Hyptis capitata - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643fdf630f9a9736726229
Scientific name Hyptis capitata
Authority Jacq.
First published in Collectanea 1: 102 (1787)

Description Top

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Hyptis capitata, also known as false ironwort or knobweed, is a species of erect annual shrub native to Florida, Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. It has since become naturalized in Australia, Southeast Asia, and some tropical islands. Growing up to 1.5 meters tall, it is considered a weed in many places. Crushed leaves of the plant are applied to cuts as a traditional remedy.

Synonyms Top

Scientific name Authority First published in
Hyptis capitata var. mariannarum (Briq.) Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 225. 1898
Hyptis capitata var. mexicana Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 224 (1898)
Hyptis capitata var. pilosa Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 224 (1898)
Hyptis capitata var. vulgaris Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 224 (1898)
Hyptis celebica Zipp. ex Koord. Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19: 561 (1898)
Hyptis decurrens (Blanco) Epling Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 34: 120. 1933
Hyptis macrochila Mart. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 1: 74 (1840)
Hyptis mariannarum Briq. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 343 (1897)
Hyptis pittieri Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 220 (1898)
Hyptis rhomboidea M.Martens & Galeotti Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 11(2): 188 (1844)
Mesosphaerum capitatum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 525 (1891)
Mesosphaerum pittieri Briq. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 220 (1898)
Mesosphaerum rhombodeum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 527 (1891)
Pycnanthemum decurrens Blanco Fl. Filip., ed. 2 : 333 (1845)
Clinopodium capitatum Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. : 88 (1788)

Common names Top

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Language Common/alternative name
English false ironwort
Malayalam മിഠായിച്ചെടി
Chinese 吊球草
Chinese 头花吊球草

Subspecies (abbr. subsp./ssp.) Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000216535
USDA Plants HYCA12
Tropicos 17601466
INPN 447264
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:447996-1
The Plant List kew-101657
Open Tree Of Life 544473
NCBI Taxonomy 204124
Nature Serve 2.140877
IPNI 126747-2
iNaturalist 164021
GBIF 2926815
Freebase /m/0s98rl_
USDA GRIN 401708
Wikipedia Hyptis_capitata

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Larvicidal, Ovicidal, and Repellent Activities of Leucas stachydiformis (Hochst. ex Benth.) Briq Essential Oil against Anopheles arabiensis Fikru S, Tolossa K, Lindemann P, Bucar F, Asres K J Trop Med 29-Mar-2024
Application of Rosmarinic Acid with Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Microbial Pathogens Kernou ON, Azzouz Z, Madani K, Rijo P Molecules 22-May-2023
Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants used by Cashinahua (Huni Kuin) herbalists in Purus Province, Peruvian Amazon Horackova J, Chuspe Zans ME, Kokoska L, Sulaiman N, Clavo Peralta ZM, Bortl L, Polesny Z J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 12-May-2023
Molecular and morphological survey of Lamiaceae species in converted landscapes in Sumatra Halmschlag CB, Carneiro de Melo Moura C, Brambach F, Siregar IZ, Gailing O PLoS One 15-Dec-2022
In vitro antiplasmodial activity of selected plants from the Colombian North Coast with low cytotoxicity Vergara S, Diaz F, Diez A, Bautista JM, Moneriz C Trop Parasitol 24-Nov-2022
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, and Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils from Hyptis capitata Jacq John R, Sabu KR, Manilal A J Exp Pharmacol 13-Jun-2022
A Comprehensive Review of Rosmarinic Acid: From Phytochemistry to Pharmacology and Its New Insight Guan H, Luo W, Bao B, Cao Y, Cheng F, Yu S, Fan Q, Zhang L, Wu Q, Shan M Molecules 20-May-2022
Comparison of Herbal Medicines Used for Women’s Menstruation Diseases in Different Areas of the World Jiao M, Liu X, Ren Y, Wang Y, Cheng L, Liang Y, Li Y, Zhang T, Wang W, Mei Z Front Pharmacol 04-Feb-2022
Ethnobotanical Documentation of Medicinal Plants Used by the Indigenous Panay Bukidnon in Lambunao, Iloilo, Philippines Cordero CS, Meve U, Alejandro GJ Front Pharmacol 10-Jan-2022
In Vitro Selective Antibacterial and Antiproliferative Effects of Ethanolic Extracts from Cambodian and Philippine Plants Used in Folk Medicine for Diarrhea Treatment Kudera T, Fiserova B, Korytakova M, Doskocil I, Salmonova H, Tulin EE, Nguon S, Bande MM, Kokoska L Front Pharmacol 26-Nov-2021
The Occurrence and Biological Activity of Tormentic Acid—A Review Olech M, Ziemichód W, Nowacka-Jechalke N Molecules 22-Jun-2021
The Potential of Traditional Knowledge to Develop Effective Medicines for the Treatment of Leishmaniasis Passero LF, Brunelli ED, Sauini T, Amorim Pavani TF, Jesus JA, Rodrigues E Front Pharmacol 08-Jun-2021
Natural Products with Inhibitory Activity against Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Serna-Arbeláez MS, Florez-Sampedro L, Orozco LP, Ramírez K, Galeano E, Zapata W Adv Virol 29-May-2021
Sterols and Triterpenes: Antiviral     Potential Supported by In-Silico Analysis Hisham Shady N, Youssif KA, Sayed AM, Belbahri L, Oszako T, Hassan HM, Abdelmohsen UR Plants (Basel) 26-Dec-2020
Subtribe Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae): A promising source of bioactive metabolites Bridi H, de Carvalho Meirelles G, Lino von Poser G J Ethnopharmacol 05-Aug-2020

