Fagus hayatae - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64403be7778d5968990476
Scientific name Fagus hayatae
Authority Palib. in Hayata
First published in J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 286 (1911)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Fagus hayatae subsp. pashanica (C.C.Yang) R.Peters ex J.Q.Li J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 16: 243 (1998)
Fagus hayatae var. zhejiangensis M.C.Liu & M.H.Wu ex Y.T.Chang & C.C.Huang Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 115 (1988)
Fagus pashanica C.C.Yang Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16(4): 100 (1978)

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Language Common/alternative name
Bulgarian Тайвански бук
Persian راش تایوانی
Japanese タイワンブナ
Cornish fow taiwan
Latvian taivānas dižskābardis
Turkish tayvan kayını
Chinese 早田氏山毛櫸
Chinese 臺灣山毛櫸
Chinese 臺灣水青岡
Chinese 台湾水青冈
Chinese 巴山水青冈
Chinese 早田山毛櫸

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000966443
Tropicos 13100592
KEW urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:358589-1
The Plant List kew-83833
Open Tree Of Life 764937
Observations.org 441288
NCBI Taxonomy 133895
IUCN Red List 31246
IPNI 358589-1
iNaturalist 192372
GBIF 2882373
Freebase /m/02x94bj
EOL 1143552
Elurikkus 323693
USDA GRIN 431685
Wikipedia Fagus_hayatae

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Phytophthora : taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of the genus Abad ZG, Burgess TI, Bourret T, Bensch K, Cacciola SO, Scanu B, Mathew R, Kasiborski B, Srivastava S, Kageyama K, Bienapfl JC, Verkleij G, Broders K, Schena L, Redford AJ Stud Mycol 06-Oct-2023
Resolving a nearly 90-year-old enigma: The rare Fagus chienii is conspecific with F. hayatae based on molecular and morphological evidence Li DQ, Jiang L, Liang H, Zhu DH, Fan DM, Kou YX, Yang Y, Zhang ZY Plant Divers 12-Jan-2023
Wind-dispersed seeds blur phylogeographic breaks: The complex evolutionary history of Populus lasiocarpa around the Sichuan Basin Li X, Ruhsam M, Wang Y, Zhang HY, Fan XY, Zhang L, Wang J, Mao KS Plant Divers 31-Oct-2022
Terpenoid-Rich Extract of Dillenia indica L. Bark Displays Antidiabetic Action in Insulin-Resistant C2C12 Cells and STZ-Induced Diabetic Mice by Attenuation of Oxidative Stress Song BR, Alam MB, Lee SH Antioxidants (Basel) 23-Jun-2022
Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Fagus hayatae Palib. (Fagaceae) Jiang C, Fan W, Chen L, Gan X Mitochondrial DNA B Resour 02-Jun-2022
Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 4 Chen Q, Bakhshi M, Balci Y, Broders KD, Cheewangkoon R, Chen SF, Fan XL, Gramaje D, Halleen F, Jung MH, Jiang N, Jung T, Májek T, Marincowitz S, Milenković I, Mostert L, Nakashima C, Nurul Faziha I, Pan M, Raza M, Scanu B, Spies CF, Suhaizan L, Suzuki H, Tian CM, Tomšovský M, Úrbez-Torres JR, Wang W, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Yang Q, Yang X, Zare R, Zhao P, Groenewald JZ, Cai L, Crous PW Stud Mycol 02-Jun-2022
Anti-Diabetic Potential of Plant-Based Pentacyclic Triterpene Derivatives: Progress Made to Improve Efficacy and Bioavailability Oboh M, Govender L, Siwela M, Mkhwanazi BN Molecules 29-Nov-2021
UHPLC-HRMS Analysis of Fagus sylvatica (Fagaceae) Leaves: A Renewable Source of Antioxidant Polyphenols Formato M, Piccolella S, Zidorn C, Pacifico S Antioxidants (Basel) 19-Jul-2021
Mitochondrial Genome of Fagus sylvatica L. as a Source for Taxonomic Marker Development in the Fagales Mader M, Schroeder H, Schott T, Schöning-Stierand K, Leite Montalvão AP, Liesebach H, Liesebach M, Fussi B, Kersten B Plants (Basel) 27-Sep-2020
Six new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 7a including two sexually functional heterothallic hybrid species detected in natural ecosystems in Taiwan Jung T, Jung MH, Scanu B, Seress D, Kovács GM, Maia C, Pérez-Sierra A, Chang TT, Chandelier A, Heungens K, van Poucke K, Abad-Campos P, Léon M, Cacciola SO, Bakonyi J Persoonia 21-Oct-2016
The phylogeography of Fagus hayatae (Fagaceae): genetic isolation among populations Ying L, Zhang T, Chiu C, Chen T, Luo S, Chen X, Shen Z Ecol Evol 21-Mar-2016
Antimicrobial Activity of Oleanolic and Ursolic Acids: An Update Jesus JA, Lago JH, Laurenti MD, Yamamoto ES, Passero LF Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 22-Feb-2015
The role of triterpenes in the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications Nazaruk J, Borzym-Kluczyk M Phytochem Rev 24-Jun-2014
Unexpected presence of Fagus orientalis complex in Italy as inferred from 45,000-year-old DNA pollen samples from Venice lagoon Paffetti D, Vettori C, Caramelli D, Vernesi C, Lari M, Paganelli A, Paule L, Giannini R BMC Evol Biol 16-Aug-2007

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