Thymus jankae
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Table of Contents
Details Top
Internal ID | UUID643fef414d8c3677903294 |
Scientific name | Thymus jankae |
Authority | Čelak. |
First published in | Flora 66: 147 (1883) |
Description Top
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Synonyms Top
Scientific name | Authority | First published in |
Origanum jankae | Kuntze | Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 528 (1891) |
Thymus bellicus | Velen. | Reliq. Mrkvic. : 25 (1922) |
Thymus eximius | Ronniger | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30(2): 360 (1930) |
Thymus jugoslavicus | K.Malý | Glasn. Zemaljsk. Muz. Bosni Hercegovini 32: 154 (1920) |
Thymus praecox var. laniger | (Borbás) Jalas | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 17: 323 (1980) |
Thymus praecox subsp. skorpilii | (Velen.) Jalas | Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 266 (1971) |
Thymus skorpili | Velen. | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 53: 53 (1902) |
Thymus jankae var. eximius | (Ronniger) Čáp | Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Biol. 90: 257 (2005) |
Thymus jankae subvar. gusinjensis | (Ronniger) Diklić | Fl. SR Srbije 6: 495 (1974) |
Common names Top
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Bulgarian | янкиева мащерка |
Germination/Propagation Top
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No germination or propagation data was added yet.
Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top
Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
Asia-temperate click to expand
Western Asia
- Turkey
Western Asia
Europe click to expand
Eastern Europe
- Ukraine
Southeastern Europe
- Albania
- Bulgaria
- Greece
- Yugoslavia
Eastern Europe
Links to other databases Top
Suggest others/fix!Database | ID/link to page |
World Flora Online | wfo-0000324190 |
Tropicos | 100267303 |
KEW | |
IPNI | 461292-1 |
iNaturalist | 897660 |
GBIF | 7307217 |
Genomes (via NCBI) Top
No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.
Phytochemical Profile Top
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Collections Top
In private collections | 0 |
In public collections | 0 |