Phytochemical Profile Top

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Below are displayed the proven (via scientific papers) natural compounds!
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Name PubChem ID Canonical SMILES MW Found in Proof
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Prenol lipids / Triterpenoids
(4As,6as,6br,10s,12ar)-10-hydroxy-9,9-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2,2,6a,6b,12a-pentamethyl-1,3,4,5,6,6a,7,8,8a,10,11,12,13,14b-tetradecahydropicene-4a-carboxylic acid 470600 Click to see CC1(CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CCC(C5(CO)CO)O)C)C)C2C1)C)C(=O)O)C 488.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(88)80028-1
(4aS,6aS,6bR,8aR,9S,10R,11R,12aR,14bS)-10,11-dihydroxy-9-(hydroxymethyl)-2,2,6a,6b,9,12a-hexamethyl-1,3,4,5,6,6a,7,8,8a,10,11,12,13,14b-tetradecahydropicene-4a-carboxylic acid 56841146 Click to see CC1(CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CC(C(C5(C)CO)O)O)C)C)C2C1)C)C(=O)O)C 488.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(88)80028-1
Corosolic acid 6918774 Click to see CC1CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CC(C(C5(C)C)O)O)C)C)C2C1C)C)C(=O)O 472.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1021/NP9800710
Maslinic Acid 73659 Click to see CC1(CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CC(C(C5(C)C)O)O)C)C)C2C1)C)C(=O)O)C 472.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(88)80028-1
Oleanolic Acid 10494 Click to see CC1(CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CCC(C5(C)C)O)C)C)C2C1)C)C(=O)O)C 456.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
Squalene 638072 Click to see CC(=CCCC(=CCCC(=CCCC=C(C)CCC=C(C)CCC=C(C)C)C)C)C 410.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
Tormentic acid 73193 Click to see CC1CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CC(C(C5(C)C)O)O)C)C)C2C1(C)O)C)C(=O)O 488.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(88)80028-1
Ursolic Acid 64945 Click to see CC1CCC2(CCC3(C(=CCC4C3(CCC5C4(CCC(C5(C)C)O)C)C)C2C1C)C)C(=O)O 456.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
> Lipids and lipid-like molecules / Steroids and steroid derivatives / Stigmastanes and derivatives
Stigmasterol 5280794 Click to see CCC(C=CC(C)C1CCC2C1(CCC3C2CC=C4C3(CCC(C4)O)C)C)C(C)C 412.70 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
> Organic acids and derivatives / Carboxylic acids and derivatives / Tetracarboxylic acids and derivatives
[2-[3-(3,4-Diacetyloxypent-1-enyl)oxiran-2-yl]-6-oxo-2,3-dihydropyran-3-yl] acetate 433419 Click to see CC(C(C=CC1C(O1)C2C(C=CC(=O)O2)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C 382.40 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
10-epi-Olguine 6442294 Click to see CC(C(C=CC1C(O1)C2C(C=CC(=O)O2)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C 382.40 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
Olguin 102116886 Click to see CC(C(C=CC1C(O1)C2C(C=CC(=O)O2)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C)OC(=O)C 382.40 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
> Organoheterocyclic compounds / Benzodioxoles
2(5H)-Furanone, 3,4-bis(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)- 11851336 Click to see C1C(=C(C(=O)O1)CC2=CC3=C(C=C2)OCO3)CC4=CC5=C(C=C4)OCO5 352.30 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Cinnamic acids and derivatives / Hydroxycinnamic acids and derivatives / Coumaric acids and derivatives
(S)-rosmarinic acid 639655 Click to see C1=CC(=C(C=C1CC(C(=O)O)OC(=O)C=CC2=CC(=C(C=C2)O)O)O)O 360.30 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-[(2E)-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)prop-2-enoyloxy]propanoic acid 5099 Click to see C1=CC(=C(C=C1CC(C(=O)O)OC(=O)C=CC2=CC(=C(C=C2)O)O)O)O 360.30 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
Rosmarinic acid 5281792 Click to see C1=CC(=C(C=C1CC(C(=O)O)OC(=O)C=CC2=CC(=C(C=C2)O)O)O)O 360.30 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O
> Phenylpropanoids and polyketides / Flavonoids / O-methylated flavonoids / 7-O-methylated flavonoids
Apigenin 7,4'-dimethyl ether 5281601 Click to see COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C2=CC(=O)C3=C(C=C(C=C3O2)OC)O 298.29 unknown https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(91)85137-O

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