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Internal ID UUID643fe45719113697401977
Scientific name Nepeta menthoides
Authority Boiss. & Buhse
First published in Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 12: 174 (1860)

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000251148
Tropicos 50255216
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:452579-1
The Plant List kew-134789
Open Tree Of Life 221869
NCBI Taxonomy 180018
IPNI 452579-1
iNaturalist 1110201
GBIF 5610212

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Neuroendocrine and cellular mechanisms in stress resilience: From hormonal influence in the CNS to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress Bhattacharya A, Chakraborty M, Chanda A, Alqahtani T, Kumer A, Dhara B, Chattopadhyay M J Cell Mol Med 20-Mar-2024
In silico anti-alzheimer study of phytochemicals from Lamiaceae family through GSK3-β inhibition Zareei S, Pourmand S, Eskandarzadeh M, Massahi S Sci Rep 08-Jan-2024
Chemical Composition, In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, and Inhibitory Effects of the Acetylcholinesterase of Liparis nervosa (Thunb.) Lindl. Essential Oil Zhao J, Xu Z, Gao P, Liu X Biomolecules 07-Jul-2023
Physicochemical characterization, cytotoxic effect and toxicity evaluation of nanostructured lipid carrier loaded with eucalyptol Izham MN, Hussin Y, Rahim NF, Aziz MN, Yeap SK, Rahman HS, Masarudin MJ, Mohamad NE, Abdullah R, Alitheen NB BMC Complement Med Ther 07-Oct-2021
Herbal drugs and natural bioactive products as potential therapeutics: A review on pro-cognitives and brain boosters perspectives Halder S, Anand U, Nandy S, Oleksak P, Qusti S, Alshammari EM, El-Saber Batiha G, Koshy EP, Dey A Saudi Pharm J 15-Jul-2021
Plant-based Medicines (Phytoceuticals) in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: A Meta-review of Meta-analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials: Les médicaments à base de plantes (phytoceutiques) dans le traitement des troubles psychiatriques: une méta-revue des méta-analyses d’essais randomisés contrôlés Sarris J, Marx W, Ashton MM, Ng CH, Galvao-Coelho N, Ayati Z, Zhang ZJ, Kasper S, Ravindran A, Harvey BH, Lopresti A, Mischoulon D, Amsterdam J, Yatham LN, Berk M Can J Psychiatry 18-Feb-2021
Role of Nitric Oxide in Neurodegeneration: Function, Regulation, and Inhibition Tewari D, Sah AN, Bawari S, Nabavi SF, Dehpour AR, Shirooie S, Braidy N, Fiebich BL, Vacca RA, Nabavi SM Curr Neuropharmacol 01-Feb-2021
Proconvulsant effects of Nepeta menthoides hydro alcoholic extract in different seizure tests: behavioral and biochemical studies Rahmati B, Zaeri F, Heydari A Heliyon 25-Nov-2020
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Medical Plants from the Lamiaceae Family as Effective Sources of Active Compounds against Human Cancer Cell Lines Sitarek P, Merecz-Sadowska A, Śliwiński T, Zajdel R, Kowalczyk T Cancers (Basel) 13-Oct-2020
Acylated Flavone O-Glucuronides from the Aerial Parts of Nepeta curviflora Rabee M, Andersen ØM, Fossen T, Enerstvedt KH, Abu Ali H, Rayyan S Molecules 20-Aug-2020
Iranian Medicinal Plants: From Ethnomedicine to Actual Studies Buso P, Manfredini S, Reza Ahmadi-Ashtiani H, Sciabica S, Buzzi R, Vertuani S, Baldisserotto A Medicina (Kaunas) 26-Feb-2020
Efficacy of Extractions of Iranian Native Plants against Main Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi in Iran for Making Appropriate Formulation for Disease Control Vatandoost H, Nikpour F, Hanafi-Bojd AA, Abai MR, Khanavi M, Hajiiakhondi A, Raesi A, Nejati J J Arthropod Borne Dis 31-Dec-2019
Effects of Herbal combination (Melissa officinalis L. and Nepeta menthoides Boiss. & Buhse) on insomnia severity, anxiety and depression in insomniacs: Randomized placebo controlled trial Ranjbar M, Firoozabadi A, Salehi A, Ghorbanifar Z, Zarshenas MM, Sadeghniiat-Haghighi K, Rezaeizadeh H Integr Med Res 10-Aug-2018
New candidates for treatment and management of carpal tunnel syndrome based on the Persian Canon of Medicine Setayesh M, Zargaran A, Sadeghifar AR, Salehi M, Rezaeizadeh H Integr Med Res 20-Feb-2018
Botanical Sources for Alzheimer’s: A Review on Reports From Traditional Persian Medicine Hosseinkhani A, Sahragard A, Namdari A, Zarshenas MM Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 06-Jul-2017

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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Diterpenoids / Aconitane-type diterpenoid alkaloids
(2R,3R,4S,5S,6S,8R,13S,16S,17R,18R)-11-ethyl-6,18-dimethoxy-13-(methoxymethyl)-11-azahexacyclo[,5.01,10.03,8.013,17]nonadecane-4,8,16-triol 146014456 Click to see CCN1CC2(CCC(C34C2C(C(C31)C5(CC(C6CC4C5C6O)OC)O)OC)O)COC 437.60 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JEP.2017.01.032
Neoline 120682 Click to see CCN1CC2(CCC(C34C2C(C(C31)C5(CC(C6CC4C5C6O)OC)O)OC)O)COC 437.60 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JEP.2017.01.032

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