Casuarina pauper - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID64400fc35aa89364119293
Scientific name Casuarina pauper
Authority F.Muell. ex L.A.S.Johnson
First published in Fl. Australia 3: 202 (1989)

Description Top

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Casuarina pauper is a tree native to a band across the drier, inland areas of southern Australia. It is a dioecious tree, 5 to 15 metres tall and up to 0.5 metre in diameter, with bark that is hard, dark brown to blackish, with a tight scaly appearance. Its foliage is not composed of true leaves but rather of jointed branchlets that function like leaves. It produces abundant viable seed, with regeneration success likely to be inhibited during periods of insufficient soil moisture required for seedling survival. It is fast growing and improves the levels of nitrogen in the soils, and its timber is hard and durable, suitable for fencing, woodturning and firewood. Indigenous people traditionally use the hard wood of Casuarina species for making a number of implements. It is not considered rare or endangered.

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Language Common/alternative name
English black oak
Persian بلوط سیاه استرالیا
Chinese 波普木麻黄

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Germination/Propagation Top

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native
  • Australasia
    • Australia
      • New South Wales
      • Queensland
      • South Australia
      • Victoria
      • Western Australia

Links to other databases Top

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000590732
Tropicos 50219868
The Plant List kew-2705510
Open Tree Of Life 347535
NCBI Taxonomy 228156
IUCN Red List 177363884
IPNI 937346-1
GBIF 2891931
Freebase /m/0cc87js
EOL 633397
Wikipedia Casuarina_pauper

Genomes (via NCBI) Top

No reference genome is available on NCBI yet. We are constantly monitoring for new data.

Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Biocrust Amendments to Topsoils Facilitate Biocrust Restoration in a Post-mining Arid Environment Schultz NL, Sluiter IR, Allen GG, Machado-de-Lima NM, Muñoz-Rojas M Front Microbiol 26-Jul-2022
Visitation of artificial watering points by the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in semiarid Australia Roshier DA, Signer J, Carter A Ecol Evol 27-Jun-2021
The risk-takers and -avoiders: germination sensitivity to water stress in an arid zone with unpredictable rainfall Duncan C, Schultz NL, Good MK, Lewandrowski W, Cook S AoB Plants 10-Oct-2019
Lower dormancy with rapid germination is an important strategy for seeds in an arid zone with unpredictable rainfall Duncan C, Schultz N, Lewandrowski W, Good MK, Cook S PLoS One 10-Sep-2019
Toward reliable population density estimates of partially marked populations using spatially explicit mark–resight methods Carter A, Potts JM, Roshier DA Ecol Evol 24-Jan-2019
Soil-foraging animals alter the composition and co-occurrence of microbial communities in a desert shrubland Eldridge DJ, Woodhouse JN, Curlevski NJ, Hayward M, Brown MV, Neilan BA ISME J 01-May-2015
Genetic monogamy despite variable ecological conditions and social environment in the cooperatively breeding apostlebird Warrington MH, Rollins LA, Raihani NJ, Russell AF, Griffith SC Ecol Evol 28-Oct-2013
Kin selection, not group augmentation, predicts helping in an obligate cooperatively breeding bird Browning LE, Patrick SC, Rollins LA, Griffith SC, Russell AF Proc Biol Sci 11-Jul-2012
Microhabitat amelioration and reduced competition among understorey plants as drivers of facilitation across environmental gradients: towards a unifying framework Soliveres S, Eldridge DJ, Maestre FT, Bowker MA, Tighe M, Escudero A 20-Nov-2011

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