Vicia pyrenaica - Unknown
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Internal ID UUID643fdf2696561985527211
Scientific name Vicia pyrenaica
Authority Pourr.
First published in Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse3: 333 (1788)

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Scientific name Authority First published in
Vicia talpa Poir. Lamarck, Encycl.8: 563 (1808)
Vicia fagonii Lapeyr. Hist. Pl. Pyrénées: 419 (1813)
Vicia pyrenaica var. angustifolia Rouy G.Rouy & J.Foucaud, Fl. France5: 217 (1899)
Vicia pyrenaica var. girodii Thér. Bull. Assoc. Pyrén. Échange Pl.9: 7 (1897-1898 publ. 1899)

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Language Common/alternative name
Arabic بيقية برانسية

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Distribution (via POWO/KEW) Top

Legend for the distribution data:
- Doubtful data
- Extinct
- Introduced
- Native

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Database ID/link to page
World Flora Online wfo-0000214063
Tropicos 13035005
INPN 129290
The Plant List ild-9120
Open Tree Of Life 196453 140597
NCBI Taxonomy 347194
NBN Atlas NHMSYS0000464862
IUCN Red List 71526051
IPNI 525092-1
iNaturalist 546985
GBIF 2974942
Freebase /m/089vvt
EOL 704185
Wikipedia Vicia_pyrenaica

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Scientific Literature Top

Below are displayed the latest 15 articles published in PMC (PubMed Central®) and other sources (DOI number only)!
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Title Authors Publication Released IDs
Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: A Synopsis of Coordinated National Crop Wild Relative Seed Collecting Programs across Five Continents Eastwood RJ, Tambam BB, Aboagye LM, Akparov ZI, Aladele SE, Allen R, Amri A, Anglin NL, Araya R, Arrieta-Espinoza G, Asgerov A, Awang K, Awas T, Barata AM, Boateng SK, Magos Brehm J, Breidy J, Breman E, Brenes Angulo A, Burle ML, Castañeda-Álvarez NP, Casimiro P, Chaves NF, Clemente AS, Cockel CP, Davey A, De la Rosa L, Debouck DG, Dempewolf H, Dokmak H, Ellis D, Faruk A, Freitas C, Galstyan S, García RM, Ghimire KH, Guarino L, Harker R, Hope R, Humphries AW, Jamora N, Jatoi SA, Khutsishvili M, Kikodze D, Kyratzis AC, León-Lobos P, Liu U, Mainali RP, Mammadov AT, Manrique-Carpintero NC, Manzella D, Mat Ali MS, Medeiros MB, Guzmán MA, Mikatadze-Pantsulaia T, Mohamed ET, Monteros-Altamirano Á, Morales A, Müller JV, Mulumba JW, Nersesyan A, Nóbrega H, Nyamongo DO, Obreza M, Okere AU, Orsenigo S, Ortega-Klose F, Papikyan A, Pearce TR, Pinheiro de Carvalho MA, Prohens J, Rossi G, Salas A, Singh Shrestha D, Siddiqui SU, Smith PP, Sotomayor DA, Tacán M, Tapia C, Toledo Á, Toll J, Vu DT, Vu TD, Way MJ, Yazbek M, Zorrilla C, Kilian B Plants (Basel) 13-Jul-2022
Common Vetch, Valuable Germplasm for Resilient Agriculture: Genetic Characterization and Spanish Core Collection Development De la Rosa L, López-Román MI, González JM, Zambrana E, Marcos-Prado T, Ramírez-Parra E Front Plant Sci 09-Mar-2021

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