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Internal ID UUID643fe4493834e530752591
Scientific name Nepeta bracteata
Authority Benth.
First published in Prodr. 12: 395 (1848)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Nepeta globifera Bunge Index Seminum (TU, Dorpatensis) 1859: 2 (1859)
Nepeta globiflora Bunge Index Seminum (TU, Dorpatensis) 1859: 3 (1859)
Zataria humilis Benth. Prodr. 12: 183 (1848)

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Asia-temperate
    • Middle Asia
      • Kirgizstan
      • Tadzhikistan
      • Uzbekistan
    • Western Asia
      • Afghanistan
      • Iran

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000250816
Tropicos 17604094
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:452306-1
The Plant List kew-134482
Open Tree Of Life 6082669
Observations.org 119978
NCBI Taxonomy 2024916
IPNI 452306-1
GBIF 5610701
Elurikkus 623947

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
The Efficacy of Herbs as Complementary and Alternative Therapy in Recovery and Clinical Outcome Among People with COVID-19: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression Komariah M, Amirah S, Maulana S, Abdurrahman MF, Ibrahim K, Platini H, Lele JA, Kohar K, Rahayuwati L, Firdaus MK Ther Clin Risk Manag 18-Jul-2023
Herbal Treatment of COPD and Asthma According to Persian Medicine: a Review of Current Evidence Baniamerian R, Tahermohammadi H, Daneshfard B, Agin K, Sadr S, Kaveh S, Shakeri N, Ilkhani R Tanaffos 01-Feb-2023
Phytochemicals in the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2—Clinical Evidence Bijelić K, Hitl M, Kladar N Antibiotics (Basel) 13-Nov-2022
Phenolic compounds versus SARS-CoV-2: An update on the main findings against COVID-19 Tirado-Kulieva VA, Hernández-Martínez E, Choque-Rivera TJ Heliyon 20-Sep-2022
Abietane-Type Diterpenoids From Nepeta bracteata Benth. and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity Yang EL, Hou Y, Ma GX, Zou LJ, Xu XD, Wu HF, Yang JS, Wei HW, Fan CZ, Sun ZC, Shi LL Front Chem 04-Jul-2022
Natural Products for the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sustainable Bioresources Singla RK, He X, Chopra H, Tsagkaris C, Shen L, Kamal MA, Shen B Front Pharmacol 01-Dec-2021
Effects of Iranian Polyherbal Syrup (Zufa syrup) on oxygen saturation and clinical symptoms in suspected patients with COVID-19: a triple-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Borujerdi R, Adeli SH, Mohammadbeigi A, Aliasl F, Asghari A, Hormati A, Dehnavi HM, Hoseini F, Asghari M Med Gas Res 19-Oct-2021
Efficacy of Persian medicine herbal formulations (capsules and decoction) compared to standard care in patients with COVID‐19, a multicenter open‐labeled, randomized, controlled clinical trial Karimi M, Zarei A, Soleymani S, Jamalimoghadamsiahkali S, Asadi A, Shati M, Jafari M, Rezadoost H, Kordafshar G, Naghizadeh A, Mardi R, Namiranian P, Khamechi SP, Ansari N, Adel Mehraban MS, Aliakbarzadeh H, Khanavi M, Esmaealzadeh N, Moravveji A, Salahi M, Khoi M, Razzaghi R, Banafshe HR, Alizadeh M, Akhbari M, Atharizadeh M, Izadikhah A, Elsagh M, Hossein Zade Ghahnavieh M, Eghbalian F, Vanai A, Izadi H, Moravej SA, Jazayeri SF, Bayat H, Emadi Koochak H, Zargaran A Phytother Res 04-Oct-2021
Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Activities of Abietane Terpenoids from Nepeta bracteata Benth. Zhang M, Chen M, Hou Y, Fan C, Wei H, Shi L, Ma G, Zhang J Molecules 15-Sep-2021
Ethnobotany of the medicinal plants used by the ethnic communities of Kerman province, Southeast Iran Hosseini SH, Bibak H, Ghara AR, Sahebkar A, Shakeri A J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 28-Apr-2021
Anti-Allergic Rhinitis Effects of Medicinal Plants and Their Bioactive Metabolites via Suppression of the Immune System: A Mechanistic Review Rahim NA, Jantan I, Said MM, Jalil J, Abd Razak AF, Husain K Front Pharmacol 13-Apr-2021
Proconvulsant effects of Nepeta menthoides hydro alcoholic extract in different seizure tests: behavioral and biochemical studies Rahmati B, Zaeri F, Heydari A Heliyon 25-Nov-2020
An In Vitro Evaluation of the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Medical Plants from the Lamiaceae Family as Effective Sources of Active Compounds against Human Cancer Cell Lines Sitarek P, Merecz-Sadowska A, Śliwiński T, Zajdel R, Kowalczyk T Cancers (Basel) 13-Oct-2020
Iranian Medicinal Plants: From Ethnomedicine to Actual Studies Buso P, Manfredini S, Reza Ahmadi-Ashtiani H, Sciabica S, Buzzi R, Vertuani S, Baldisserotto A Medicina (Kaunas) 26-Feb-2020
Lamiaceae: An Insight on Their Anti-Allergic Potential and Its Mechanisms of Action Sim LY, Abd Rani NZ, Husain K Front Pharmacol 19-Jun-2019

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