Genus Argostemma in Family Rubiaceae
What is a Genus (pl. Genera)?
In the context of botanical taxonomy, the Genus (plural Genera) rank is a taxonomic rank
that is
used to classify groups of related species within a Family. Genera are based on a set of
morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics, such as flower structure, fruit
and leaf morphology. The Genus rank is situated between Family and Species in the hierarchy
taxonomic ranks.
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Each Genus can include one or more species. Genera are used to group species of plants that share common traits and evolutionary histories, allowing botanists to better understand the relationships between different groups of plants.
Some examples of Genera in botanical taxonomy include Rosa, which includes the different species of roses, and Solanum, which includes the different species of nightshades, such as tomato and eggplant.
Do you wish to read more about plant taxonomy? Click here!
Pick a Species to see its components:
Argostemma acuminatissimum
Argostemma aequifolium
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Argostemma africanum
Argostemma angustifolium
Argostemma anisophyllum
Argostemma annamiticum
Argostemma anupama
Argostemma apiculatum
Argostemma arachnosum
Argostemma attenuatum
Argostemma bachmaense
Argostemma bariense
Argostemma begoniaceum
Argostemma bicolor
Argostemma bifolium
Argostemma borragineum
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Argostemma brachyantherum
Argostemma brevicaule
Argostemma brookei
Argostemma bryophilum
Argostemma burttii
Argostemma buwaldae
Argostemma calcicola
Argostemma callitrichum
Argostemma carstensense
Argostemma chaii
Argostemma coenosciadicum
Argostemma concinnum
Argostemma condensum
Argostemma cordatum
Argostemma courtallense
Argostemma crassinerve
Argostemma debile
Argostemma densifolium
Argostemma denticulatum
Argostemma discolor
Argostemma dispar
Argostemma distichum
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Argostemma diversifolium
Argostemma dulitense
Argostemma ebracteolatum
Argostemma elatostemma
Argostemma elongatum
Argostemma enerve
Argostemma epitrichum
Argostemma fallax
Argostemma fasciculatum
Argostemma flavescens
Argostemma fragile
Argostemma gaharuense
Argostemma geesinkii
Argostemma glabra
Argostemma gracile
Argostemma grandiflorum
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Argostemma griseum
Argostemma hainanicum
Argostemma hameliifolium
Argostemma havilandii
Argostemma hirsutum
Argostemma hirtellum
Argostemma hirtum
Argostemma hookeri
Argostemma humifusum
Argostemma humile
Argostemma inaequale
Argostemma inaequilaterum
Argostemma invalidum
Argostemma jabiense
Argostemma johorense
Argostemma junghuhnii
Argostemma khasianum
Argostemma klossii
Argostemma korthalsii
Argostemma kurzii
Argostemma laeve
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Argostemma laevigatum
Argostemma lamxayanum
Argostemma lanceolarium
Argostemma lanceolatum
Argostemma laotica
Argostemma laxum
Argostemma linearifolium
Argostemma lingua-felis
Argostemma lobbii
Argostemma lobbioides
Argostemma lobulatum
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Argostemma longifolium
Argostemma longisepalum
Argostemma longistimula
Argostemma macrosepalum
Argostemma maquilingense
Argostemma monophyllum
Argostemma montanum
Argostemma montense
Argostemma montis-doormannii
Argostemma moultonii
Argostemma multinervium
Argostemma muscicola
Argostemma nanum
Argostemma neesianum
Argostemma nervosum
Argostemma neurocalyx
Argostemma neurosepalum
Argostemma nigrum
Argostemma nutans
Argostemma oblongum
Argostemma oliganthum
Argostemma ophirense
Argostemma paksongense
Argostemma parishii
Argostemma parvifolium
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Argostemma parvum
Argostemma pauciflorum
Argostemma pedicellatum
Argostemma pedunculosum
Argostemma perakense
Argostemma perplexum
Argostemma phyllocharis
Argostemma pictum
Argostemma plumbeum
Argostemma propinquum
Argostemma psychotrichoides
Argostemma psychotrioides
Argostemma puffii
Argostemma pulchellum
Argostemma pumilum
Argostemma pusillum
Argostemma pygmaeum
Argostemma quarantena
Argostemma reptans
Argostemma ridleyi
Argostemma riparium
Argostemma roemeri
Argostemma rostratum
Argostemma rotundicalyx
Argostemma rugosum
Argostemma rupestre
Argostemma rupestrinum
Argostemma sarmentosum
Argostemma saxatile
Argostemma separatum
Argostemma sessilifolium
Argostemma siamense
Argostemma solaniflorum
Argostemma squalens
Argostemma stellare
Argostemma stellatum
Argostemma stenophyllum
Argostemma subcrassum
Argostemma subfalcifolium
Argostemma subinaequale
Argostemma succulentum
Argostemma sumatranum
Argostemma svengsuksae
Argostemma tavoyanum
Argostemma tenue
Argostemma teysmannianum
Argostemma thaithongiae
Argostemma timorense
Argostemma trichanthum
Argostemma trichosanthes
Argostemma triflorum
Argostemma uniflorum
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Argostemma unifolioloide
Argostemma unifolium
Argostemma urticifolium
Argostemma variegatum
Argostemma verticillatum
Argostemma victorianum
Argostemma vientianense
Argostemma vietnamicum
Argostemma viscidum
Argostemma wallichii
Argostemma wollastonii
Argostemma wrayi
Argostemma yappii
Argostemma yunnanense