silva EB, Soares MG, Mariane B, Vallim MA, Pascon RC, Sartorelli P, Lago JH Molecules 01-Nov-2013

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